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I really wanted the show in a show to be called Re:Creators


I hope shark lives through all of it and stays around as a cafe maid

She can walk! Hallelujah!

it's a wasted opportunity, like the rest of the show



>All this effort to stop Altair
>Nobody cares about the murderer with supernatural abilities roaming the streets
Come on Government team

Isn't it called Borderline Coliseum

Thought it was called Purge Hall

Magane pads her chest.

Government spicing things up as usual.

It's all part of Meteora's plan. Remember when Selesia was gonna go after her and she told her to just leave her alone?

And rui likes it

They went even spicier than festival, just fes

How is he going to protect Metchin when Syo comes? I know Syo will think "Hey is that Yuya's girlfriend? Maybe I should take her out for what he did to my sister".

So when will they reveal that she's actually a knife-wielding maniac?

That's just the name of the final part which will be an anime. Elimination Chamber Festival is the title of the whole project including the individual spinoffs.

I don't think anyone has a chance against a whole squadron of metchinjets

>yfw he redeems himself for the things he did in story, by dying outside the story

Yuuya without his persona is just a guy with a wooden sword and some abnormal strength. Can he get a different ability, seriously when I heard Sacred Tree Kuronagimaru I thought he could manipulate and summon treelike vegetation

Star crossed lovers.



>steals government property
>provoked Aliceteria and Mamika causing the bridge fight
>Lets Magane go
>Doesn't consider Altair an enemy
>Tricks government into collecting power for her
What else? We need to collect all evidence

As rivals, Yuuya and Syo are probably matched in fighting ability. If Syo uses his Stand, Yuuya will just have to ask his bro Rui for help.

OP as fuck

He can make a really strong blast of wind.

I want Kikuchihara to spank me

That wind attack didn't even tickle Alice.

Since Meteora is with him right now, if they do encounter him while searching, she's gonna have to act as a stand-in for Hangaku.

Let's be real, medieval doomslayer aint stopping for that shit

Metchin should ride on Yuuya's shoulders and cast shields and spam missiles for him.

>Moeblob to Yandere

Shark makes a new friend.

She had to block it and was pushed back a little.

Hard to tell the accuracy of the subs though.

Yeah, but that's Alice.

>Same background, same spot
>Standing against each other
>At a different time of the day
Power of love is gonna stop anime from being real isn't it.

It's strong enough to block MSF and tear up asphalt.

>19 year old hag and her possibly 19 year old friend were sleeping in the same room as as a 16 year old boy.
>19 year old hag and her friend the make the 16 year old take them out for something to eat.
>They don't even put out.
Why is Metchin and Selesia pieces of shit?

Better one.

Altair is not cool


Yuuya's stick is unbreakable. A normal stick would be in pieces by now from deflecting all those bullets.

She can fly just like Hangaku.

That would be amazing. It could actually save this show.

bets on that nothing will happen again next week in this gay nigger show?

You're right. Metchin will probably just fly away and abandon Yuuya is Syo shows up in an angry mood.

He's a whiny pathetic beta with no redeeming qualities.
Why the hell would they ruin themselves for him?

Now that they have a new tomodachi: half the episode will be recapping things to her, then 1/4 about her feelings, and the last 1/4 will be looking for the other guy.

They're the same person.

He's gay.

When will we see Charon transform into a robot?

Here's a not streaming version.

>implying we'll see Charon at all

No. Metchin would never abandon a friend.

>No trace of him in the ED or OP
>Half of face isn't shown
>Scarf cut by half
Is this the dawn of punished Charon?

Writers have already forgotten him like Soda's mom.

It's either Hydra or Charon Alter (Hime is Shirotsumekusa Alter)

so the ghost things of Yuya and Syo are confirmed Oversouls?

Eh tried to superimpose them. The cracks in the lines are in the arrangement but they're not scaled the same.

