Princess Principal
Post best girl(boy)
these threads are going to be fucking cancer
And to think up until today, there were only like 5 people who cared about this show and were anticipating it.
Is this yuri?
Moshi moshi
I was one of them and I was satisfied with the first episode.
You're right these threads will probably be awful. I can already tell people are going to run "you liar lol xD" into the ground
Thanks god Made In Abyss will absorb most of the shitposters.
It would be better without samurai girl, that instantly annoyed me.
It wound't be the second coming of Flip Flappers without the "are you felling the writer change?"
why are there so many good first episodes this season?
This was so bad, how can people unironically enjoy this?
>not liking best girl
That's a lie
All the people who kept beating off to Flip Floppers and all the guys who want the next big trainwreck have been anticipating this show. I never expected anything, and even then I am dissapointed considering how worn down the jokes are already.
Nice lie
>dat kino
We finally have our AOTY.
The latter are who will make the threads horrible
I really felt the writer change.
These threads have been comfy, smart, and hilarious. Le'ts just hope they stay that way.
It's a slow season.
That is a lie.
Sup Forums is no fun
I'd be surprised if this show sells. There's just too many elements conflicting with the different audiences.
Is this the highest IQ show of the last 20 years?
It's stupid. Just remove the japanese ninja crap.
I hate that shit.
Whoops, wrong pic
I find this quite interesting, more please based 3Hz
Is this show as deep as Sagrada Reset?
You're a master liar. Are you a spy?
I want to impregnate Ange right in her boipussy.
Are you saying that its not true then?
It's yuri shit. It will probably do as poorly as Flip Flappers. At least Bandai is paying the tab.
Flip Flpapers?
Dennou Coil?
why was this guy dressed like a nazi? is this an intentional parallel or just a poor choice of outfit?
>tfw thought it couldn't get even more pretentious
Glad I dropped this shit.
>standard run of the mill military uniform
Is this yuri?
Another flop by this studio. Can they just die already?
Yes. They aren't all my wives.
>Dropping a show
More like a commissar.
Ironic, I dropped that trash as well.
They will do much more humiliating things in vein of what Artland did before that happens. It will be with a whimper, not a bang.
looks more like a gommie t b h
?iruy siht sI
They even have something for the footfags.
Artland hardly got any works. 3hz doing fine.
What did he mean by this?
Can't wait for the shit sales.
can't wait for salesfags shitposting
It means you need to get your eyes checked, fool.
That's a British Army uniform user.
What does a footjob from her feels like
>MC is a cute boy
Picked up. This looks like Himegoto meets Baccano.
>tfw I can't even go to those threads and discuss the anime at all.
Thank god for original anime like PrPr.
when did the british become nazis?
When they voted to leave the EU, revealing their xenophobia to all.
What is so bad about them? It seems like more translation dumps.
Why does she wear the glasses?
They allow her to see when people are lying.
When the same imbeciles that say Tanya is a Nazi voiced their opinion.
helps her see through the other characters bullshit
I guess because Sup Forumsssholes will spoil the episodes
In order to defeat the Nazis, they had to become one
I want every girl to rape me
Just one more, this guy is just too funny.
I think the girls would rape you if you had some useful information they desire
This show is so bad but I can't help watching it to see how MC becomes a God in the end
>I want every girl to rape me
>not wanting to rape every girl
Anonymous, you are making the right choice.
iirc he goes on to say the difference is that a demon demands something in return, but a god gives to you out of grace. Not really pretentious when it's not so out of context.
I noticed in this scene she seems to unclip something under her scarf before talking normally. Is she using some sort of voice changer like Nolanverse Batman?
more like Conan's I guess
What about accent? If they are actually speaking in English, accent should be bigger a problem then voice. Do you think that loli speaks in full Welsh?
Serial Experiments Lain
picked up
Any more tongue edits? It would be a crime to not continue that for this show.
>a boy
You best be joking. There's even breasts.
pads, you fool
What's her issue?
I guarantee you the Japs didn't think that much about it.
The things pick up after episode 6 though, just try to understand the reset ability on the early episodes.
>"shit, that's hot as fuck"
3hz finds a way.
I think she doesn't want to be stabbed.
It's a frog(boy(female))
This was surprisingly good. I just hope it doesn't go to shit.
>man that looks hot