Is she best girl of the season?
Is she best girl of the season?
Spoil me fags. Will the beta kid ever stop orbiting her?
>he didn't watch Princess Principal
pretty much
as far as the manga went, nope.
that's not frankenstein.
No, that title belongs to Nanachi. But she's the most erotic, for sure.
worst girl is best girl
Does he ever do anything relevant?
Does this ever become something more than Akagi for virgin who need fanservice in everything ?
>Does this ever become something more than Akagi for virgin who need fanservice in everything ?
he's trying to save her life in the current chapter, but Mary is doing most of the work
Does Blondie ever pay her debt? I'm starting to feel bad for her.
yes and in a really good way
No. She's second best.
Ange is the best.
>two best girls are known for their lies and manipulation
Ange is
I dunno but would deito
>Threads only talk about girls and embarassing fantasies
>y-you a fedora !
Fuck off already, but have a look at your own shit
Not even best from her own show.
Is it soon? I can't stand her suffering any longer.
You mean Kaiji. And the answer is not really, it's basically trying to do Akagi's story with better art, and less interesting characters, from how far I last read into the manga. I think she loses one game for a RUSE TO PLAY FOR HIGHER STAKES and the MC is nowhere near as cool as either Akagi or Kaiji. She just has a bunch of ahegao faces and near ecchi scenes because of how much she loves gambling.
It's basically Akagi for people who don't want to learn anything about Mahjong, and care about waifus.
have a little patience
Counterargument: Mahjong is fucking retarded
pay your denbt
So you're agreeing with everything I said, except you said it better ? Nice
This and Shogi
Not even the best girl of her show.
Nah, she loses involuntarily due to a third party cheating, but uses that defeat to go after the top players.
get used to Sup Forums
Fuck off retard
just watched anime's first episode, it's even worse than the manga. FairyTail-tier virgin bait. Getting triggered about truth isn't going to help with this show's fanservice in place of actual good gambling maneuvers.
I dare you to watch it right after jerking off. Without horniness I'm pretty sure you'll find it stupid and vulgar.
>mfw hand mirror out of thin air
>FairyTail-tier virgin bait
You do not belong here or you've been in "manly" echo chamber threads. You really sound like you belong in a Facebook or Reddit community. So change your retarded view on things or stop posting because you are going to keep being met with flack from people.
>you don't belong here because i live that should exist only 1 type of anime-viewer: the criticless teenager type
>Thinking le overreacting to everything girl is best just because she makes faces
>"y-you have to be as pathetic as me to be allowed to post here !"
>accuses me of dwelling in an echo chamber
FFS just jerk off to regular porn or hentai if you feel like it, and stop defending this kind of embarassing shit.
Your damage control is shit, and your "sekret club" rambling makes me think you're one of those lolifags getting devastated when called pedophiles.
mfw sexually-frustrated nerds are called "people"
She looks thirsty as fuck. Is she craving for the D?
Sup Forums post-Obama era
Holy fuck. You're such a walking stereotype.
It's just summer, really.
No. She is gamblingsexual.
>dumb "manime" keyboard macho men disregarding anything that hasn't muscles
>sexually frustrated nerds gobbling anything that has fanservice
Pretty sure those aren't the only two existent demographics, nerd.
No, why would I be ? Try to make sense at least, I get you're triggered but still.
>here a pic that isn't from a fighting anime
alice in borderlands
liar game
one outs
Any others i'm missing?
Maybe she wants to gamble when it's not a safe day?
Fuck off retard
remove this piece of shit "alice in borderlands", and replace it with "gin to kin"
what's wrong with alice in borderlands?
Yes she is
Of course she is. What a silly question.
Jesus Christ how pathetic.
To correct you on one thing, though:
>in place of actual good gambling maneuvers.
>>mfw hand mirror out of thin air
You realize earlier in the episode she went in-depth to literally explain to you that complex maneuvers would be ridiculously difficult to pull off with that game, and simplistic ones easily sunk?
That's why Saotome used something that demonstrated her eager to overtly cheat and use her glorified lackeys.
That game was to show how bent the school was, there aren't going to be any super-complex gambling maneuvers in rock paper scissors. And if there were, they'd be retarded asspulls, and you'd complain about that, too.
You should at least have a fundamental understanding of shit that you critique.
Haha no
>Gin to Kin
>It's basically Akagi for people who don't want to learn anything about Mahjong, and care about waifus.
That's kind of a gross oversimplification. It's not as smart as Akagi in it's gambling, but the it has legit surprised me with it's theatrical knack, art and animation, stylistic directions, ability to use visual and audio cues to set a scene, and character-interactions/dialogue.
It's better than Akagi in a lot of facets, the actual gambling just isn't one of them.
Kill yourself fag
This show is so terrible and toxic its not even a parody.
I don't even how people can watch that stuff without puking.
This is the most summer post of summer so far.
It's an entertaining show. But I can't get over the fact that women aren't prone to gambling.
Gambling is almost an exclusively male hobby.
I'm shocked by the lack of competent male gamblers on the show.
Some people derive pleasure from this much titillation. The show is basically built to make you want to fap but you can't. It's the mental equivalent of orgasm denial, while you watch the ahegao faces of girls getting off, and foot fetishism scenes and so on.
