Tell me about the He Will Not Divide Us thing

I've been away for a while so fill me in on everything I've missed in the past two months, in particular the capture the flag thing with Shills LaBaeuof

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not the best cartoon, but absolutely 100% accurate and true. also, amazing digits OP.

>in the past two months

>Tell me about the He Will Not Divide Us thing

did we go 1 year back in time

>absolutely 100% accurate and true
Classic satire, user.

two digit duubs and a quad

really, what part of it isn't true? that europe isn't sliding towards a demographic change in which muslims are going to be the majority? like what are you talking about? which part? please elaborate, oh wait, that's right, you can't cuz you're just saying retarded stuff.

go back to Sup Forums

aww what's wrong wypipo afraid of being a minority? :joy: :joy: :100:

>classic satire
>le funny reaction meme
>liberal leftist
same applies to you cunt

It's not, and you have no evidence that it ever will be. What past and current data are you basing these inferences on? That's right, a shittily made image on a peruvian basket stapling board
if you want any more evidence just ask

Then make more babies retard. Oh wait...

i don't need to even dignify this. demographic projections for europe, from all different groups on all ends of the political spectrum, have muslims overtaking natives as the majority in most european nations within the next few decades. especially if current immigration continues. those are the facts. end of story. its your job to educate yourself.

>asks for proof
>someone goes through the trouble to give him proof
>responds like this
this is why i didn't bother to post any links. i know you're not serious and i know you're just an emotionally driven, probably shitskinned troll.


Did you even check out that link? Look at the chart under #Ethnicity and tell me, what's that there number for whites and then tell me what's that thurrrr number for every other minority combined.

>muh birth rates
We became an advanced civilizations that we wouldn't HAVE to piss away our potential early getting a genetic lineage going, and this system produced great strides right up until dumb fucks like you starting defending a genocide.

>demographic projections for europe, from all different groups on all ends of the political spectrum, have muslims overtaking natives as the majority in most european nations within the next few decades.
I know you think saying things makes them true, but without actual evidence what you're really doing is called "spewing bullshit".

>claims to be master race
>too scared of a few jews and some government ministers


those number are from 2011 before the migrant crisis even started, you dishonest fuck. and we're talking about the future, not the past here. god damn dishonest shill bitches.

Nah, cunt. You're not allowed to field both muh birth rates AND "It's not THAT bad, goys". That's the exact argument that lead to every other dude in my country being a shitskin.

And now you've crossed the line and started strawmanning. Thanks for telling everyone you're just trolling or genuinely retarded, either way this conversation has no value and this is your last (You)

another guy already posted a bunch of links and he just got called a confederate nazi, or whatever. there's no point in me going through trouble to find you information when you don't want it. you can read what another user posted here or you could do the sensible thing and find information yourself through google. it's not hard. this isn't a point of contention. this isn't something up for debate. you're arguing with something that's set in stone and openly recognized by both sides of the political spectrum.

There hasn't been another census yet fuckface, hence why I'm saying that you're full of shit.

So the so-called master race is cucked by the government who make 0.001% of the population, got it.

>accuses me of not reading
>whites from 2001 to 2011: 1.8% rate decreasing
>asians from 2001 to 2011: 70% rate rapidly increasing
>blacks from 2001 to 2011: 66% rate rapidly increasing
>asian other (not indian, paki, bangladeshi) from 2001 to 2011: 260% rate rapidly increasing
more evidence just ask

if someone is asking me to prove the sky is blue, something that everyone already accepts, then i don't need to post a bunch of fucking citations and bibliographies to prove it, sorry bro. besides, someone already did that. the MSM actually brags about how europe and the US won't be white anymore. as if it's a "positive thing".

2027 is 2018 in England and Wales right now senpai

Those who refuse to see the truth are blind not by chance at this point. You're just wasting your time rehashing old talking points, these guys aren't even trying to spur better arguments.

it doesn't matter if there's been another census or not, you are presenting data from 7 years ago, before the government opened its borders to refugees. you either intentionally misrepresented data to be dishonest or you're genuinely too stupid to know why what you were doing was wrong. either way, both scenarios render your opinion worthless.

'm well aware user, ill give him the you's he lives off but i just want to drill his arguments into the ground

I still don't know how these fuckers get paid or if they're even actual humans at this point, it's just all so tiresome.

And you think those rates stay the same, the lines just go on exactly like that forever?

Where's your data then?

we've already been through this. if you want data on the demographic changes in europe, you can find it SUPER easily through a simple google search. there is NO contention about it. there is NO way for the left to hide what they've done to europe. you're literally arguing a point that isn't even claimed by either side of the debate because it's just simple known to be 100% false. the demographic change in europe is real and it is accepted as a reality by all. you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Go back to your home coun... OH WAIT YOU DON'T HAVE ONE

> implying european values will degenerate the shit out of islam
> implying in 20 years any self proclaimed muslim will actually believe in anything but money

you have a lot of trust in religion but it is a thing of the past

hey kiddo, this is an adult website, i think you stumbled across a website unsuitable for your age group, the cross is in the top right if on windows, or top left if mac

* will not

Check'em memes
> i know nuthink!


>I've missed in the past two months, in particular the capture the flag thing with Shills LaBaeuof


>not checking digits
You have no respect for our culture

yes, because Sup Forums used to be good now it's full of porn hungry newfags who make dickr8 threads and shit like that

Sup Forums