Little Witch Academia
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Forget Mary!
Despite being the original averyfag I somehow missed tattun posting that she is Canadian and didn't get to ask any questions. Now I find out late that this qt is a fucking leaf. And I missed tattun again today.Thank god yoh couldn't do it today so the q&a gets pushed back. Does anyone know when he will be back?
He's gonna be busy the whole week. Maybe next weekend. I doubt Yoh will ever do the Q&A
No idea, but flying back and the cold will probably mean he'll need to rest for a while.
Why is Finneran talking to Chariot in Playstation
Avery complaining to the lunch staff that the syrup that they serve with breakfast isn't real maple syrup but just table syrup and being mortified to learn the staff don't know the difference.
>I found out this QT is a fucking leaf
I hope you still love her user
Would you?
Chariot wants to impress Croix but she's shit at games.
You gotta believe!
Does Croix ever let Chariot win on purpose?
Did Finneran not age?
Never. They got drunk once and to avoid losing Chariot started teasing her by removing clothes piece by piece, but Croix is too competitive and wouldn't let herself get distracted.
She's a witch, user.
The dumb awkward question he got in AnimeMidWest about Anno suing Gainax scared him of Q&As.
She's still a qt. She's still my favorite background with.
I love these dorks! I want to help them practice kissing!
I need a game tournament episode where Croix finally realizes that her reflexes are worse now, and she loses to every little witch just like me
When will Netflix upload Episodes 14-25?
>You will never master the perfect 3-way kiss with Hanna and Barb
august maybe
>Avery complaining to the lunch staff that there's no syrup available for breakfast
>the lunch staff retorting that it's breakfast, not fucking dessert, and she can go back to the Americas if she's unhappy about that.
Of course. She seemed more Asian to me, so being a leaf seems kind of odd. It won't change things knowing that she is a notorious shitposter. She still has a 10/10 design and those made for vanilla eyes. I hope that someday there will be more info about her available, maybe some more content with her in the game or an S2, and of course more vanilla lewds.
Tournament arc vs other schools when?
Croix isn't a little bitch casual like you.
That has nothing to do with reflexes though. 16 year old teen is easily faster than 28-30 year old.
Stop not wanting Trigger to go bankrupt.
She's basically the lead background witch
スーシイ !
will she ever appear again?
From her namesake, she also longs for more golden age Looney Tunes animation and is a big closet fan, making hand-drawn stuff she uploads online
Canada is 15% Asian, especially around Toronto and Vancouver IIRC.
Yes in Season 2
There are huge numbers of Asians in British Columbia
Only to steal away Chariot and make Croix jealous.
>you will never be Barbs and invite Lotte to one of the "practice sessions"
>ywn catch a glimpse of her bashful face when she watches you demonstrate on Hannah
>yeah feel her hot, embarrassed lips when you finally do your turn with her
>ywn hear her awkwardly and quietly ask when she can practice with you again
Good thing PS have no games
Yeah, Richmond is fucking filled to brim with chinks.
or she could be part Inuit
>Barbara is embarassed about the though of kiss Lotte and wants to practice
>asks Hannah to help her
>makes Hannah wear glasses during as practice for kissing girls with glasses
Is this a reference to something
She could be half Asian, Vancouver has a large Asian population, I should know, I live in this shithole
Would I what?
Man fuck you, try living in the middle of this fucking continent. At least you got mountains and shit to look at.
The tables have turned!
>another leaf in this thread
No wonder they're so awful. Can attest to Vancouver being a shithole though
Rough sex between Diana and Akko!!!!!
I was referring more to the people here, the place is beautiful
I'm not doubting that. Toronto is one of the most diverse cities she could easily be from Canada and still be Asian.
I think I'm just disappointed that that best witch is a fucking leaf
>being disappointed that she's a shitposter like us
That just makes her even better
It's okay, plenty of leafs are disappointed over being Canadian.
That's what I asked in the previous thread we still don't know
I've always thought Vancouver was such a beautiful city.
Still praying that their economy real estate bubble pops.
Th-this needs art or a fix, I don't care. it's too cute to pass up.
Akko (cat)?
If you say so user. Maybe we will get some art of her shitposting on the computer in her pjs or underwear
I'm still sad I didn't get to ask tattun some more about her while he was on the subject.
>If you say so user. Maybe we will get some art of her shitposting on the computer in her pjs or underwear
I need this so badly.
Sports tournament episode in which Akko is forced to get Amanda and Diana to work as a team when?
so anyone interested in a discord server where we can talk about witch and stuff?
Die in a fire user.
That might be a little too cancerous even for these threads.
I don't think I'd be able to handle the autism, especially if the Diakkofags end up taking over the server.
i could make mods that will make it less cancerous?
The fights are brutal, but the makeup sex is spectacular!
Never join a fucking discord from this site
It always turns into a cesspit of cancer and autism
Your own mods would then remove you in the process. Then they would delete the server
>a cesspit of cancer and autism
You mean the current state of LWA threads?
Goodnight Sup Forums
So do we user, Avery never got enough vanilla lewds
The difference is that you can now put a name and face to the cancer, making it more detestable.
Yeah pretty much but worse
I just want this last QA already so I'll have zero reason at all to come into these threads
Go to bed, Arturo.
Why won't Tattun let us die?
2-part sports tournament with Akko doing a training montage in super baggy clothes because it looked cool in the movies when?
Well you know...
Would you?
I don't understand.
That depends on what the fuck is wrong with Akko's middle finger.
plsgibblair(and purple team)somelove
Akko taking a half squat shit?
>It's been a while since we've taken the bus
>Aren't you getting on?
Another one.
Needs more lewds!
>That time
>In the courtyard
>I thought I had her...!?
How can any of the witches resist Avery?
How did she fit under the basket before
The basket got bigger.
I don't think she's meant to fit underneath the basket in the first place.
Lotte should've attached Lotte eye cutouts to her glasses
What then?
You can't.