Perfection hasn't been achie-
Perfection hasn't been achie-
>knife ears
Into the trash she goes.
>used goods
fucking knifeears, take your trips and GET OUT
It hasn't as why else would we argue?
>trusting knife ears
Step up user
Why is Sup Forums so racist against elves?
Sup Forums has shit taste or played too much Nier.
She isn't an elf. This is the most retarded thread on Sup Forums right now.
Please it's just spillover from /tg/.
Beside rape doujinshi what was the last time bona-fide elves were relevant in anime? Miusel from something Company.. pleade
Elf hate is board wide, and you still have the most reasonable and calm threads about this fictional race on /tg/. Please stop this meme, yes I've seen the banner. But these days Sup Forums and Sup Forums are more hateful towards this race than /tg/.
>Beside rape doujinshi what was the last time bona-fide elves were relevant in anime?
Danmachi Gaiden.
She's not even an elf. She's half Mermaid.
I am trying to say that Sup Forums doesn't even have a reason to feel so strong about them then.
They are rarity in anime and you can't get annoyed by something that you don't see.
(And if the last relevant elf in anime was that clingy bitch... I would rather remember Deedlit or Lafiel)
>And if the last relevant elf in anime was that clingy bitch
At least she was powerful and besides her stalker nature a very kind person. Then you get other elves like Riveria and Ryuu that are respected and very strong themselves. Danmachi does them some justice, much more than your average doujin.
Elves are the most beautiful creatures. Elf-likes fall under that category too.
Actually I remembered yet another "relevant" elf! Alleyne from Quenn's blade! (Well not really relevant but certaintly very hot).
And yet they are rarity (or side characters at best) in Fantasy anime.
>OP interrupted with a hyph-
Fuck off.
Want to imitate /tg/ and Pelinar fanboys.
That make her infinitely hotter for some reason.
I want to HUG that mermaid.
>Miusel from something Company.. pleade
She's a half elf.
I bet you would even defend goblins.
Sup Forums is a human first board.
Trips speak the truth.
How do actual elves compete?
They can't.
Elf likes > Elves >> humans
They don't, that's why they're extinct.
Why aren't humans extinct? Is it the desire to breed with elves to create half elves that fuels our motivation to survive?
Elves aren't real you idiots.
Shit wrong pic
Leave your house for once, nerd.
>nerd as an insult
>on Sup Forums
Quality bait.
A cutie.
its been achieved in the original VN
whats the name of the series?
A tale of two sisters.
>literally no porn
>meanwhile the trap has mountains
What the fuck is this
If she's so good then why isn't she in FGO yet
Saving the best for last.
Astolfo got a role in the new F/GO chapter.
Anime fandom is the gayest in the history.
People have good taste.
Stop being retarded.
What is she going to assassinate? My dick?
Your virginity.
>says knife-eared piece of shit
>semi literally has knife ears and is a metaphorical piece of shit
maybe he's not the retarded one
Was Shafts Fate cancelled?
Winter 2018
Winter 2018.
>Sucks Poo Priest Cock and Dove Vomit
What the fuck, man. I'm forced to stay alive until winter 2018 just to figure out that more Fate stuff is along the way?
>She won't get dicked by Chiron's horsecock.
Servant in fgo fucking when?
Once you quit.
Fuck the trapfags.
Semen demon assassin is best.
They are delusional again.
Elves in fiction are generally dickwads and DF players really memed elf hate because of how dickish elves are in that game.
Human blood is dominant
Where does Nier have elves?
That's not Elesh Norn
What do you expect from a Fate thread started with a shitty Sup Forums meme?
Four DLC.
That's Drakengard
Elves are the Sup Forums of the fantasy world with their racial superiority and general desire for isolationism.
My Vat Brother
I prefer Mordred
>faggot traitor
Almost Whore of Babylon tier
>Not flat
One job A1
Girl of the season.
My brother
Was that the Pieta' I saw her and Shirou doing in the OP?
elves are Sup Forums fuck Sup Forums
elves are also jews, fuck them too
They got confused and gave her a flat ass instead of a flat chest