This is perfect
What does that do anyway?
>putting this much effort into something VRAINS related
I fucking love Encode/Decode Talker, hopefully they won't be shafted after firewall since they're my favorite aces since hope.
I just started catching up with the show. Just finished Playmaker vs Blue Angel.
It was surprinsingly a fantastic duel. 10/10 would rewatch with friends.
Legendary dragons deck leak when?
from what i know there is going to be a new cyber dragon a new magician (yugi), a refined dark themed odd eyes pendulum monster (new art and effect) and alternate arts of the dimensional dragons
>after all, Crystal Wing is the only upgrade who doesn't need their respective Dragon to be summoned
Completely wrong. None of the upgraded dragons require their base form to be summoned. Dark Requiem is the only one that needs the regular form at all and that is only if you want it to be able to use it's effects. Otherwise you can just have a 3k beatstick without needing Dark Rebellion.
encode talk
decode talk
Recode Talker when?
The new Yugi card is a retrained fusion of Timaeus and Dark Magician.
>alternate arts of the dimensional dragons
But we already had one of those
If you mean the ones from the Dimension Box the TCG never got those
>Revolver's ace is a dragon with guns on it
>it's literally a draGUN
Goddamn it nips
I just realized Yuya is most likely the strongest MC because he has Joeri(Fusion), Ute(XYZ) and Hugo(Synchro) inside of him so he is pretty much a master when it comes to all summoning methods. Oh and he can pull their cards at anytime he wants so he has 4 decks in one
can't forget this beauty.
Are Six Samurai cards any good anymore?
They aren't good, but they are getting new cards and monsters, including a Fusion. They aren't good either.
That is still one of the worst localizations ever.
this looks miles better than the janese art which is boring as fuck
And it's the only good duel so far
So what cards rule the meta?
Really? It's supposed to be a dragon made of guns, not a dragon made of nerf shooters.
Six sams will never be good until gateway is back.
Zoodiacs, True Dracos, and Dinosaurs are the big three right now. But as they've got punished by the banlist several other decks have seen use as well.
If Decode is dark and Encode is light, what would Recode be?
What are 4 other code Talkers can they make?
I'm still mad about arc-v
Well it's been less than 10 episodes, calm down
Upcode, Downcode, Barcode, Postalcode
I'm glad it's over. It sucks to be excited for an upcoming episode but then remind yourself there's nothing to be excited about.
recode is the name of a trap card that summons Decode talker
>tfw we'll never see Aoi win the Yusakubowl
Remember, the trap card can summon any "code Talker" monster. Which implies that there are plans for more since Konami usually doesn't future proof cards like that.
they should of future proofed Dimensional Barrier to target Links
If she doesn't hate him when she wakes up I'll be surprised.
pincode, dresscode, conductcode, divinci code
I guess there was inevitably going to be one person in the world who loves Vrains
I am mad because Arc-V had so much wasted potential. Fuck Crow and Kaito, though.
She sees your_______
>aoi is the anime cutegirl, a boy who roleplays in virtual reality as a girl
delet this
I forgot how ugly Yuzu was
better than aoi
Aoi is just plain, though. She becomes the background.
The ugliest main girl is definitely Aki, seriously what the fuck is wrong wirh her design cause its just a mess
>all these mismatched images where some portraits are from old promo art, some are updated and recent, and some look like they went through a potato filter
lmao who made this
She at least looks like a girl.
I blame it to Aki's forehead exposing hairstyle. Though, Aki still looks much better than Aoi and Anzu.
she's Kallen from Code Geass though
Obviously Yuya is best girl
but user, it's alright
six sams aren't even good with gateway unbanned.
don't start that unless you've got more to post
Is there really a need for any more proof?
>5 episodes of
>ywn ripen her tomatoes
#1:There's still 4 more episodes
#2:I have cards in my deck
#3:I still have life points
Every episode until the last
1.I am Revolver
2.Revolver is number one
3.Victory is mine
Don't tempt me user
I prefer non VR Aoi
shit taste desu
yeah im gay too
Yuya and Yuzu's kids are lucky as fuck. They will have 4 daddies and mommies
Stop being gay, Aki is the best YGO girl, she used even the meta of her time.
>Aki is the best YGO girl
Even Anzu was more useful to the MC
I haven't watched YGO since 5Ds, who's this qt?
rule 63'd yuya
>he missed zexal
Tiny Winda is tiny.
I don't think anyone misses Zexal.
Only retards don't.
>haven't watched yugioh in years
Why are you here then?
OCG proves that even Gateway @ 3 won't save the deck. The only thing at this point that could make them meta again is RotA @ 3, but that would also open up a bunch of other decks so it's not happening.
name one
Blue Angel a best
Literally any deck that's ever been meta because of one or more Lv 4 or lower Warrior monsters.
RotA gets hit all the time because every time they unlimit it the meta that follows is turbocancer. Making the Cyberse equivalent a trap card with a condition was one of the smartest things Konami's ever done.
irrelevent.dek1 and irrelevent.dek2
You're either baiting, inexperienced, or retarded.
zeros are completely irrelevant
t. Chronos.
What's your hypest summon, Sup Forums?
Enlightenment Paladin is one of my favorites, and I've seen literally every YGO. F0 and Prime Photon were also pretty good.
I honestly think the Accel Synchro summons are overrated. They're neat, but only Quasar had a genuinely good summon. If I gotta be honest, though, Accel Synchro in general leaves a sour taste in my mouth because of how fucking pointless it was as an addition. It's like the SSJ of YGO.
It seem pretty cool desu
It isn't the hypest, but its definitely one of my favorites
>They're neat, but only Quasar had a genuinely good summon
Eh, I was kinda disappointed by Quasar, mainly because it came out of nowhere while Shooting Star had a pretty good buildup and came to play an important part during the duel he appeared. That and the fact I found Yusei turning GOLD a bit too cheesy, even for 5D's.
One of my favorites from Duel Monsters was when Obelisk was summoned during the Kaiba VS Yugi duel during Battle City finals. The little moment of suspense before it descends to the battlefield gave me chills the first time I saw it.
I liked Quasar because of the cheesy gold shit, so it's probably just a matter of taste there. I also have a really soft spot for Lifestream literally EXPLODING into Tuning Rings, and the sound effect that accompanies that.
Fuck Naturias
>I also have a really soft spot for Lifestream literally EXPLODING into Tuning Rings, and the sound effect that accompanies that.
Gotta admit that was pretty cool indeed. I liked the first summon of Life Stream Dragon a lot even if animation was a bit lazy but the scene was well paced and it was a satisfactory payoff for all the hints at Power Tool Dragon and Rua over the course of the series.
The new pack is really meh
I'm the same, was just checking this thread to see the consensus on this season so far. I was going to watch Arc-V but there was too many episodes at the time.
You ruined it
Why do her breasts look so saggy like she has the body of an 80 year old?
She is pregnant
I sort of liked Arc-V, will I like this?