/itapol/ Antifa on suicide watch! [Racewar edition]

Luca "The Legend" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead"

Pamela's Mom: "Thank you, Luca"

Italian social networks goin full Roman Legion calling to get AK47 and target random foreigner migrants
"Alarming solidarity" for racist shooter "Gives measure of what's happening" says Traini's lawyer Giulianelli

EU is really concerned about the violent racism spreading in Italy.

Luca Traini effect: sales of Hitler's Mein Kampf grow by 200%

Migrants in Rome on suicide watch "we are scared now"

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples

Other urls found in this thread:


Nation Election Day 4 March
Last Polls:

Right Wing Coalition: 37,5%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,8%
- Lega [identitarians/populists] 14,3%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 4,6%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2,8%

Globalist Coalition: 27,9%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 23%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 1,9%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 1,6%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 1%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 27,2%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,4%

Why you care what leftists have to say? Also Boldrini is the most hated person in the country probably.

I'm /fit/ and ready. Should read something about first aid and survival in general probably...if there are some based pdf, let me know.

I think it's good like that.
She was eaten too, it is already really soft the message as it is communicated.


how can i become like luca traini?

Are any of you wops gonna stop sniffing this faggots arse and actually go out and do some more of this shit or what?

Times fucking ticking.


You don't have an immigration problem, people won't understand you, you will be just another mass shooter and that's it


>120dB Operation Italy
Put up posters of Pamela in Italy, especially Macerata. This will boost #120dB and keep the media focused on Pamela instead of the shooting.
>Pamela was butchered by a nigerian drug dealer; this is what made Kratos go on the shooting spree against migrants.
Pamela poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf
>Defend Europa Italy has been contacted, members near Macerata will ikely be putting them up - support & reinforcements appreciated.
>Mediamatters.org is already tracking this operation, we need to act fast:

>Fuck you leaf. "macellata dalle frontiere aperte" is a too strong world for Italy, too obviously political. It will backfire.
is this user right? is this a good plan, or will it backfire?


Ok basically it explain fairly what is this campaign and the hypocrisy of #metoo and feminists in general. Then explain what is Generation Identity.
It said a progressive "watchdogs" called Media Matter said the campaign is xenophobe and ethno-sexist (dont even know what it means like 99% of italians probably). Btw dont worry everyone who read this newspaper know that "progressive" means "dumb as fuck/retarded", thats why probably they mentioned it.
Also they contacted Generazione Identitaria italian responsible Lorenzo Fiato and he said "Here in Europe we are flooded by young males migrants by muslim countries. Their culture is primitive and misogynist and #120dB is trying to push into mainstream discussion the mass migration problem and the danger it brings on women".

Lega symbol changed!

Hello neighbours.

When i read about the Luca on Slovenian news websites many people in the comments were defending him and blaming mass immigration.

On one news site they closed down the comments due to all the support the man has received.

Some people claimed that his eye tattoo was "fascist" but barely anyone cared

thanks user, sounds like good coverage
I was speaking to a different guy from Defend Europa in Italy named Alex
wonder if him and Lorenzo Fiato are in contact, could be useful for coordinating 120dB in Italy

Looks like you have bright future after all.
If you have any slogans to meme LEGA to victory, please tell me.

Put Lega simbol with him it's not the best idea

"The politicians who are currently in power are not doing their work, if they did there would be no shooting on the streets. Ofcourse i am talking about deportation of rejected asylum seekers. Everywhere where people responsible will not do their job the people will take matters in their own hands. And taking matter in their own hands in the lightest way means beating migrants or burning their centers"

38 upvotes 17 down votes. A comment on Slovenian news

Yeah, the tattoo-symbol is from "Terza Posizione" a fascist organization born during years of lead.


What is your image about?Also is the new order a double sided axe?

Yeah. Agree. Maybe some photos of beach, classic italian architecture or mountains.
It is obvious that you are only country that can make change in europe. Greece also looks promising.

doing God's work anonbro

It's afraid meme with Alberto Bagnai as officer and Matteo Renzi as moster (or PD logo)
>www DOT festivaldellegenerazioni DOT it SLASH public/wall/imm_5345_Alberto%20Bagnai.JPG
>i DOT huffpost DOT com SLASH gen/4434468/images LASH o-RENZI-facebook.jpg

"HA PAURA" is "it's afraid" in Italian

The fire rises

It's even obvious but honestly even most of accepted refugees aren't real refugees.
There was an article about this problem. One dude was accepted as a refugee because in his country he smashed his brother's car and fled so his brother wouldn't kill him or some shit like that. Mind blowing.

