Why don't you watch incest yuri AOTS Sup Forums?
Princess Principal
This show only has one episode yet it managed to reveal Sup Forums's true colors. It wasn't hard to follow at all yet an alarming number of people had no idea what was going on.
I've noticed this years ago when SAO was airing. I think the problem is a massive increase of people who don't understand English or Japanese watching anime with English subs and being completely lost.
I noticed this while watching Re:Zero. That show wasn't even fucking complicated yet you still had faggots asking questions each fucking episode.
Is this girl dead? Who even was she that she needed to be attacked?
Haha I get it you're pretending to be retarded because of the other posts talking about the large amount of retarded people on Sup Forums these days
Post best girl(boy). Friendly reminder that all posts here are lies, including this one.
No, I'm legit asking it, shitposter-kun
Oh. You're fucking stupid.
It's pretty easy to explain. People just sit on Sup Forums with the anime in the background then drop it when they don't know what's going on.
Why does she turn into a frog?
I'll help you out.
oh....I'm dumb. just shoot me.
Nah, it's quite dumb.
Ange takes a hypodermic needle that is apparently loaded from a nurse who is EXITING a room. The needle is also conveniently loaded with something that makes whoever is injected quickly pass out (and isn't just medicine or some shit).
There's also no reason to assume that there are no other plants in the room or fake hospital employees, especially with the sister yelling loud enough for the whole room to hear. But who cares, cute girls being spies.
They got prior intel I think, that's why they knew there was only one plant
>girl cast = yuri
And people say yurifags are the problem.
Anti-yurifags are as much of a problem, if not worse
I didn't capitalize the X you fucking faggot.
Still cancerous shitposting, you fucking retard.
xD, XD, Lol, lol, kek, Kek. They're all the same cancer. Who cares if a letter's capitalized?
What people refer to as "yurifags" are your average seinen male otaku (as 90% of non-romance/shoujo anime yuri is catered towards them), and comes from some retarded misunderstanding of some fags who don't understand this, and partially from homos and fujos trying to antagonize yuri.
If you're gonna quote my post then quote it correctly
>op is called other side of the wall
But which side is the other side?
There are only two sides. The other side is the one you're not on.
There's 4 sides to a wall
>shitposter thinking he has the right to be autistic when his shitposting is quoted
Kill yourself
Why should I give a fuck about quoting your shitposting correctly?
stay mad
Do you blind there was thread
>Mention yuri in OP
>entire thread is shitposting
Like clockwork. At least there are two.
>shitposting started because of an anti-yurifag
Really makes me think about who is more cancerous
It takes two sides to shit up a thread. I can count the kind of shitposters who can do the job alone on one hand.
stay dumb
Mod is also responsible not banning anti yurifags.
kill yourself retard
this thread is created first.
Are they really gay though?
No yurifags are shitposting again.
No. They're the straightest lizards you'll ever see.
Nobody knows. Not even the people making it.