Will it ever get a second season, Sup Forums?
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Wait, What? Does that really happen?
Is there any page to read the LNs?? ;_;
I hope this is not true
Bitch deserved it, but death by poison was letting her off too easy for the shit she pulled.
>Bitch deserved it
She didn't, fuck you.
No, because Ranta hasn't died yet. Fuck that guy.
I honestly like that they kill off characters on a regular basis. It's very old-school D&D.
Best girl is dead, so is my interest for this series.
I want inhale Yume's ass.
No, this is completely true. Mary is killed by a poison arrow. Volume 11, however, has Haru set off on a mad quest to bring her back to life. (Apparently, from the synopsis.)
Well, all my interest in this series is dead i guess.
It still makes me wonder why the MC didn't learn shit from Manato's death and thought countermeasures against arrows.
It's not that easy getting shot in the neck or the head with them.
She did. She deserved worse for what she did to Ranta despite him saving her
See, how do you create countermeasures against ARROWS? Do you have a way to make yourself immune to guns? This is basically a low-fantasy setting, and arrows fucking hurt. When people sling them at you, someone is going to get shot and killed.
What, you're not a fan of overcoming adversity? I like this twist, it's surprising. I personally think he won't be able to bring her back, but he'll get a chance to say goodbye.
Makes me wonder why they tried a raid after casting out one of their best party members. They got their shit pushed in hard and Mary died
Not him, but holy shit I would read that series a million times if he actually manages to bring her back to life. I already ready a couple of the novels, and I really liked how their relationship was developing. However I haven't read another one since I found out about her death. But I swear, if he actually resurrects her, I'm gonna be reading that shit all night.
There are universal rules at play too though. Like skills and classes. Can priests even wear full plate in grimgar?
Mary a shit and worst girl.
It's time to say Hai to Gensou no Grimgar.
That would be your mom.
I guess decreasing arrow's penetration would be one to avoid excessive blood loss or internal organ damage.
At least to buy enough time until you get to a healer.
And Yume went missing with monster tracks at her last location. So they fucked up pretty hard
Whatever happened to the ESL Maryfag who was so adamant that she wasn't dying in the previous volume?
We don't know. These guys aren't regular army, they're just the equivalent of militia scrubs that have guilds. What the pros get to wear might be totally different.
He killed himself to be with Lord Skullhell.
Haru's an idiot. He's already been told on at least one important occasion that resurrection doesn't exist except as part of the No-Life King's zombie curse when a corpse isn't sanctified and burned. He'll bring her back as a shambling horror that feeds on the living.
Good enough for one last time.
One last time to what? Have to put her down again? Ranta should be the one to do it.
Yume and Ranta are going to meet up since Yume is the only one who believes they misunderstood Ranta. The monsters chasing her are going to clash with Takasugi and Ranta is going to take the opportunity to attack him from behind.
>being this dense
assuming the author doesn't go full edge and she's not in some goblin rape cave.
What is with Rantafag-ism in the thread.
Being happy Mary got karmic justice for her actions in v9 makes people Ranta-fags?
Yes. Ranta needed, no, deserved to be killed, and the fact that he survived and Mary died was just cruel.
Hope so.
Ranta always put the party first before himself. Because of Mary they believe he betrayed them.
Mary is the author's waifu. It'll turn out the shady guy actually knows a way that nobody in the whole world knows
Only if they kill Ranta.
Yes fuck her and Haru
I hope my nigga Ranta gets Yume
Funny how Mary can cause their party to fall apart and go back to SoL mode getting jealous and lusting after Haruhiro's armpits guilt free
She's a huge fucking cunt
The grimgar threads were fun
pic related
>Mary dies
>The world still revolves around her because now Haruhiro is going on a quest to revive her
>Ranta deserving death
>when he was the best party member they had
Remember when that guy survived in kobold murder caves all alone and injured. He's cocky but he has the skill to back it up.
But that's the best thing to happen
anime cut all of that out
Haru is such a puss. Should have pounded Mary when she was still breathing.
That's why Maryfags are only ever animeonlyfags and are thread cancer.
