Its monday. Post Madoka

Its monday. Post Madoka

Other urls found in this thread:*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/


my nigga you just got roasted


I've made love to Madoka.


I like Sayaka more.


This. Madoka is a cry baby.


If anyone has ever wondered what mental disease looks like, this is it.*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/*/ghost/only/

Reminder that this person is ban evading, thus should be permanently having his posts deleted.


why is the OST so fucking incredible?

You are ban evading for the xxxth time.

Oh look, you bumped your thread from page 10 yet again.
It must such having autism as crippling as yours. You literally can't even leave your house because you're consumed with constantly bumping your own threads.

And even if I was ban evading, that doesn't excuse how you are ban evading. And you are ban evading for breaking actual rules, as opposed to just having a brain damaged mod on a power trip.

Suddenly Kyouko.


I wonder who is the baited retard mentioned by the mod.

Not you, !Akemi. That's for sure.
Because in order to bait people, you have to fool them. And you're not smart enough to do that. Which ironically enough makes you and the mod the retard. People telling you to stop TRYING to bait people doesn't mean they are falling for anything. It's also funny, because said mod is also so retarded that he tied all of real life personal information to a single online username that he also used for his handle as a Sup Forums mod. Only a total retard would have that little common sense.


I can't even imagine how pathetic your life must be that you have yo physically delude yourself into thinking that anyone who tells you to stop baiting is actually "falling" for your bait.

How genuinely retarded do you have to be to think like you.


Hahah, xddd look you took my bait.
I baited you into saying you baited someone by saying you're trying to bait people.

No, really, you're retarded, stay and reddit where you belong, you low life retard.

It's not often that you see someone this honest to god retarded.

Yes, I agree. How thick a person can be to call another a retard when he is actually the retard.

Right? Only retards make constantly baseless claims and delude themselves into thinking they are actually "trolling" people. Even more so, what kind of retard literally can't even explain a single thing they say. A crack shipping retard, that's who.