So, do you guys still read the manga? This was supposedely very popular here at some time. Since the anime was very popular on the west would be possible for us to raise a kickstarter for a 2nd season?
Also, what was the deal with 2chan about it? Some sources says that they boycotted it and some others says they liked it. What happened?
Started yesterday, already watched the whole anime and on manga chapter 40 atm.
Do you think people here most agree with you or it's the other way around?
Luis Ross
And why you hate it? Did it hit too close of home for you?
Christopher Davis
I like Watamote a lot. I think the manga is good, but I don't like series that go on too long. I'm not into some of the later antics.
Kayden Anderson
I did probably until the anime aired, even bought the first volume when it was brand new along with everyone else maybe I should catch up on it
Kayden Ortiz
Well... seems like Sup Forums don't care about it anymore.
Carter Rogers
too mean spirited
Nathan Gomez
One thing that made me feel about this show is that there were probably a girl like this at my school and I probably never said hi.
Josiah Cox
I care, user
Liam Campbell
Seems like a pol.c jerk.
Parker Taylor
This guy thought SAO was a masterpiece. He has also stated that he watched anime on his smartphone while he is working out at the gym.
He is not a careful viewer or an intelligent man.
Hudson Watson
stick around and you will find watamote threads popping up when new chapters come out.
>working out at the gym did he explicitly write this out, if so why did he have to go out of his was to tell people he works out
Daniel Clark
So it means 4ch still somehow like it. Why it sold so bad on Japan? I tought this thing of kind would be easy to correlate for 2ch nips, or that's actually the problem with them?
Mason Barnes
We still have threads when there's a new manga chapter and stuff. I think some people dropped the manga when Tomoko started to make friends because they couldn't relate to her as much. I'd like to either see a second season or it get some OVA adaptations of events from the manga like the school field trip pls
Tomoko may not be very popular but I like her!
Christian Cook
>>working out at the gym >did he explicitly write this out, if so why did he have to go out of his was to tell people he works out
Strange that people would drope for that reason I tought fans would cheerish for the MC progress especially as an history like this.
Connor Foster
It's just a hunch of mine but I see every now and then someone complaining that "Tomoko became a normalfag" and shit
Austin Fisher
That's retarded. I'm glad she's growing as a character. All I want is for Tomoko to be happy.
Austin Lopez
She's sloppy and gross.
Carson Walker
Maybe it's the manga, it does seem to have a tragicomedy tone, while the anime on my POV was much more depressing.
Lucas Morgan
I don't think people dropped Watamote because of that. Pretty sure people dropped it because it's just natural that not many will care after 100+ chapters.
I can't remember where I left off, so I can't pick it back up, but I still read it once in a while, when there are threads about the new chapters.
Alexander Young
Watamote ended a long time ago. However somehow the author is still publishing chapters from a SoL manga with the same characters under the same name. I was a bit confused by this.
William Hughes
Same, I like that she's grown as a character
Yeah, the anime only adapted the first few chapters where Tomoko is a complete autist. She grows out of that as the manga goes on.
>it's just natural that not many will care after 100+ chapters. Yeah, probably. I got into the manga back when I binged it last December so I'm still into it and stuff.
Robert Wilson
True, but I rather see her develop at a snail pacing true to her persona than to some miracle happens that gets her out of her hole (wich I was kinda expecting at first glad it didn't turned out this way).
Joshua Mitchell
watamote is r9k at this point. it's a generic SoL about fitting into life. there's no humour anymore, just very normal shit.
James Butler
But Watamote's not as gay as current r9k is
Camden Parker
The shit? She's getting pretty af. It would be impossible for some guy not to at least look at her atm.
Noah Wood
I think I posted a pic of how she imagined herself once. I know this is from her coming back from the convenience store in her 2nd year
Joshua Jenkins
No, turned to shit.
Gabriel Barnes
Fuck yeah my crop
Samuel Reyes
perfect female body
Luis Morales
I stopped reading at about chapter 60/70 I think, really started to run out of material
Michael Morgan
>do you guys still read the manga?
No, I stopped being a faggot and now I read Umaru instead
Jaxon Jackson
truly a man of culture
Joseph Perez
I like the manga, but I think character Tomoko is developed too slowly. She keeps being an idiot. If she really is this obsessed with becoming popular, she should at least 'try' to improve herself. Any improvment that happens to her happens because of 3rd parties.
But does she actually try to do something on her own? For example, trying to adjust the way she dresses herself? Nope. Trying cosmetics? Nope. Going to bed on regular times? Nope. Excercise? Nope.
I get why she started out like a complete failure, but it's hard to keep sympathizing with a character when they don't even try to apply the easy fixes.
Aiden Carter
Connor Perry
That's how she imagines herself to be as an adult. I believe the volume contains an extra sketch of "Tomoko's expected future vs. Tomoko's future" and she's just sitting around playing video games with big bags under her eyes in the later.
Samuel Green
She's just learning to be herself man :^)
Cooper Price
Get the fuck out, normie scum.
As for Tomoko's development, it'd be nice if the author had the guts to show how shallow and fleeting most friendships could be, even if they are genuine. Make it so Tomoko drift apart with her friends, or hint at this being possible. Real friendship like treasures, are rare, but invaluable if found.
Jaxon Rogers
updates too slowly, i read it every 5 months or so.
Jace Martinez
>normie scum
Lincoln Peterson
I can kill anyone for tomoko.
Daniel King
I like Dick Chan and Emoji best, we need more chapters with those two.
James Russell
>shallow and fleeting most friendships could be, even if they are genuine
Contradictio in terminis
Xavier Bailey
>watching anime >working out at gym
Bet you $50 that faggot doesn't even lift. He probably power-walks on the treadmill while his phone is resting upon the personal-belongings tray positioned beneath the LED progress display.