Was he justified in his actions?
Was he justified in his actions?
Unquestionably. He did nothing wrong, other than die.
His actions where somewhat justifiable until cca where he went full retard.
not guilty by reason of insanity
Virtually everything he does is a comical overreaction
Char did nothing wrong.
Which Char, UC or Origin? Because they're two different characters.
He's immature, impatient ideologue who doesn't have the guts to buckle down and do the long grueling work that real change and leadership demands.
When he says that Garma is a spoiled brat, he is projecting his own insecurities.
I'm pretty sure giving your opponent a device that can make it easier for him to foil your plan for no reason other than ego stroking falls under the definition of 'doing something wrong'. It's also included under the definition of 'really, really stupid'.
He had good "justifications" for his actions yes.
Even then, I think he wanted to be stopped by Amuro in CCA.
>dropping an asteroid on earth because you want your crush to pay attention to you
The problem was more that she wouldn't leave him the hell alone because he couldn't let go and move on like amuro did.
user, I'm talking about how Char is clearly gay for Amuro
Of course.
I believe all Chars as well as his Char clones were justified in their actions.
At some point every newtype goes full retard, nothing he could do about that.
Jewdough did the sensible thing and left the solar system forever because UC is suffering.
You're right, he was just longing for closure on his trainwreck of a life.