What does this mean? Does she want hang herself?
What does this mean? Does she want hang herself?
The puff represents her enjoyment of life.
Have you never had those nights staring at the ceiling where there's a feeling of a hole in your chest cavity like it all went wrong. and you know if you just get to sleep it'll feel better in the morning, butyou can't tell if you have greater clarity then or when you wake up so maybe the sadness is more authentic than the morning happiness. Just those soul crushing nights.
She's probably having one of those.
>Have you never had those nights
Yes user, it's called every night.
Join a gym. If it doesn't directly improve your life you'll still sleep easier if you're physically exhausted.
>join a gym
But that will get in the way of my anime/manga/depression time.
Lots of weebs lift. And all the endorphins will help with the depression
But I like being a sad sack of shit. It's comfier than actually trying to better myself.
Trust me user, laying in bed doing nothing while your whole body is sore from the gym, and your stomach is full of protein, is the absolute comfiest thing one can ever experience.
We're all gonna make it.
She just had a dream where everything had went right. She wakes up from it crying cause she knew the whole time it wasn't real.
I can actually confirm that. You don't need to become some musclehead to benefit from gym exercises.
Post more
>son I am proud
And it doesn't have to be 5-7 days a week. You can lift Monday Wednesday Friday for an hour, and become pretty dang fit. 3 hours a week to vastly improve your life. And you can watch anime or listen to music or books or podcast while you do it
he's literally talking about an ant that bit his hand
>watch anime while you lift
Do you tape your monitor above the bench?
>And you can watch anime or listen to music or books or podcast while you do it
How? You don't get to bring a laptop at the gym, so I just listen to music.
>watch anime
Please don't do that.
I saw the movie today and i found it better than i thought. I still like the manga more, but the film is nice for its own.
>But that will get in the way of my anime/manga/depression time.
This is why you bring a laptop / tablet / phone loaded with anime so you can watch while on the treadmill.
just bring a phone with Hirasawa songs and you're set
Homegym master race
Can confirm. You can seriously enjoy your Chinese cartoons and grab a pump. Who knows, you might get laid someday too.
I'm not saying you have to go full normie but at least you'd be able to say you did it before and not be a goober your entire life.
>not just paying for a pro
Why even bother with 3D then?
Because it's not good to cheat and skip over all of the important parts.
>he doesn't incorporate cardio in his routine
Never gonna make it
delete this bait post you fucking faggot, you don't have to go to the gym and be surrounded by fucks to do this
>cardio kills gains
>some guy trying to trick people who don't even lift into doing cardio
get back to fit you retard
I was a cardio fag for years, cross country, long distance track, but I found weightlifting to be much more rewarding for the amount of time expended. Sure you can't get good bodyweight workouts, and good running, but paying a gym membership and leaving the house in order to exercise daily is both easier to progress and track progression in, and more mentally healthy than doing pushups alone in your apartment for months.
Also homegym is good, but only if you know anything about equipment and have a large living space. You're better off starting in an actual gym.
What's fucking rewarding about paying for stiff muscles that you will operate with weak heart? Swimming and running is much better to exhaust yourself.
You're really angry about something you have very little knowledge of. You realize these things aren't mutually exclusive right? And many gyms have.... pools and treadmills? For people who don't live on the water or in areas where it's safe to run?
And I'm sure no one has ever done BOTH swimming/running and lifting
I mean holy shit can you imagine?