Shihoru is the only real choice
>cutest with best body
>Not retarded like Yume
>not a twilighttier emo and also manipulative bitch like Mary
fuuuuuck they better asspull her back to life
I hope she stays dead. She's like most of the filler in every volume
Or you could not have absolute shit taste.
You know, I can't tell whether people who like Ranta are being contrarian or just joking. The guy is a complete fuckhead, and he's insanely annoying. He's probably the one guy who won't be mourned if and when he dies.
Meanwhile, Mary is A-tier. Can Manato or Moguzo reward you with incredible, passionate sex after you bring them back to life? I DIDN'T THINK SO.
Wait, what's the full summary?
There isn't one. The novel isn't out yet. All we know is that Haru and Ranta are on solo missions. Haru's looking to bring back Mary, while Ranta is running for his life.
>t. animeonly
No mention of Yume in it. She went missing in the previous volume with goblin tracks all over the place she was last at though
He's even MORE of a fuckhead in the novels. They actually made him less annoying for the anime.
oh right thought you meant the short volume synopsis
is right. It comes out later this month
Still kind of funny if Ranta just slipped away without the insulting letter to Takasagi he might not have been running for his life in the upcoming volume.
user please he more than carries his weight in the LN(which the anime also cut) and he only really bants with Haruhiro and occasionally Yume in the later volumes. Mary goes out of her way to shit on him and he just lets it slide.
I literally cannot blame Mary for shitting on him. It is nearly impossible to stand that one fucker, who acts like an autistic 12-year-old. If I was Haru, he'd have suffered 'friendly stab' in the heat of battle.
Him and Haruhiro are the only ones worth anything in their party. And out of all of them Ranta is the most loyal to the party.
Not to mention Ranta is literally the only one to push the party to greater challenges, well at least from what I read. Seems like the only one of the group with any sort of ambition beyond surviving
'Cause hunting goblins doesn't pull in 30 golds, Haruhiro.
Based Ranta, pushing the plot forward like always
>And out of all of them Ranta is the most loyal to the party.
This. Renji offered him a job in his party and Ranta turned him down to stay with Team Scrubs. That's one of the reasons Mary's treachery is so hateful: she was there when Ranta blew off being part of a better team, so her actually thinking he'd betray the party and join Forgan is nothing but pure spite on her part. Let her rot in the earth while maggots eat her poison pussy and lying tongue.
I really really love Mary but apparently MC is the apex of LN faggot MCs who don't fess up and accept relationships with women, which is super annoying considering the anime had some pretty nice scenes between them. I dunno, I like quiet girls.
>being a caster
>in a setting that doesn't provide any kind of protection against projectiles
Pretty much how it'd go if mages were a thing in real life.
We don't know if such a thing exists or not. Shihoru is a shitty caster, she just might not know the right battery of spells. You know, kind of how Yume blew off archery skills to play with knives instead because she's retarded.
Whats with the Mary hate? Anyone give me a rundown on why she's such a bitch? I don't know shit about the novels besides the tank is dead.
Heres ya quick rundown
>Ranta and Mary surrounded by tough fuckers
>Ranta asks to join them instead of getting ass pounded
>Tells them Marys HIS woman to prevent them from raping her
>Shes pissed at Ranta for claiming her even though she would've been raped by GIANT ORC SAUSAGE
Cant remember the rest, something with Mary escaping and telling haru that ranta betrayed them even when it was obviously a cover.
She backstabbed Ranta when he saved her from being the diner car on an Orcish rape train, putting his own ass on the line in the process while she fell apart like the stupid bitch she is.
Fuck off with your badly made tumblr meme
It's literally one insane shitposter who's mad Yume never became the main heroine
Oh yeeeeeah, didnt he challenge the orc leader or some shit as well.
Says the insane Maryfag in denial
Depends. Do they stop crying over their bitch friend?
All the bitches in their party are trash. Let's look at the choices:
>the weakling mage
>the retarded not-hunter
>the turbocunt
I'd never date inside a party where those were my choices. I'd find girls in other parties and date them just to spite the slags in my own group.
