What is something that you have been red pilled on, that has basically changed nearly everything about you, thoughts, opinoins etc?
What has been your biggest "Red Pill" ?
That survey that showed American Jews prefer living next to Muslims than Christians.
That nobody, NOT ONE PERSON, knows the truth of reality. Everybody has a different opinion.
nords are subhumans
Pretty much this. The holohoax pill is a game changer, but hard to swallow.
A jew explaining the whole jew mindset in one tweet.
Someone post that, I have to see it.
How about that they basically run BOTH the Media (AND) the Fed? That shit's crazy.. They got you by the information you get, and they got you by the money you use.
Don't forget higher education.
That behind the propagation of every social ill lies a Jew.
I don't begrudge them for having an ethnostate or even them being successful.
But they are born parasites and nation-wreckers, happy to be tribal and insular amongst themselves, but sow division and promote degeneracy for the goyim.
That is actually what did it for me. Had I not gotten interested in WWII history, and started digging around, I would have totally fell for the "muh 6 million", and "but muh holocaust". I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the Jews would literally suppress the death, the pain, the utter suffering and heartache that the Germans, Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian etc went through, all to push some fucking narrative that they suffered the most...
My biggest Red Pill, or at least one of them has been the Holohoax during WWII..
The Trayvon martin fiasco change me. a Hispanic man killed a degenerate nigger and the media reported that a white man killed a innocent future astronaut. The president took the side of the niglet, lectured white American that we need to do better, and black people started rioting as other cases went viral. It made me realize that the media is blatantly lying to push some kind of agenda and that they are causing great hostility towards white men. The rest is history.
That people who wake up to the radical nature of Islam as a religion have for ages ignored the Jews both ethnicity and religion that is just as much against all other cultures, religions & ethnicities, as is Islam.
And we have allowed this culture to nest near us far longer than Islam.
Biggest red pill - that the global banking elites won the second world war by crushing white nationalism.........for now.
The willingness of so many to ignore simple facts about the case was an eye-opener. Like, how did Zim catch Trayvon if Trayvon didn't go back for him. Trayvon was closer to the apartment. If he had just continued walking home, Zim never would have encountered him.
My friend was raped and murdered when jogging in Howard Beach Queens almost two years ago. It basically connected all the dots of everything I already knew.
Honestly, 9/11. I was a young teen and within a year I was looking up conspiracies online. It all went downhill from there. Since then, I've met very few people I can have actual discussions about events, history and politics with IRL. Normies are so clueless and generally don't give a fuck anyway.
Nations can already produce their own humans.
The immigration crises, melting pot experiments, social engineering, are all just wide scale experiments before we're finally killed off and replaced by these vastly superior strands of human beings
Like others have said jews. Growing up in school learned about the holocaust and believed everything I was told. Before Sup Forums I did further reading about WW2 seeing Russia had a large role in winning than is taught to us. Coming to Sup Forums had more detail about this with the map showing how all labor camps were concentration camps at first. Then only ones on the Russian side were concentration camps. I thought why would that be when the west was never allowed to investigate them for proof. I've never seen proof provided for this. I've only seen lies that were told regarding the holocaust. So if they lied about skin lamp shades and electric floors how do I know gas chambers aren't a lie. Whenever I've talked about this with normies I'm a monster for thinking that. Things like that added up redpilled me.
>That the people who wake up to the radical nature of Islam as a religion have for ages ignored the Jews
The only difference I can honestly see between the Jew and Islam (as a whole) is that Muslims will *OPENLY* kill, maim and attack you. Jews will do it very deceptively, very sneaky. They'll encourage the production of harmful cancer causing foods, then manipulate the Goy to consume consume so that in effect their enemy (the Goy) will in essence kill themselves.
Oh god, someone actually mentions the fuckfest we were in for when WW2 started.
Literally put between a Nazi & Soviet Warmachines, left on the rocks by all those who promised us aid.
But thanks to our kind relations with Germany in past years, Nazis actually offered us a helping hand, so off to war we went, with literal Nazis as our battle brothers.
But all in all, there was ever only one goal, Freedom and independence for Finland, at any cost.
Yea it is hard to believe how blatant the lies were. Thank god for the internet. Otherwise they would have never been exposed and we would have just went with their narrative.
The sheer idiocy of thinking that a man who went out with the intention of killing a nigger would call the police to let them know he was trailing that nigger is astounding.
