If you could ban one anime from Sup Forums which one would it be? Pic unrelated.
If you could ban one anime from Sup Forums which one would it be? Pic unrelated
Your favorite anime.
Naruto. Because I don't like fandom.
Re:Zero, oh god the ReZero fags
Everything that isn't a Kirara series.
Either Dragon Ball Super or Oreimo. I'm fucking tired of those threads.
Eva fags. At least, other fandoms don't consider their anime as OBJECTIVELY the best ever.
Before it would have been yaharifags easily. Now though, easily Bokunoshitards look at this shit You're inviting low iq manchildren from Sup Forumsmblr who praise capeshit.
Seriously, those black nostalgia faggots should leave
This is embarrassing.
oops talking about this
You mean capekino?
Anything where the show has nothing of value to discuss and the threads are just posting fanart and waifus.
Kemono Friends comes to mind as a recent one.
All of these.
I can't believe there are actual Boruto threads. That means people were still fans of Naruto after the ending.
Naruto/boruto or eva
How about genres?
>whatever genre that fucking annoying umaru character is in
I agree, though for different reasons. Boku no Fags are obnoxious as hell, arguing with any other battle shonen fandom.
Nostalgiafags. Even the most hardcore Naruto hater admits that the anime was sorta good at the beginning.
Also Hinata winning softened a lot of the haters here. To be fair it made us laugh all the way from November to January.
Don't forget about cucksday.
Ban Naruto again, why was it ever unbanned?
Dragonball and Naruto
Naruto and Boruto by association because fuckwits are actually buying into that low-effort sequel shit.
Hero Academia
Dragonball Super without contest.
But user what else even comes close
Fuck your rule OP
If the following cancers were purged from Sup Forums the qualities would greatly improve:
One Piece
Fairy Tail
Dragon Ball
Hero Academia (Or just Tsuryufags, oh god)
Konosuba, especially Megumemefags and Aquafags
Oh and Watamote. Tomokofags are cancer
Fairly on point. But, you're missing all the cookie-cutter garbage threads.
>What went wrong?
>Why is she so perfect?
>Who X here?
>Would you a X?
>Everyday until X
>Daily Reminder
>You will never mumble mumble
>____ Prove me wrong - You can't
>You have X seconds to mumble mumble - You can't
>What does X's Y smell like?
>How do we fix X?
>X a Y
>Which X would you Y?
>Sup Forums suddenly hates x
>Why is X the only studio willing to take risks?
>About to watch X what should I expect?
>Don't mind me, I'm just posting ____.
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who ____
>What the fuck happened?
>____ when?
>What's wrong with VLC?
>Wake up, see this. What do?
>I'll just leave this here
>What's your excuse for not watching X
>X will save anime / I'm here to save anime
>What does Sup Forums think about X?
>What's the most boring anime you've ever watched?
>X is Love
>Haven't seen one of these in a while
>Is X worth watching?
>yfw x wins da y
>Mumble mumble thread? Mumble mumble thread
>What the fuck did I just watch?
>X confirmed for Y
>Best Key girl
>Why do you still watch moeshit?
>___ sees your dick
>Why is this allowed?
>Which anime has the worst fanbase?
>What anime is this from?
>X becomes the MC of the Y. How fucked is X?
>Could X defeat Y?
>Your waifu's face when X
>It's time.
>Your waifu is now X, do you still love her?
>Was it rape, Sup Forums?
>Weekend waifu drawthread
>All your waifus are wonderful, Sup Forums
>You should be able to solve this
>Let's get a X thread going
>Do X if your waifu is posted
>ITT: overrated shit
>What an utterly useless power
>Date-a-live? More like date a slut am I right?
>I want to protect X's smile
>Why can't I hold all these feels?
>This is your X tonight
>Why did X fail/Why wasn't X popular
>what did ___ mean by this?
>what was ___ fucking problem?
>this is a japanese X
>Do you like girls (male)?
>Say something nice about __
>Describe Rin in one (1) word.
>What are ___ for
>My wife ___ is so cute
>I'm going to marry ___!
Every single one featuring slice of life cute girls doing cute things, and ALL NTR garbage.
What about jojos?
Can we ban all the loli, /e/, and /h/ threads, too?