Christianity General

No matter your denomination, come and discuss our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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Murder is a mortal sin, but the church gives concession for those who murdered in military service. I'm confused by this.

By the Church,do you mean the Catholic Church? I suppose that provided the war one is in falls under the Just War category, and the killing is for the saving of innocents (rather than merciless slaughter of the enemies), it can be permitted.

Remember to offer your suffering up to Christ. Do not give up. I care about you.

That's not what the church says, though. It's not just catholics. War vets are celebrated by society. Does the church just not want to make waves? Why doesn't the church stand up against all war and tell the world that if they kill another man, whether in war or otherwise, there'll be hell to pay? It seems like murder should be discouraged at all costs. For example, the catholics would rather blow up an abortion clinic with everyone inside than allow it to abort fetuses that never knew they were alive. Isn't this a severe contradiction?

The Catholic Church does provide that if one defends his own life, he is not guilty of murder (CCC 2264). It further talks about the use of arms by the State in 2265-2266. (Read here for the bits I mentioned

Intentional homicide is wrong. The ends do not justify the means. It is a passionate response to a great evil in the world today, although I could not personally justify it (nor do I think the Church would try to).

Regarding war, I think the Church's stance would hinge upon the Just War theory. Society celebrating war vets doesn't mean the Church approves of their actions - the Church aren't the ones handing out the medals.

Fuck your lord and saviour jesus christ and his little holy ghost to.

go be kike somewhere else, leaf

It just confuses me that they don't stand up and tell the vets that they're going to hell for killing other men. My grandfather was a gunner on a ship in world war 2. He was feeling the flames near the end of his life and went full catholic, choir, service to the church, etc. He killed japanese fighter pilots for four years in the forties. Is grandpa going to hell?

I should have asked if he's already there. He died already.


shut up cucktholic
burn in hell with the rest of your devil worshipping brethren

You fundamentally misunderstand Christianity's teaching on murder. In both Greek and Hebrew there are two words for 'killing', one that means simply killing and one that means murder. Just like in English they are different concepts. The Scriptures say "Thou shalt not murder", not "Thou shalt not kill."

Put the rule in context. God gave Moses these Laws immediately after killing Pharoah and his men [being praised as a warrior for doing so by dancing Israelites], and immediately before ordering a military campaign of near-genocide upon the Canaanites for their various sins and trespasses.

It is NOT a sin to kill, it is NOT a sin to be a warrior, and it is both unscriptural and effeminate to believe such. It is only a sin to murder.

Because war declared for the protection of the faith or its virtues is a just war, and necessary.
Only a cuck would always defend peace at all cost.

Christianity was created by jews, so i despise it.
>"Love thy neighbor"
Aka let the Jews in and be subverted into usury.
Jesus was a Jew.

user, we cannot know who will go to heaven or hell. All are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. It is only through is Sacrifice and his Mercy and Grace that we can obtain salvation, which is open to all. As long as your grandfather truly repented of his sins, he will hopefully be in Heaven. Remember, user, that we can repent up until the last moment of our lives on this Earth - remember the thief on the Cross beside Christ.

>Jesus physically attacked moneylending kikes at one point and drives them out.


Hey achmed how's people kind these day?

user, if you feel comfortable providing your grandfather's initial I will offer a Divine Mercy Chaplet for him tonight.

Branch Davidson reporting in

Most jews hated each other at some point in history and that probably happens still.
There are Jews in Israel that go to jail for refusing to serve Zionism, by refusing to go to war or simply by holding signs speaking against Zionism.
But those are irrelevant and make 0 diference overall.
As a fellow Christian I welcome all to visit this Catholic General which was DELETED. Oy VEYYYY. Seriously though it is useless mod, since I do this for my own sincereity and enjoyment. But it has lots of nice pictures, great music, and lots of nice bible verses so you will all enjoy it,

>says love thy neighbor
>says your neighbor are people from your nation

>hated and murdered by kikes

LATIN/GREGORIAN CHANTS - 1.5x speed is recomended by user.A Byzantine Chant

That's ok. I don't believe in god at all. I'm just trying to understand the contradictions. If there's a god, he doesn't condemn us to eternal torture while loving us all the same. I personally believe that grandpa's brain activity ceased, and so did he. Whatever energy that sustained him, even if it was just the functioning of the human body, is gone. He's neither in pain nor pleasure. He simply doesn't exist any more, but in the memories of those he knew, and I'll be there someday, too. I'm not here really to pick a fight or anything; I just like hearing explanations for all things religious.


My fucking man

No it says in the parable of the good samaritan this. That the jew asked Jesus "well who is my neighbor" and Jesus replied "the one who sheweth mercy" that was not the ROBBER but the Samaritan, your neighor is your bro, and the Latin vulgate translates the verse in the Torah about Loving your neighbor to "Love your friend" literally, which is permissible and accurate translation. Neighbor and friend were synonymous to Jews
You are told to "love your enemies and bless them" but not "as yourself" that is for your bro. To bless and love your enemy is to wish on him a life where he leaves his degeneracy which is a living hell

>f there's a god, he doesn't condemn us to eternal torture while loving us all the same.
user, if we end up in Hell it is because of our own actions, not because God condemns us there. God wants us all to return to Him for eternity, but he gave us Free Will to make that choice. This video by Jimmy Akin is a nice short summary of the topic
Nonetheless, I will pray for your grandfather and for your conversion.