Yeah, everything else about Russia/Soviets have been deemed a lie perpetrated by the Communists, but oh no those death camps are 100% total truth, it is not like the SOVIETS had any reason to paint the Nazis as more inhuman with PROPAGANDA, NO SIR.
Hey don't sell yourselves short, even here in America kids grow up hearing probably overblown war tales of Finnish defense on par with the miracle on the vistula
I've always been skeptic about this "food poisoning" thing.
But then again, both Islam and Judaism has edicts that separate their members from the food processing of "common folk".
my biggest redpill was walking in on my girlfriend of two years having sex with her father. women are complete degenerates.
I am very aware of the pain that the Finnish went through during the cold war. As I researched and read more and more about WWII, I learned of a fella by the name of Simo Hayha, who I was in awe of. He was a Finnish Sniper (with cheat mode activated) 600+ kills and zero deaths.
Anyway, I digress. It lead me to read and learn about the Winter War that Finland went through fighting the Russians.
brave new world
You joined in right?
the south African white farmer genocide
You're going to love this. A buddy of mine is so brainwashed his explanation was that they didn't want us behind the iron curtain, and shut up don't think about how little sense that makes
What did you do after? Was she a nice seeming girl previously? What the fuck
ACORN in 2011.
Slavs will not save the white race, they are backstabbers.
Nope, turned around and walked out. They didn't even see me.
The behavior of blacks as a whole from 2012-2015 is sort of surreal looking back on it. They caused 10's of millions worth of damages to their own communities over absolute scum, who they pretended were upstanding citizens.
Having to work with and listen to leftists. I wasn't even interested in politics, I just developed a need to master politics so I could destroy them in a debate.
Yeah I know I'm cancer but I got better I swear ._.
Doesn't help when the media portrays these scumbags as upstanding citizens who were taken down by racist white cops.
I met an actual social engineer
Think a ridiculously smart and QUINTISENTIALLY german "european" guy who pretends to be a bum but actually he speaks at LEAST 5 languages brilliantly & owns the big house in the exclusive area that's actually massive drug den full of rich kids and 99% pure MDMA. Works for a big foundation (guess which lol) semi independently but not alone, to influence the culture of an entire fucking city. These people are there to create the habitat which the likes of antifa need in order to flourish
Their communities have no moral values left to praise, everything is on sale for a price.
To be honest, I believe that the ones that take advantage of all these "reasons" to chimp out and loot shit are most likely the more crafty of their communities.
This blog: richardkulisz.blogspot.com
My red-pill (besides the holohoax) experiences came from the fact that our government and the media enforces diversity and multiculturalism in an unhealthy way, and how everybody is ok with us whites dead because of how we are look at as "demons".
I told the story in another thread a while back. She was a good girl, honor student, beautiful. She moved to my town in sophomore year with her dad who got custody of her from her mom. She never met her dad until he retired from the Navy. We were together two years. I dropped her off one night and left. After I got home, I remembered that I left my laptop at her house so I went back. I walked in and heard noises, went to see what they were, and it was her and her dad having sex in the livingroom. They didn't see me so I grabbed my computer and left. She called for a few days but I didn't answer. She stopped calling, and after a month or so, I called her to get my things. She had figured out that I had seen them. When I confronted her, she was completely unapologetic and got angry at me like it was none of my business. My best friend was the only person I ever told, and he didn't believe me until he called her and she admitted it to him. That's pretty much the whole story.
The ultimate redpill is that every redpill is about Jews
Do no worry, there are many like you.
Gamergate was an entry level redpill.
It's the Satanists, Communists and Elite class that are behind all this SJW crap.
That Black on White crime is going on at a genocidal rate and the (((media))) is doing their very best to keep it under wraps.
This, Yep, that's another one. They pretend to be upset, so that they can later justify all the stores they looted, houses they robbed, shoes they stole, and houses they burned down. That boggles my mind.
Holy fucking shit.
>She was a good girl, honor student, beautiful
And apparently, a wonderful daughter.
911 and events surrounding it followed by Bush / CIA claiming Iraq had WMDs but later finding out that was bullshit.
This. Forced Multiculturalism and "muh diversity", Wanna know what Multiculturalism and Ethnic Diversity looks like, look no further than Sweden AKA Swedistan.