Godspeed italian bros.

>tfw the Great European Racewar starts in Italy



Thanks for the translation.

I mean who the fuck flees from a country 1000 km away from Europe and crosses a fucking desert and a sea instead of going to a different African country.

not that guy, but
>what is the image about
basically what happened in the 70s and 80s, yhere were commies in the streets shooting people and duking it out with the fascists, who bombed them
>is the new order a double sided axe?

Shitalian wog
You are not real fascists, Mediterraneans are lazy commie ass negroids
Let real white and Northern people make the conservative politics in Europe, keep producing olive oil and smell like shit


>hehe this obvious retarded divide&conquer tactic will definitely work



what sentence can he expect?

almost forgot: at the time, the whole country was secretly ruled by a masonic lodge that went rogue, I shit you not

go back to guzzling nigger cum, Hans

Control your whores first. Then we talk.

Stop giving them attention, leaf

Fuck off

Not gonna lie, these memes are pretty fucking stupid.



At least it will work, unlike this wog subhumans of the continent's Southern half

>my shitalian ass is on fireeeeee

Faggot detected.


>When they don't know what to say, they say "It's Salvini's fault". Have you noticed??? I don't give up!


if the negro who raped Pamela after she died is by definition a necrophiliac, but also a negro

does that make him a negrophiliac?

Did he really use that meme? kek

fun fact: in ye olde times necrophilia used to be spelled as negrophilia


Not with that attitude


negrophilia sounds like a really horrible way of saying jungle fever

pls respond, pastabros

>implying niggers aren't ghouls


Train, say your prayers, and take your vitamins.


It really does sound like a real thing

Sorry about that. But ours are a minority, Romania is really to blame.

Never tasted Italian dick

tops? 18 months of prison for disrepecting the body
The body was too fucked up to actually see what killed her, if him or the drugs

No idea, actually.

at least 30 years


Good shit brother. The fire rises. Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help. We can be very creative.


yep just checked


yep just checked

>Pamela's Mom: "Thank you, Luca"

fuck yeah

>"I thank him for lighting a candle for my daughter, he was one of the few, in all that happened, to have had a thought true for my daughter, and I do not care if the candle had the effigy of Mussolini, Traini was right
>Traini was right
Holy shit leftists on suicide watch.

Whiter than you, mohammad


Here come the new Germans
>w-we are white
Umm no.

Here is the German Defense Minister reporting for duty ready to cross the Italian alps and invade Italy proper. If you thought the Germans coming across the Mediterranean were bad think again.

>masonic lodge that went rogue

Were New Order the masons?

Why do they look like gypsies?

Was your country really ruled by freemasons and who were they?

Masons were P2. Not mentioned there because they were orchestrating what the italian government was doing
It's really fucked up but super cool. Too bad most of that stuff is still secret to this day

Qualcuno di voi ha il link al pdf del documento dell'unione europea riguardo al piano per la sostituzione etnica?

no, New order were a fascist group
the rogue lodge was called P2 and had members in most key positions of the state
seriously, if you want to know more about them look up the P2 scandal

Here the Germans show off their newest addition to the Airforce. Be Afraid!

Yeah, well it wasn't really ruled but they had great influence over politics.

Heck the police never found out the genitals and the internal organs of Pamela, among the 20 chopped parts of her body. Whatever the nigger ape did to the Italian girl, not even Jack the Ripper could do.

i saved this from yesterday thread, don't know if it's what you are looking for

I need the link to the document by the (((EU))) about the programmed ethnic substituion.

I know it has been posted here these days but I can't find it.

Strage without any killing is 15 years.

godspeed user, grazie.


Rome will again!!!!





va aggiunta l'aggravante razziale che gli daranno sicuramente

here's something from the (((UN)))

Eh vabbeh oh quanto è st'aggravante razziale? Ma che stronzata di legge.

Grillo was so tired of M5S he ragequitted. I bet he didnt even will vote for them.

stai sicuro che se gli possono aggiungere anni lo faranno