>Ranta and Mary get captured and are in bandit camp
>Ranta challenges them to a 1v1 duel for their freedom(they give him back his gear, Mary POV shows that she thinks he's going to run away and leave her behind the moment he puts it on)
>He stays and fights. Get wrecked by master class swordsman and starts kissing ass claiming to want to be his disciple and join them.
>They accept him
>Next order of business, Mary. Master swordsman claims first on the rape train they're going to run on her.
>Ranta jumps in and risks his life by cockblocking an entire bandit gang and claiming she's his woman
>well ok I guess no rape train today guys
>She ignores him the entire time they're in the camp together when he tries to talk to her
>Tells the others that he betrayed them
>Ranta tells Takasagi to let him fight Haruhiro (So Haruhiro doesn't get slaughtered)
>Haruhiro is fighting him seriously while Ranta isn't
>Is about to deal a killing blow to Ranta before Mary's conscience gets the better of her and she yells for Haruhiro
>They leave Ranta to die with a critical wound and Haruhiro saying he isn't one of them anymore
>Ranta yells their names while he's on the floor bleeding out.
Ranta had also saved Kuzaku from fighting Takasagi as well earlier
Would you have accepted it?
That's just a symptom of being a poor, shit-tier caster.
Too poor and weak to don solid battlemage-tier gear that arrows would bounce off.
Too untalented/stupid to know any individual or party-level shielding spells. I mean holy shit besides healing people when they take damage defensive buffs are white mage 101. It'd be pretty hard to imagine that projectile-blocking shielding spells DO NOT exist in that world. Grind moar and put moar points into that for the good of the party dipshits.
Was shit and it flopped.
Was it ever concluded that Ranta was shouting out his move names to basically give haru the 'wink wink nudge nudge' so haru knew which moves he was going to pull?
Shihoru a cute, the anime did her no justice
Also they made her hair too dark
she's on the right
Yes. Would use on a weapon or class skills
He had a serious duel earlier in the volume and didn't call out any of his skill names and attacked more viciously. Mary even thinks so this is what he's like when he's serious.
But who knows. This upcoming volume should tell us everything since it has a focus on his PoV.
Mary is resurrected like the Virtual Reality Game.
>Shihoru a cute, the anime did her no justice
The anime did a pretty good expose on how fucking useless she is and how she's probably still brooding over muh Manato.
Novelfags, is she really this fucking useless as a black/gray mage?
In the novels she's kinda bitchy, she always tries to antagonist Ranta.
Her development has been basically inconsequential throughout the LNs. She picks up a couple more spells and starts parroting the other girls in being a megabitch, but that's about it.
Ranta is a piece of shit so its alright to antagonize him
>Reading spoilers
Really? I thought Ranta was a bastard but he's actually saving there asses and he's getting FUCKING ANTAGONISED FOR IT?
It's honestly so rare to see a character like Ranta in anime. He's a strange species where he's totally open and in-your-face, but still difficult to understand even after realizing that his bluster isn't totally an act. So yes, he's a bastard, but what their little crew doesn't seem to have ever clued to was that he was THEIR bastard. That should have meant something more than being slandered and stabbed in the back and left to die.
This. He may be a cocky, arrogant bastard but he's also the one keeping them alive. In practice if you're the best in your party people should be able to put up with more shit from you. It's a privilege given to the special forces, stars whatever.
Unbelievable. Black mages are the equivalent of heavy artillery and should have an impressive killcount from exploding mobs, hitting tough enemies that no one else can hit/hurt or otherwise giving all the enemies AIDs (debuffs). When they're not effective arty then the covenant with the front-liners drawing aggro and shielding their ass is broken. It's a waste to go down protecting such a useless back-end.
Ranta's personality is an act, In reality he is just a kid with low self esteem. He hides it with his "manly behavior". He reacts rash when someone insults him, but when someone actually praises him he is actually surprised. In the Koebolb caves he genuinely thought Haru and the rest left him there to die and he didn't think bad of them for that.
I can definitely see why that'd be frustrating, but from what I've heard it sounds like an actual case of legitimate misunderstanding. I mean, it probably depends on the author's wording since he's probably not that great at writing but I can understand both Ranta and Mary's perspective.