Kumite live
Sargon Nigger meltdown
>the jew fears the ethnostate
>being this scared of a gay auto-didact
It's pretty funny because Ryan Faulk sucks at live debates, but he's so big-brained that rhetoricians like Destiny still don't want to fuck with him.
>bootlicking kumite
>yfw roosh was right
What even is all this here?
I want to cum inside Aydin Paladin
Agreed. Guys a sperg but he's in the right. Jim seems to agree that this isnt Sovereign Citizen level. That cop on yesterday was a douche.
>Roosh projected his willingness to fuck Laura Loomer onto Andy
>doxing someone's mother and then acting like there isn't anything wrong with that totally had nothing to do with it
>Loomer is women, therefore Andy wants to have sex with her
When you say cum you mean hold hands right?
>can't tell if laurence fishburne is white
>but southern europeans and welshmen with dark hair definitely aren't
>race doesn't matter, it's all about class and culture
>but you all need to start acting white and stop being white niggers
Her spoilt eggs might spit it back outvat you.
Of course, I'm a perfect gentleman.
Pic related is you user
>welshmen not white
Tbf that's the standard attitude of the britons
Friendly reminder that anyone taking online meme movements seriously is a faggot. All that matters is milking these pretentious e-celeb kikes for lulz.
>stolen valor kumite
Sorry m8, I'm not gay. As much as I like Andy, I certainly wouldn't take it in the ass. Roosh had the easiest fucking opponents imaginable: tradthots. And he STILL did poorly. I mean, it was bad enough to have Destiny shills but now Roosh shills as well?
holy shit he said nigger no way LOLOOOLOL
>Roosh had the easiest fucking opponents imaginable: tradthots.
Britanny is not a tradthot
>Destiny shills
That's different, Destiny never lose. Ever.
>you people do understand I am a person
>I'm a person and my name is Sargon
reported to the sharia police
Some one explain why i have a bad gut feeling on CRP. Something feels off. I cant put my finger on it. Anyone else got a similar feeling?
Stop listening to women.
don't make me dump my folder
Because he's one of the crabpeople.
He looks like a slimy salesman and tries too hard to be one of the cool kids, while appearing out of nowhere and presenting himself as some sort of mentor figure.
but go a stream an talk to them
Stop posting lewds
Because even a weak soyboy faggot such as yourself could probably kick his pathetic ass
"By the Prophet Zoroaster, she is even worse than a than a 5/10. She is, forgive me for speaking so, a mere 3/10."
okay, sorry
i guess lewds won't be allowed in the ethnostate
He murdered people for Pinochet.
He's an opportunist, the kind of guy that could go door to door and actually sell shit too, that kind of slipperiness
I don't think he's inherently dangerous though, he seems really fucking lonely and attempting to become the JBP for edgelords and plans to use that fame to become internet friends with cooler people than him, like Jim
>Fight me irl Jeff
The fuck u just say lad
>I blew out my knees walking every day
>I stayed on base
>more boot lickers
you heard me welshie, go back to africa
deleting everything.jpg
>"By the Prophet Zoroaster, she is even worse than a than a 5/10. She is, forgive me for speaking so, a mere 3/10."
"Just wear a burqa for a month and see what happens"
>closing thoughts
>3/10 would not bang, and 5.6/10 would not bang. sorry, not tit guy
say it to my face
"The eternal welshman is not white, he is the foe of the anglo race."
t. Fuhrer Sargon
He announced on the JF vs Academic Agent Livestream that he is writing a book. I think his plan was/is to gain an audience with the alt right, find out all the basic talking points, rehash them in a book and milk it as long as possible.
He is basically your average sleazy Cernovich book merchant.
Called it, JBP for edgelords
He might have recognised a gap in the market but the alt-right will never buy his book, he's already told us to lie down and let muslims trample through europe fuck him
why do they keep him around?
I will stop at nothing to destroy Sargon and his so-called 'Anglo Ubermensch Liberalist Death Machines'
She's sad Dr. Murdoch left her
The Welsh is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, inbreed, sheepfucker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him not-white and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>another thot upset by Roosh
He's a fun guy. Always has a wacky story.
She seems bitter about it that's for sure, maybe she'll do a big gesture to win us back and dr murdoch will have a love triangle story
She was definitely doing that thing where she's pretending to play it off as no biggie, but you could see in her eyes how wounded she was.
Jokes aside, did he actually say we're not white? Lmao wtf
Question is... who will be the mother of the star child?
He claimed that people with dark hair are not white, because white people never have dark hair. Therefore, the welsh and black irish BTFO
>Well, Richard, Irish aren't as we all know and the Welsh are just the Irish in Britain. They might as well be Sicilians or Estonians for all I am concerned, Richard. Six heard years of English occupation doesn't make them white, Richard.
Aye, ever since Tara's 4th generation holocaust survivor shit I watch everyone a lot closer, Lauren's body language was very defensive and submissive after that question not to mention how she kept saying how she regrets and made mistakes in her past, couldn't quite bring herself to say what we were all thinking though, I notice it's a trend among coalburners Aydin pulled the aloof I don't care card too
>Episode where they're both pregnant and force dr murdoch to choose, visits styxx so he can use his magic to see which carries the star child
W-what about Welshmen with blonde-hair and blue-eyes... They're white, a-aren't they Sargon Fuhrer?
>Sargon Nigger meltdown
I remember how Sup Forums used to think this guy was based when he was bashing feminists, sjw's, and colored people who wanted safe spaces... but when he went after the alt-right people got triggered like the little snowflake bitches they are.
