Rings? Rings

Rings? Rings.

Other urls found in this thread:

danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=&tags=Yuri!!!_on_ice official_art&ms=1

What is happening here?

>that body hair
Pls no



BaldFat's lesbian aunts are so ugly

So why are JJ's eyebrows attacking his face?

Jizz looking good

BaldFat being their typical bakappulu selves and standing in the center, forcing everyone else to squeeze in from the side.

>no booze for jj because being extra as fuck
>no booze for yuri because underage
>beka wanting to be sober to remember every lingering moment with his waifu(male)


>Fairy's tiny pale hand vs Bike's big manly hand
That's divine.

>russians caring about teens drinking alcohol

JJ here looks like my uncle

>rings AND PDA at the same time in official art


Yeah, but they're going on a cute beach date and you're not.



That flying leg behind BaldFat belongs to who exactly? Can't be Chris'

It's gotta be JJ

It's JJ's.


God, every official art this week has been RIDICULOUS


JJ is photobombing. He wasn't actually invited to be in the picture.

But isn't it JJ's knee next to Chris' head already? Is he flying?

>Otabek with the side glance at Yurio
It's his thing now, isn't it?

Oh wait. I think I understand now.

What a group of handsome males! And JJ.

Here's the museum audio guide pairings.

I wonder how much Victor and Yuuri talk about each other in the other audio guides kek.

Poor Fairy. Hosoyan, get better soon.

>Still no Hosoyan
Fuck this gay earth

According to Miyano and Yasumoto he's doing well, he's still scheduled to appear at the Starmyu event in October.

>Pig and Thai
>Bald and Jizz
Fuck yes

I hope he won't overdo it when he comes back to work. His schedule is always crazy.

Well, they'll be talking to each other so hopefully we'll get some flirting.

Will nips just transcribe the dialogues? Or will they record and share them? Since the museum is open until September I guess it's not a mission impossible.

>the official name for YURI on Museum is "Skate #12.2 Please Take Me to the Grand Prix Final!!! IN Barcelona Story" the GPF epilogue!
>bg on the YURI on Museum "setting": it's the day after the GPF in Barcelona, in the exhibition hall for the "GPF Figure Skater exhibition"
>the skaters who participated in the GPF + Victor will guide you thru and share their memories as well as their costumes, skates, and artwork
>there will be 6 new illust postcards


Pretty much everyone will pick BaldFat the first time they do through. I'm so depressed I won't get to hear it.

Holy shit
Fucking JJ

We might get second-hand accounts from people, but even then that will not be so accurate.

BaldFat looks so cute in this, goddamn.

Will animators become blind with Vityas breast size like they did with the girl in one piece? Is this what he will look like by the last episodes?

>there will be 6 new illust postcards


Fairy cursing JJ all the time

>rings again

With the backlash about the lack of rings on that one guidebook (or fanbook), seems they wouldn't dare excluding the rings again. The power of fandom huh

Lmaooo where was this from

Hopefully this means Mappa finally grew some balls and all official art from this point on will have the rings. The risk of controversy is worth it. The fans WANT to see the rings and might buy more merch or be more loyal to the series if they're included rather than censored.

There definitely would've been rage if the rings were missing from the museum illustration. That takes place right after the gpf.

Mappa doesn't decide what to draw, in magazines it's the magazine staff who commissions Mappa's animators and other official art depends on the publisher.

It's not Mappa that excluded the rings, its most likely other merchandisers on the production committee.

And the artist bitched about the draft having the rings originally but was removed from the finished artwork on twitter

>That takes place right after the gpf.
Exactly. It's stated in the official description of the Museum that this is set the day after the end of GPF, it would have been a serious issue if they hadn't included the rings this time.
I hope this means the matter is closed once and for all, but I don't want to be a delusionalfag.

Hiramatz is too much of a bro to ever forget the important details too. Like the rings and Bald's ass.

I liked the interaction of toshi and suwabe after ED when they talked about the next episode, I hope to have something like this
Like the bald talking '' my yuri '' or who would love to see the nude on the ice ..

>who would love to see the nude on the ice
This was the second gayest line of the show, after the pregnant one. Too bad it wasn't in the episode, but I'm sure it's something Bald really told him.

Being bald always suffer.

Bald is so pure and innocent, kek.

eug2nd's art always wavers between really cute and really hitler.

His piggy sure is an expensive pet. But bald is always willing to do anything for him.

Holy shit, I've missed a lot of great official art these past few months. Any other good ones?

How long have you been gone?

She can be pretty moe

I came here to post this. Their hand size difference is perfect.

danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=&tags=Yuri!!!_on_ice official_art&ms=1
I think this is all of them, not counting SD stuff used for merch.

You shouldn't be able to see Bald's ring at that angle yet here we are

Is bike wearing his leather jacket with a shirt and tie? Best taste.

Cute, and this is literally my modus operandi too.



What did they mean by this?

The yuri on festival poster is missing and so is the cover of that mag with the a midsummer night's dream theme. (Pic related)

It was a freelance artist not Hiramatz who bitched about the finished artwork removing the rings.

I know. I'm talking about in this case.

Stop, this is too Hitler for me. ;_; Pig loves Bald!!

Oh well, ignore my comment user. Sorry.

I want BaldFat to invite me to their backyard party in the suburbs.

I bet they would be great hosts for their backyard BBQ parties.

Baldfat is losing in a poll to Wachowski shit hypable.com/battleships-victuuri-vs-nomanita/

Piggy on the grill. Bald mixing drinks.

>Piggy on the grill.
I see what you did there.

Why are there still no BluRay rips of this series yet? Is anime pirating finally dead? I want to see the updated animation.

I want Baldfat to win on this meaningless Internet poll. What is wrong with me?

Kek me too. Especially when most of the pairings on there aren't even couples.

I think that's why I care. Most of them are not officially couples and Baldfat are.

I'm pretty sure Sense8 is canon, but that show is shit and it's offensive for baldfat to lose to it

Voted. Are there any other polls?

Bikefairy beat TWD and is going to be up against Fitzsimmons next hypable.com/hypables-battleships-yuri-on-ice-vs-the-walking-dead/

>hearing bald and fat flirting in your ear

>BaldFat set against another canon interracial gay couple

Is this a coincidence or what?

Got it, thanks.

So Otabek is canonly inlove with Yuri right?

>Fairy has to settle for the inferior undercut

Get well soon Hosoyan. Should be funny hearing Fairy bitch at JJ the entire time though.

>BikeFairy squatting

Fairy is so cute with his little tongue sticking out, I love his outfit. I wish I could see the whole thing when he's standing up. The longer sleeves bunched around his tiny pale wrist is so nice. He looks so good and comfy I just want to hug him. Bike's leather jacket over the shirt and tie is cool too.

I wish he says this in the audio guide

What the new live drama will have in store for us? Will it outgay the last one?

What if JJ continues to fuck with Fairy calling him things like "a cute lady of the ice" etc. JFairyfags would rejoice.

I want that but also don't because it won't be sold later