You have now married and impregnated the last anime girl that you've seen. How lucky are you?
You have now married and impregnated the last anime girl that you've seen. How lucky are you?
Just traveled back from the future and watching the Tomo chan anime.
Does this count?
Aww yeah I'm gonna pound that horse pussy.
I'm not sure I'd be able to escape the wrath of my brother-in-law.
Does this count?
B-but she's already married!
You tell me.
No, that's a man you fucking faggot.
a little scared to be quite desu
Will it be undone when I wake up?
It's only gay if you can see the dick.
the luckiest
Pretty lucky, I suppose.
Lucky me!
I see it as good luck
There's definitely worse girls I could have married.
I'm happy with this.
>qt genius who helps design top tier mechs that save the Earth
Yes, please.
Well, you just made it Tomoko. The one I saw right before was Lain.
Hina is not impressed.
I'm extremely happy with this outcome.
Very lucky.
Looks like I'll providing for two on this one, boys.
I'm okay with this.
Please kill me.
Uruaka. Guess it could be worse.
but she's already my wife, why would I marry her again?
B-but that's a boy
>any girl from Sakura Quest
If she was the restaurant owner, I would be very glad.
Uh, that would be the virgin mother from that Vatican show. I guess that makes me God now? Nun are married to Him after all.
Season 2 ruined his fucking design, I'm still mad about it.
I have no complains.
Unless you try to argue gantz:0 do'nt qualify as anime
go to jail
>Actually got married
>Actually gave her my creampie
>Knocked her up
>Have the same name as MC
>She got her happy ending
Dreams do come true!
its ok
I'm not sure. I like to cook so she would like that but the grocery budget would be ridiculous. She would have to do a lot of adventuring with me probably being the house husband. I just hope we have boys instead of girls. Having to explain why my overpowered child is going to have to bleed from her vagina for the next forty years is probably enough to cause the world to end.
Clearly I win.
Not bad I guess
This is why we cant have nice things desu.
I made out pretty good. Would have preferred Kyoka, though.
The Happiest Girl in the World.
But there's still three episodes left and I don't know if she will survive till the end.
The MC should just kill himself at this point, the universe is clearly conspiring for him to die alone.
I'm okay with this
I guess not very lucky since she would never tell me she was pregnant
My wife, yes!
YES!! but I think she don't want me.
Im so sorry.
The last anime girl I've seen was Tomoko, when I looked at your pic.
Crap, and I was so close to getting Sayaka.
I mean, atleast she's 18
I'm surprisingly okay with this.
Why would you be?
Katyusha is my waifu, and I love her very much, so I'd be a very happy man once she tells me that she it pregnant, of course, I'd cry a bit, but they'd be happy tears.
>dies during childbirth
Very conflicted.
>They skip horse pussy episode
O I'm mad as horses .
No she wouldn't
Apparently Uraraka was the last thing in the preview at the end of ep7. My quirkless barrel of uselessness is now an additional financial burden on her, but I'd rate it as pretty lucky all things considered.
I can't complain.
I don't mind impregnating a middle schooler aka JC.
>Impregnating a middle schooler
peak fertility
I win.
Bretty gud
Where I live if impregnate an underage girl I have 2 choices:
Go to prison
Take responsability and avoid prison
Since it is Chino, the choice is easy.
Wouldnt you go to prison anyways on charges of pedophilia?
Or is it some arab state?
Do not post this fiend on Monday.
Only if it is rape. If it is consensual and parents are okay then I avoid prison.
Shame it isnt like that in other places honestly
What general area of the world are you in?
Shut up she was best girl.
Very. She'll be a great mom.
Thanks for bringing this valuable information to my attention
Poor soul. How's that highest murder rate and being run by street gangs?
Big Mom
Shit but anime girls keep me sane.
I'm ok with this
>watch comfy umaru episode
>tsf appears
>close the episode so i don't see her stupid face anymore
>see this thread
Pretty lucky. Especially since the anime girl I saw before her was Megumin, and then I'd be on the way to jail.
I just finished this movie, it hit really fucking hard in the feels
At least I finally get my deaf gf
What if I'm a girl
How does this work
What kind of a wife would Yuzu be?
So is the kid half-dragon? How the fuck is this going to work?
Would probably be a miscarriage, GoT style
With a lot of luck.
last anime guy you saw impregnates you
Shouko is so fucking cute
The main girl from Tokyo Ghoul
The one that's still alive
I fucking hate gypsies though. They stole our freezer and my bike twice when I was a kid.
I know right? Her innocence really helps with her cuteness, I don't think anything will top feels like A Silent Voice did for me though
>they stole our freezer
How does that even work?
It destroyed me on multiple occasions, its an all time favorite now. It also helps that I'm a Kyoani/Yamada-fag.