>Pathetic beta with no redeeming qualities.
Souta is a decent human being. His three problems which have been shown throughout the shows is:

1. He's indecisive, he freezes up and doesn't take an action. When shit hits the fan though he'll man up to do something (or atleast try)

2. He burdens himself. Envy is his strongest emotion and he thinks by having this emotion he is in the wrong, has done something wrong, and will always be in the wrong. Anything that happens to a person he is envious towards, he thinks it is his fault.

3. He's an isolationists. He understands friendship and what it entails, but because of his nature to be alone he pushes himself away from others.

I wouldn't call him beta or with no redeeming qualities, he is honestly a nice person. But because of his Envy and indecision he becomes pathetic, but he is capable of doing something when push comes to shove and atleast tries to improve a situation.

Metchin doesn't like Yuuya because Metchin.

Also, the puddle where Altair picks the lotus is where Souta is standing.

So it was Soda's pee all along?

I should have seen the thread before posting.

Metchin likes Yuya because Metchin, she just acts tsundere in her own way

Yours looks better.

>Altair & Vega
We know where this is going.

And she gets to call him Grasshopper Glasses, it's just all good friendly banter because I can't trust any shipping to actually sail with only 8 episodes left.

he is too close, why is he so close? I don't like it, ahhhhhhh

Is this the most blatant and sad example of manufactured hype in recent times?

Don't worry, Altair is leaving already.

>Ars Goetia

>8 more episodes

What can possibly happen?

>Soda on 3rd place

Nips and their cultural differences were a mistake

Brand of Sacrifice

> tfw no png

Syo fucks every girl with a good rack.

More nothing.

>Gets the coolest excaliblast yet
>Instant #1
Japs have simple tastes.

I really want to see Altair win.

>Souta loses his virginity to either: Selesia, Metoera, new girl, or Altair
>Syo vs. Yuuya
>Yuuya and Alice vs. Shark
>Charon vs. Selesia
>Blitz vs. Meteora
>Everyone vs. Altair
>Souta vs. Altair
>Souta vs. Setsuna
>Souta becoming the God of Ink.

>Alice reslolving her arc
>Shark doing whatever a shark does
>Sota's donut steel
>The new creations and their arcs
>More production of the anime event
>Final fight
>Sota's resolving his arc
>Whatever else they have to explain about Altair.

If anything I don't think those are enough episodes

>He's indecisive, he freezes up and doesn't take an action
>has done something wrong, and will always be in the wrong. Anything that happens to a person he is envious towards, he thinks it is his fault.
>I wouldn't call him beta
Just how pathetic does a person have to be before you would consider them beta?
Souta is a classic example of beta. It's because of people like him being portraid as normal that the nips are having a declining population. Of course they won't get any girls when this is the shit they think men should be like.


If Altair wanted to break reality why stop with human characters? Some big monster that the government couldn't easily hide or control would be perfect for Altair's goal.
This is pretty fucking demonic

To think I was so excited that this was 22 episodes long. I fear they'll resolve the creations' drama in rushed unsatisfying ways, while they'll spend most of the screentime on more self-inserting into the creators and logistics.

Is she confirmed for best girl? OLD BUSTED NOT ALLOWED

Too much and she'll end up being kicked out by the universe.

Alice has no reason to fight Shark.


Considering her conception was from suffering and rejection I don't think fantasy fighting is enough to break the universe.

She's still chosen poorly so far, considering only a handful of people even know the creations exist despite half of them running wild.

When did Charon appear?

End of Ep.12, we haven't seen his face and he is not in the OP and ED unlike Syo and Milky way for some reason.

It really feels like everything in this show has been carefully constructed to provide the most efficient ways of blueballing the audience.

What if Meteora's plans succeeds, Altair disappears in front of the screens, everyone else says goodbye while disappearing and then, after the credits, a scene of Souta going home and a long silver haired girl dressed like Setsuna passes by him on the street?

The only one running wild is Magane, and she's pretty much been laying low on purpose.
Other than that, people will just think they're just cosplayers since all they've been doing is walk around.

Fuck, I skipped EP 12 because it's recap shit.