I keep thinking about going to mass but my sleep schedule is shit and I haven't been to this particular parish before.

Your Lord is Baal!


Thank you, user. Here are some of the hymns I like.

Im happy to share user

Thanks Ill listen to them

and let to kill him
dark forces do not do that, pal


user I haven't been to Mass in about a year, but I am planning to go back tomorrow. There is adoration before Mass at midday. Are there any parishes close by with different Mass times? Do not worry about not having been there before - that would make confession all the easier, as the priest won't know you.
Remember, user: I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance. Luke 15:7


But I'm not jewish.


Job on the wagecuck life.
>The life of a man upon the earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling
>As a servant longeth for the shade, as the hireling looketh for the end of his work
>So I have also had empty months and have numbered to myself wearisome nights
>If I lie down to sleep, I shall say: WHen shall I arise? and again I shall look for the evening and shall be filled with sorrows even till darkness.

Job 7

Fake, gay and dangerous religion.

When He said that, did it escape you that his entire audience was Jewish?

Every jew hates Christ, not just a part of them. Your argument is weak.


I would say not all. There are 'Messianic Jews', who follow the Torah through being ethnically Jewish but believe in Christ as the Messiah. It's a bit silly considering what St Paul wrote, but if it brings them to Christ it cannot be wrong.

>The great man and the judge and the mighty is in honour, and there is none greater than he that feareth God.


Seriously, Moses killed a man.

Personally I don't consider them Christians because they still call themselves jews. Real converts would join an actual churrch like Brother Nathaniel.

I am just happy they believe in, follow and love Christ. I can only pray that they cross over to becoming Catholic.

>Justify thyself not before God, for he knoweth the heart: and desire not to appear wise before a king

Can't handle this rn...

If they believe in Christ and adhere to his teachings, how are they different from Christians?

Remember: God already knows your sins. Get your butt to the confessional and be absolved of your sins.

They follow the Torah and Jewish customs.

X-tians are absolutely evil scumbags .
They give Caeser a pass for any evil .
Mass-murdering baby- raping scum.
All believers of Abrahamic religion must be purged.


Wisdom of Solomon
>The spirit of the Lord fills the world.
>is all embracing and knows what a man says
>Therefore no now who utters wicked things can go unnoticed
>nor will chastising condemnation pass him by


>t. butthurt neo-pagan still feeling sorry we torched their irminsuls to the ground
If your Gods were real then they wouldn't have faded from everyone memories for centuries simply because those fancy trees weren't there anymore.

HAY-ZOOS & The DOnTARD are tight.
Hay-zoos luvz 'murica best.

Actual commandment is Thou shalt not murder (unlawful killing)
Killing is permissible in war, hence all the wars of the Old Testament

>It is written thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the cord, doth God care for oxen?
Communism is a mortal sin in the Catholic Church

St. Athanasius Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, who defeated Arianism and wrote the Nicene Creed.
>For in other matters also which go to make up life, we shall find differences according to circumstances. For example, it is not right to kill, yet in war it is lawful and praiseworthy to destroy the enemy...So that the same act is at one time and under some circumstances unlawful, while under others, and at the right time, it is lawful and permissible.
Letter To Amun



Itz kill as long as the government says itz o.k. Then itz not murder,just killing.
Perfectly fine.

>he saves us from what he made

>All flesh shall consort with the like to itself and every man shall associate himself to his like
>If the wolf shall at any time have fellowship with the lamb so the sinner with the just
>What fellowship hath a holy man with a dog, or what part hath the rich with the poor
We must be repentant

Eat Drano scumbag

Clement of Alexandria Paed. Ill.4, 26
>The true eunuch is not he who cannot but we who will not indulge himself.

Sirach 9:2,6
>Give not thy soul to harlots in any part lest thou destroy thyself and THY INHERITANCE

>Give not the power of thy soul to a woman lest she enter upon thy strength and thou be confounded

You'd think an eternal creator wouldn't even allow hell to exist. You'd think that an all-knowing being would see the problems with sending an entity into vastly different circumstances, then judging what their eternities will entail based upon approximately a hundred years' time. In fact, most that deserve hell by religious standards are the type that dies young, so eternity is based upon what you do for maybe 30 years. Add in the possibility of mental defect, something that could cause an otherwise peaceful person to become brutal without intent. Are they judged? I don't personally believe, but it is curious to me that the god that has been accepted by the majority of the world is seen as being all-powerful, but allows evil and pain to exist. I'm trying not to be disrespectful about this stuff. I have no intention of ad-hom. I've just never been able to get these answers because this is an insanely volatile subject, so no one wants to discuss it objectively. This is a christianity thread, so I'm here to talk about your religion.