Kinda proves his whole horse shoe theory.
Why are slovenes always such hardcore cucks?
Andy nerds out
>let's end the stream
>No one speaks a language unless they are that ethnicity, Richard. That is why white is so stupid, Richard. A Welshman who speaks English is still non-white. A Kazakh who speaks Russian is white. Don't you see, Richard? Haven't you read Loki?
Im so fucking /hyped/ for this season
I like Sargon. I just think he can’t take criticism. It’s cliche but I’d have a beer with him.
wew, he's done
Bitch, this show is a waste of time.
Make some highlights or fuck of. Im not watching that shit again, to sit there and watch retards go on for hours about irrelevant and useless shit to hear one or two edgy jokes.
>Sargon: "why aren't these people [alt-right] at least trying to act civil. Isn't a sense decency and respect a quality of white people posses?"
Kek, he got burned!
Does he know that we are talking about people who would pick The Daily Stormer over Shakespeare any day of the week, right? Traditional values and decency? Fuck that! Let's harass a young mother with a biracial child. Don't you see how white nationalism operates? It communicates through pornographic vulgarity. The reason they love to shit and piss on "political correctness" is not because they are some delicate "traditional souls" lost in a world of amoral decadence without any boundaries. On the opposite; they hate "pc culture" because of the rules and boundaries it imposes on them. It forbids them to openly hate, harass, rape or even kill people they deem unworthy of respect. It forbids them to treat women as second class citizens - this is what irks the alt-righter. Because to the barbarian; the mores of a civil society always appear as a straight jacket.
Who's Boomerpill fighting with?
Phase 3: star child civil war.
After they defeat the modernist together. one will lead the Ancaps the other will lead the Natsocs. FINAL BATTLE!
I know they rushed the Sargon episode out fast so it was relevant and that'd cause a delay and they operate on separate timelines and 1488 was worked on for like a year but fuck it's been a month
>Let's harass a young mother with a biracial child
She's not white anymore, she joined the nigger tribe who cares?
CRP is a fucking pussy, if you lose to him a Kumite you're a retard.
Oh god the slimy fuck is just lying now. He totally said he's doing this shit for his son.
did not knew slovenes are such fags sad people mistake you for slovaks that are based
Wait, isn't this the guy from Warski the other night?
Can only happen if you’re black
Yeah CRP is trying a new tactic instead of laying there and taking it like last time.
Who the hell is Sargon?
Fuck I meant Gaston but my mind slipped to Sargoy
The new leader of the Alt Right
Some guy who hates CRP.
I'll never understand the obsession with whether or not these girls fucked niggers here. You all talk about it so much it makes me think you must like it some how.
What did he mean by this?
>Stepfather getting mad at the internet
probably as real as his "black" ancestors
>get exposed to Michelle Catlin from these threads
>look him up because his accent is cute and Recette is a good girl
>he thinks he's a she
>unironically uses words like "transphobic" and complains about "transphobia"
Can somebody knock some sense into this faggot already? He's making libertarians look like cuckservatives. Is there anyone Chad enough in the right-wing YouTube community to slap the gender dysphoria out of him? It seems like he might not be that smart underneath it all, but it still sucks seeing people wasting their time with delusions like these.
The point is that traditionally, women were kept in line through ostracism and social shaming. Bad behavior like being a slut was publicly punished and shamed, and this served as a warning to other women around that if they did this bad behavior, they would be ostracized as well.
It's not so much about punishing a coalburner as it is about sending the message to other women that nobody likes coalburners. If you don't speak up and don't patrol, then you're implicitly saying it's okay behavior, and that's how we got to where we are today.
The Sargon plotline is a bit over the top imo, but they did build up the twist so I can't really complain.
The Alt-Right are Niggers!
>Be a Liberalist and you won't be a nigger, please!
I got bored of outrage videos long before he started shitting the bed over the alt-right boogeymen. After watching him for a year or two religiously, he felt a bit stale. Maybe not so much his fault as it is libshit normies' faults for being slow on the draw and bringing up the same, discredited talking points decades after they were remotely relevant. The Spencer and Sargon debate sucked balls on both sides. Spencer had the patience of a toddler and Sargon's fat ass thought strawmanning and chortling were arguments. Maybe it got better, but I just stopped watching when Spencer started to crack from the retarded responses.
>like, omg sargon, you are jutht being thooo tediouth
>bwua bwua bwua fucks sakes mate ur litreally hitler *eats entire ham*
>This Iranian sandnigger tells you to stop listening to your women and literally drug them or you're a beta cuck
>And Amerimutts eat the peanuts out of his shit
>He didn't like the Akira episode
The over the top anime episodes are the best
la creatura
What even is pornography, Richard?
>listening to a 39 or something old fag picking bimbos with daddy issues
>or the said bimbos with daddy issues
come on dont be retarded enjoy the trash fire
Fundamentally what's been going on is the anti-SJW response vid shit has been getting old and Sargon was losing steam and traction. He needed to remain relevant, so he tried attacking the alt-right with increasing ferocity. Partly because he wanted new material, and partly because he saw the alt-right as competition in the political marketplace that could displace him if he didn't nip it in the bud. So that's where this all stems from. It's just about an e-celeb wanting to remain relevant so the jewtube bucks keep pouring in so he doesn't need to get a real job.
el goblino oscuro...
>it's sexualized nude pictures, Sargun
i love this meme
>After watching him for a year or two religiously, he felt a bit stale
also done this
it's the same guy
>CRP brings up ethical CP out of nowhere
so you fags don't have anything better than suck these e-celeb clits huh.