>Jesus Christ how pathetic
says the butthurt waifufag
>hand mirror out of thin air
Yes, if only during the time she was shown doing porn acting she was also shown holding the mirror it would've been great. But mentionning it only at the end with no previous appearance is the textbook definition of a "retarded asspull".
wish fulfillment bullcrap with a shit ending I don't even remember that well due to bland writing
Nah go jerk off and come back when you got your spirits back. Porn-like overacting, archetypal characters, asspulls, cliché beta-MC, dumb faces aren't qualities. If anything the only fact that all the relevant characters are female should hint at the true core of the show.
>asking you sternly to go have sex
careful calling me patrician there, although it's nice knowing taste isn't dead
>"I just memorized 104 uniques visual patterns and the card they're attached to, in 3 minutes"
>"Is that even humanly possible ?!"
No it's not, it's called bad writing.
The man wanted to make a gambling manga about crazy women and so he did, fiction doesn't have to reflect reality.
>girls are known for their lies and manipulation
Just stop replying to the retarded thatanimesnob asslickers.
I'd still like some of those badass gambling type of men in this anime tho. At least one or two cardsharks.
>being this butthurt
You're a moron, obviously, and I don't care about your angry fedora-tipping over there, but something you said particularly:
>>"I just memorized 104 uniques visual patterns and the card they're attached to, in 3 minutes"
Does anyone who read the manga know more precisely what happened? Because it seems that she memorized 52 and then miraculously managed to match them with the 26 other correct cards despite not knowing the other 26's placement?
Or did she know ALL the cards because they, despite half not showing heat-marks, had the same patterns on the back. In that case, why did Sumeragi even need the heat-marks to identify? Shouldn't she have been able to apply the same memorization to the designs themselves?
It didn't really make it clear and though I liked the scene with her only knowing half the cards managing to sweep in one turn seemed strange considering there was still 50% she was oblivious to.
Yumeko was indeed based on a friend of the author who suits that Kakegurui profile. At any rate, if you let facts or real life get over your immersion, then you won't be able enjoy things to their full extent. Like most animu, it's all fantasy.
What's creatively interesting is putting that predominantly male profile (as you noticed) in a nicely designed female and form of expression. It's the fantasy and allure that real life often lacks, and one of the reasons people seek these forms of entertainment.
>post girl
>call it gayroom
Really funny user!
That's not a girl tho.
The manga is done by two females tho
Some will likely show up in the manga. The male will probably end up becoming like Yumeko herself and actually beatiing her at a full stake game.
go ahead, make up some headcanon to justify this scene. Anyway like those two admitted:
>The show is basically built to make you want to fap
>putting that predominantly male profile (as you noticed) in a nicely designed female
the show was indeed created as an ecchi knock-off of glambling mangas. My first impressions were proven right, to each their own now.
I think you might not have watched Akagi if you think Kakegurui has better theatrics, visual and audio cues, animation, and stylistic direction. Akagi's pretty well known for having one of the best soundtracks and visual styles ever put to screen.
Character-interactions probably, in that there's more interaction then the bit where Akagi slowly destroys his opponent mentally.
it just needs 2-3 more males.
Well said
To wrap this up, just noticed the different waifu archetypes present in the Student Council. Crazy pierced girl, loli dressed as a teddy bear, etc. It's been proven this show'll rely on waifufags and heavy fanservice to thrive.
Before getting butthurt, consider the others threads and their "I want [character] to rape me !" and the fact OP talks about "best girl".
>inb4 devastated sex-deprived nerds, pic related
I wasn't making up headcanon, I said that what seemed to happen was retarded, so asked anyone if that was actually the case.
Why are you so upset at this show? People are going to enjoy it and just laugh at your enraged ranting.
Ah, well, doesn't matter, I guess. Keep on dancing.
>Why are you so upset at this show?
He is an animesnob drone
>Why are you so upset at this show?
His mother probably didn't love him.
Isn't he that faggot that thinks that using buzzwords amounts to actual criticism?
>using a (You) reaction image as he replies to himself
>to cry about a show as he has done all thread
>to himself
We've gone full summer.
I don't know what "animesnob" is. Like I told you I'm still mad I expected it to be as good as Kaiji, set up an evening with cooked meal and everything just to be so much disappointed.
Guess I deserved it for not reading Gin to Kin before this crap. You can still enjoy it though, since you admitted liking it for the sex-appeal.
>I expected it to be as good as Kaiji, set up an evening with cooked meal and everything just to be so much disappointed.
> set up an evening with cooked meal and everything just to be so much disappointed.
Don't misuse my words, shitposter. And GTFO, you don't belong here.
>still grasping at the "sekret club for virgins" meme
>pic related
OP music is kinda nice though
You have to go back.
Who r/eddit here?
He's the Soda of Kakegurui. Secondary character, not the focus of it by any means.
Kill yourself
I always despised waifufags. Now I am the biggest of them all.
Yep, without a doubt. Also, nice dubs.
No. Nene is back.
>Dencin' is gei huuunh
Fuckin' americans I swear
[user] or [CCM] ?
This show confirms Mappa will NEVER EVER become as good as old madhouse, the director left for literally no reason. If mappa don't get the pluto adaption then they will have NO CLASSICS 20 years from now
I think the MC is a waste, it could have been cool if he slowly started to get good at gambling with le ebin ruses, kaiji alike.
At first i thought yumeko was going to pay his debt to make him a slave and then he was going to regain his freedom by himself.
Also it's not fun if she never loses there's already stuff like one outs or akagi.