Bill Still is a national treasure.
After the US occupied Japan, we instituted divorce and child support laws before the word 'feminism' was even spoken of in America. When I learned that, my eyes opened even wider.
>chip my tooth the other night
>schedule dentist app ASAP
>sitting down in chair, get x rays done and they give me a bib
>before we start the procedure a nurse whispers into the dentist's ear
>they rip the bib off me and chuck me into the lobby, without hesitation
>"there's been a problem with your insurance"
>try to pay with card
>card is declined
>"have a nice day"
moral of the story is, money will make people be nice to you. so have a lot of it. my redpill of the week.
WTF!?!! Literally did not know that.. and of course Der Juden keep it under wraps..
The bolshevic revolution wasnt a russian revolution, but a jewish takeover. For me this was the red pill that got the whole thing rolling.
Keep your chipped tooth. The "repair" always breaks off. And to do the "repair" they will actually grind away even more of your tooth that's already broken off, so when that piece of shit repair falls off you will have an even bigger problem than you started with.
>finding out that women and men are different and that women are flip-flops
This is my biggest redpill.
This video is what redpilled me on the media, and I have redpilled many other with this same video.
It shows all of the tricks the media uses to influence the election
Something like this happened to someone I know. Dad was diddling his daughter and her best friend. He went to jail, daughter is pissed at her friend.
Swedistan was the first thing that came into mind when do I looked into it. The Shills love diversity (AKA genocide); but we (in America) are only winning against them because people are oped to see how the piss bucket scheme is just not right.
this is true, but if we dont, then who will?
Being around blacks in general, learning about the creation of the state of Israel in Uni 20th century history
Yeah, I believe it. My experience really opened my eyes about that stuff. It's pretty common but no one ever talks about it so it goes unnoticed.
That WW2 is probably the most lied about event in history and that hits extremely hard as a German, considering the lies and propaganda about it are comparable to no other country in the world.
That I don't have to get mad anymore. Why get angry over the fate of Humanity?
biggest red pill is the god pill then you realise that nothing matters anymore , all the former red pills also disappear , its not the jews its god
Liberal friends I had before who complained about certain right-wing "ebul misogynist" and "ebul nazi" websites.
Shockingly as a liberal I found myself nodding in agreement and laughing at such gre at content.
Over the process of a few months went to libertarian than to a fascist.
*great content
being born half jew half brit. going to a church of england school and to a jewish sunday school. very early age never beleived in god because i had two groups of fruit cakes trying to get me to join their cults while all i wanted to do was play with lego.
That's not all user...
There are literal thousands of these kinds of stories.
This is the only answer any of you fucks should be saying
But this is neo-Sup Forums and most of you are eurocucks and r3ddit pond scum so it won't be
The killings of Channon and Christopher was my very first redpill. I found out about it in 2014.
I was an arrogant libtard before that.
RIP. You will not be forgotten.
Living among and working with black Americans long-term is the biggest red pill I've ever been forced to take.
You really just have no idea until you live it. They are scum.
Taking responsibility for my life...
The first time I listened to a hitler speech compilation
He was the teacher I never had, really a great guy.
Tryvon Martin was a huge red pill
Known about the Jews for years
Bake the cake or die you bigot was another
Spics are almost the same way except it has to be anything but construction or crop working because when those fuckers set to do either of those things they work on it just like they would back home and do the best they can.
Literally anything else though and they're scum.
If anyone is a carbon copy of your example it is Muslims, fuckers literally live mentally in the 7th century
And how's that been working out for yah fella?
Well I'm going to assume you're telling the truth so i must ask.. how did you even deal with that? What did you do after you saw that?
You mean read one with accurate subtitles, since you most likely didn't know German at the moment
when they burnt Dorner.
According to Duolingo I'm about 40% fluent in German but yeah, 'read' is more accurate
My brother redpilled me on the truth of feminism and its anti-male agenda. I went down the rest of the rabbit hole from then on.
Not knockin yah buddy, if you had understood all his words when you first truly listened to them I would be both impressed and jealous.
Congratulations on becoming pretty fluent
>Tryvon Martin was a huge red pill
The media treated him like he was a saint.
Truly sickening.
Watching white women get mad when white men decide to go their own way and marry azn qts, then watch other white nationalist losers capitulate because someone in their "group" isn't miserable like them