Every chrisling scumbag on this thread is justifying mass-murder.

Forgive me Jesus, for I must have sinned. I don't know how but I guess I sinned really bad. How can I stop sinning so much Jesus? Will you please just fucking forgive me bro, Make it stop omg.

Matthew 25 35. He is a test

There are a lot of contradictions in the bible.


If god is a god of love and has limitless power, don't you think he would choose other options than war? Wouldn't you?

Daily reminder that Catholics are not Christians.

Follow the Church that Christ himself established. The One True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church.

I don't know whether to feel extremely guilty for all my sins and my ancestors sins, or to just keep calm and continue my life a happy person, but I don't want to end up in Hell for eternity. Jesus what can I do?

I saw it in a vision.
You & your entire family are getting tossed into the boiling pit of sewage for all eternity unless you give me ALL your money.

b-but I gave all my money to youtubers and twitch

>Rejoiice not in ungodly children, if they be multiplied: neither be delighted in them, if the fear of God be not with them
>Trust not to their life, and respect not their labors
>For better is one that feareth God than a thousand ungodly children
>And it is better to die without children than to leave ungodly children
>By one that is wise a country shall be inhabited, the tribe of the ungodly shall become desolate
>Many such things hath my eyes seen, and greater things than these my ear hath heard
Sirach 16:1-6

Wisdom 3 -4
But the children of adulterers will remain without issue,
and the progeny of an unlawful bed will disappear.
For should they attain long life, they will be held in no esteem,
and dishonored will their old age be in the end;
Should they die abruptly, they will have no hope
nor comfort in the day of scrutiny;
for dire is the end of the wicked generation.
But the numerous progeny of the wicked shall be of no avail
their spurious offspring shall not strike deep root.
Their twigs shall be broken off untimely
and their fruit be useless unripe for eating and fit for nothing
For children born of a lawless union
give evidence of the wickedness of their parents
When they are examined.

>be White Catholic from a non-White country
>family had been there for generations, but we managed to retain our old European mentality
>was always told that back in the West people were just like us
>immigrated to the US a decade ago
>have felt like I've been living in a land of barbarians
>pretty much everyone here fornicates, uses bad language, and has an offputting demeanor
>even white nationalists are oblivious to their own moral decay
>still not sure what Sup Forumsacks are trying to salvage at this point

When did everyone become like this?

Why do you goys hate joos but praise one at the same time?

Smells like teen spirit

back in the 20s there was this great depression and the rich took advantage of the situation and turned everyone blacks/white you name it into slaves for bread and oil.

>That nose

St. Gregory NAZIanzus
>But more terrible still are those which the treasures of God's wrath contain...I know the glittering sword, Ezekiel21:9 and the blade made drunk in heaven, bidden to slay, to bring to naught, to make childless, and to spare neither flesh, nor marrow, nor bones. I know Him, Who, though free from passion, meets us like a bear robbed of her whelps, like a leopard in the way of the Assyrians, Hosea13:7-8 not only those of that day, but if anyone now is an Assyrian in wickedness: nor is it possible to escape the might and speed of His wrath when He watches over our impieties
Oration 16:6-7

Ezekiel 21:9-11 quoted in Oration above
>Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the Lord; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished: It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter; it is furbished that it may glitter: should we then make mirth? it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree. And he hath given it to be furbished, that it may be handled: this sword is sharpened, and it is furbished, to give it into the hand of the slayer.

>n fact, most that deserve hell by religious standards are the type that dies young, so eternity is based upon what you do for maybe 30 years.
God knows our hearts. If I am walking to the Cathedral tomorrow afternoon, intending to go to confession and I get hit by a bus - God is not going to say, "tough luck" and send me to Hell for eternity. God will know that my heart was full of repentance for my sick deeds against His will.
>Add in the possibility of mental defect, something that could cause an otherwise peaceful person to become brutal without intent. Are they judged?
Mental illness can play a part in one's salvation. Sins, for them to be mortal, must be committed of grace matter, with full knowledge and deliberate consent. God is just, but He is also merciful.
>the god that has been accepted by the majority of the world is seen as being all-powerful, but allows evil and pain to exist.
I would say that the problem of evil (what you are describing) is the most common barrier to people coming to faith. There are simple arguments, like that out of evil and suffering can come good - but I don't think they do justice. If you have a spare hour, I would suggest watching this talk by Dr Peter Kreeft (, if you want a TL;DW, watch this 10 minute video by Bishop Barron (

Thank you for having an open mind. I will pray that the Holy Spirit will soften your heart and enter your life.

You don't have to be Jewish.

Hey, an imaginary friends jam session. When will the mudshites be joining to bomb this party?

>I'm confused by this.

"murder" is a legal term for an unlawful killing. Not everyone that is killed is murdered

Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian, user - they do not believe Christ is God. We cannot know who will be in Hell. I long in my heart that none will, but that is naive of me.

You must be a blast at parties