Tell me your thoughts and opinions on Hyouka, Sup Forums
Boring but nice to look at.
Thought it was nice and comfy back when I watched it.
I should watch it again, now that I've read some mystery novels.
I was underwhelmed, I do understand it looks good but I don't care for the aesthetic. Only character I was fond of was Mayaka, the others struck me as fairly poorly written, and story sort of fell apart as a consequence. People praise the storyboards as well, I sorta found it more like discount Shinbo.
Simultaneously overrated and underrated. One of Kyoani's better shows despite not being talked about a lot, but some retards unironically think it's a masterpiece.
>Only character I was fond of was Mayaka, the others struck me as fairly poorly written
Pretty much this. It was a decent anime overall, but the other 3 out of the 4 characters were cardboard cutouts. Not much happens so there isn't a ton of appeal
For me, I think it's a perfect example of how to make an anime that takes advantage of being an anime rather than just being a book/manga/other story with some color and sound splashed in.
The fact that Kyoani had great source material and Takamoto put together fantastic imagery and visual cues all set against Tanaka Kouhei's brilliant OST make it one of the best things I've ever seen.
There aren't enough examples of studios putting something together that excels so well on all fronts, but this is one of them and I will always love it for that.
Anyone who thinks it's boring is literally too stupid to follow what's going on and probably can't pick up on anything more subtle than explosions and panties shoved in their face
Best SoL in the past 10 years.
I thought it was good. The people who say it's boring are probably millennials with 2 second attention spans.
not enough nee chan
Hyouka had the most chilling realistic arc I've witnessed in anime. It's an incredible anime.
Could've used more sexual tension between chitanda and oreki
Why were the mysteries so dogshit?
Still waiting for new Hyouka light novel. Any news?
I need to rewatch it.
Did that guy that claims that satoshi calling himself a human database is unrealistic go away? That was a fun couple of weeks.
Gorgeous animation.
Good characterization.
Shit mysteries.
And most of the time, boring as hell.
Not that it's realistic or unrealistic, I just think catchphrases are pretty corny and/or stupid.
It's ok, I remember enjoying it. Not really poignant though, I doubt I'll ever rewatch it.
Because the show is blatantly very close to life, and wasn't supposed to have crazy unrealistic mysteries waiting to be uncovered.
>Because the show is blatantly very close to life
This is what autists actually think
They were all pretty good though. That counterfeit money on was better than any murder mystery shit I've seen, considering the time spent.
I don't think trying to work mysteries into everything is very realistic.
Hyouka is also quite divisive because the quality varies wildly depending of the arcs themselves.
You can get something great like the cultural festival, or an abomination like the movie arc. There insane highs and lows between the different episodes.
>the movie arc was bad
This anime actually increased my
Chitanda is the perfectest girl ever created.
Enjoyed it, but disappointed at the ending. It was like, "Oh. It's over I guess."
Oreki is just like me, smart but lazy.
"this book smells like paint and has names written in it, lets go check the art club and find out"
Yes, people do this all the time
Dumb typical kyoani ending with the relationships going nowhere
Not just bad. It's complete garbage.
I don't really blame KyoAni though, the writing is unsalvageable.