What do you think about (You)?
What do you think about (You)?
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She and ruby look like best girls
The bland sunshine designs bothered me, but you's seems to does it right
Sort of like a much better hanayo in looks
I haven't actually gotten around to watching Sunshine yet but she's definitely the most attractive from the screenshots and official art that I've seen.
Dia is better. (You) a cute, though.
You should really put more clothes on.
There is better You
She is my favorite raibu.
I have probably well over 2000 pictures of (You)
i love (You)
Essentially Kotori without the voice and some shit tacked on minus the appearance of course
Cute highschool girlfriend material, but that's it eventually I would dump her and marry Riko.
She just follows mc around while doing nothing else?
When Sunshine got announced I liked Kanan the best but no one liked her. I stopped playing llsif around that time because it was a time and money sink. Then I watched Sunshine half way through when it aired and thought Hanamaru was great because Kanan never got any screen time. Then I started hammering my cock to You for some time so I decided to finish watching Sunshine, turns out she never actually got much screen time either besides random cut ins and her own episode so now I don't have any opinions anymore.
Thanks for reading my blog update.
I got bored of sif because the faces were all copy-paste
costumes were nice though
I'm a Rikobro but I can't deny that You is the best character of the franchise.
2nd best idol after Maki.
Perfect design.
Sunrise hates her popularity so they put her in a group with Ruby.
>Perfect design.
Only with glasses.
anime name.... for science
There (You) go.
Oh lord, I feel so validated
Thanks my son.
Best girl. I want to Impregnate her and have a happy family
>when you get (You)
gayest raibu
This artist puts every other waifufag to shame
Literally a recolored Hanayo. I fucking hate you faggots for liking (You) while completely dissing on the fat rice just because of a different color scheme
She's more fit than pana
You is at least good looking even if she is kinda dull. Hanayo is not only boring as shit but bland looking as well.
the irony in this post
There is no irony in his post. Hanayo is a different character and also looks different. You're a delusional Hanayofag and mad that no one cares about her.
The only thing they have in common is the hairstyle.
Riko >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Y*u
Again with the irony in this post. Just stop.
Fuck off Chika.
Nice body, but other than that she's a plain looking, mediocre character and also a cuck.
i remember you autistic girl
Riko > You > Chika
I love You!
Pana is the best girl in the franchise but You is also great.
hanayo is poop
True. IIIRC Pana wasn't a cuck
Go team Pana! Yay
Bro, she is in Printemps, the friendzone subgroup.
Fucking best girl
How could any non-gay think beautiful You is anything like fatayo
I share the sentiment but wouldn't choose one over the other. They are the two best girls.
Useless cuck girl
cute 10/10
Bunch of faggots.
the words of the cuck means nothing to the goddess
Meant for
here goes the ugly-yo fags posting the only 5 decent pictures of her again
Kys dogfucker
You and Hanayo are both bland girls
11/10 taste
She is perfection
>people shit on (You) but like Burd
>people shit on Pana but like Zura
You has literally did nothing wrong
It feels patrician liking all 4 girls.
Don't bring up the Holy Burd into this silly fight, Hanayofag.
speaking of shit
Why is burds hair green?
Best girl.
I would fuck (You) in the ass. No homo
I wanna marry Chika and (You)!
She's nice, but Maru, Dia and Riko are more my type
This guy doesn't have shit on the dude who's been drawing pics of C.C. consistently for the past 8 years.
As boring as some of these raibus are, they don't deserve all the hate. Honestly only the slav and dolphin girl deserve that.
Kanan at least has a shot of redeeming herself, as much as I dislike her. Eli is pure shit though and the worst girl in the series.
I love them both to be honest