Made in abyss


Filthy secondary checking in. It's got an interesting af premise and a metric ton of potential . I'm quite excited to see what happens next, even though it's not /that/ compelling.

Loli and shota abuse.

Someone post bellybutton gore.

who is Stich?
what really happened to Mitty?
when will Reg's memories return?
>inb4 when his shotacock gets to remember
is abyss really the place where the souls go back? I only thought it was some kind of superstition

this thread will probably be full of spoilers, go read the manga before participating.

[yandere moth sounds]

Is someone has a link for the song played during the sunset scene at the end of the first episode ?
It's really beautiful and I can't find it.

Read the manga, its on batoto. 38 chapters have been officially translated, it'll only take you a few hours to catch up on.

Stop making generals

read the manga.

read the fucking manga, because i will spoiler the shit out of everything the moment someone asks a question that is easily answered by reading said manga. , mangakakalot or even mangafox or mangazone phone app, just fucking read this shit already

how about you make a themed thread, then?

So Ozen was actually a nice girl with optimism before the abyss?

Lyza is not dead
Riko never does anything and is useless
Mitty dies
Bonedrewd dies multiple times
Prushka gets turned into soup and a white whistle
Reg gets molested on every layer
Nanachi killed and souped kids, killed delvers trying to find a way to kill Mitty
[Spoiler]fuck off animeonlyfags and create your own threads with show screencaps if you want to discuss the anime without manga spoilers

Why does Bondrewd even need those cartridges if he can just abandon the body he uses to delve and go to the next one? Furthermore, why does the curse of the abyss even work on him when he isnt considered human anymore, as stated by nanachi and himself?

too busy thinking what weapon use on my Best Dad cosplay in DaS 3, armor is fully there from the boots to the head (Leonhard set + Outrider Knight Helmet+ Havel gauntlets)


I did, obviously. But I can't seem to find the answers to my questions. Even after reading the chapters for the third time.

Riko isn't even good at taking short shits. She spent the entire chapter constipated.

hey guys, so what if
what if we just
you know,
REPORT speedreaders

From what I understand he used cartridges to protect that specific enhanced body which is packed of many relics. That's why Nanachi said 'we don't need to worry about other bodies.' after Riko destroyed that one.

These daily threads are gonna ruin things eventually

she was already a best

He uses human bodies. When they say he's not human anymore is not meant to be taken literally. Just that a dude who is insane and has his conciousness spread through many bodies isn't considered "human".
As for the first question. Not all his bodies are equal, and even if you can keep delving with different bodies if you can't return with them you can't bring back any interesting artifact.

I mostly come here just to check if typesetting user posts a new chapter.

Literally all of that is explained. Did you just skip Nanashi's explanation of how the curse works and all the info dumps during Boney's arc?

>why does the curse of the abyss even work on him when he isnt considered human anymore
It works on everything that's alive, not just humans. Most monsters just have sensory organs that let them perceive the flow of the force field and move through the gaps instead of forcing new ones open, which is what triggers those effects.

Heh, imagine if they found the GBE in the abyss

I don't mind increasing popularity of the manga/animu as long as we take care to call out speedreaders and spoonfeeders.

What would sex with Faputa be like?

Yeah as we know Nanachi can be affected by the curse, at least the fifth layer curse affected her during the fight with Bonedrewd, the difference is that unlike Riko and Reg she can see the force field

Fluffy and you wouldn't be able to move much since she's pinning you down.

It would get pretty gory.

Why didn't Reg protect that smile?

Because she stabbed him.

Belly button fuck

>Riko could have been this beautiful
>Instead Lzya fucked a potato faced manlet
She was just using him as a living dildo, right?

He not only wants to avoid the curse but also get the blessing of the abyss and transform into a fluffy bunny like Nanachi. This is only possible with the cartriges and the power of true love.

>tfw a fucking potato got his dick destroyed by the Lord of Annihilation

She only looks like a dork because of the glasses and dumb pigtails.

Nanachi is old and busted; make way for new fluffy.

They are somewhat similar in anatomy, can Nanachi get that strong I wonder? Or the blessing was more different that it seems

There's only one BEST fluff. And he got deaded.

>umbilical hernia
gross as fuck

she only fucked him to turn him into another white whistle
calling it now

No. She loved him dearly and passionately.

Why the fuck would she need two white whistles?

Stop shitposting Ozen. You got cucked by a manlet, get over it.

Lyza seems like the dominant type. It makes sense that she would pick someone shorter than her.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but the main purpose of the white whistle is to counteract the curse, right?

If so, you're right in that there's no reason to have two.

And judging by her name, reputation, personality and that kind of gleam in her eye I suspect she was completely wild in bed. He probably died from over-fucking.

She looks exactly like him though. Riko is cute in her own way, and really likable. But she takes after a genetic failure. But I guess I'm just talking shit because he became a black whistle and fucked 10/10 abyss pussy. The only way he could have been more alpha is if he impregnated Ozen.

Huh, I never noticed the resemblance between orphan matron and Ozen. I wonder if they're related.

The White Whistle has nothing to do with the curse, where did you even get that from?
Its singular purpose is opening the artifact gate at the 6th layer

It's not singular, a white whistle can be used to activate different artifacts

the new fluffy is SCARY user, Nanachi is NICE and SMELLS GOOD

white whistles also serve the same purpose as cartridges

I was about to say that only white whistles have ever returned from the 6th layer, but I guess you can't return from it if you can't access it, so I'll concede that that's not exactly proof.

I'd be surprised if the white whistle itself, due to its nature, doesn't help counteract the curse though. It'd be a fantastic plot device, given that it'd give Rico's party 3/3 curse immune members (assuming they get Prushka back).

Nanachi will never be old and busted, she just keeps getting better the more we see of her.

Aye, worded that a bit badly. It has an effect on Reg too after all.
Definitely does fuck all about the curse though

>go to abyss for adventure and friendship
>everyone and everything wants to fuck you
Reg is too pure for this world

Reg is just a kid and doesn't want the rape. He is scared.


kyun kyun

Yandere is the best, my dude. Too bad she's probably going to have a horrible ending.

None of the white whistles have ever returned from the 6th layer, unless you count Bonedad losing one of his bodies to it a return somehow.
There is currently two White Whistles that are past the gate but we know for a fact that they haven't ever come back since heading down there.

I'm starting to think that Reg unironically is a sexbot built for pleasure purposes by creatures of the deeper layers.
And also protection, of course.

The only human that ever came back from the 6th layer without turning into a blob is Nanachi.

If he just used bodies instead of cartridges, he would lose what little sanity he has left from body swapping all the time

She was turned into fluff instead. A true blessing.

So what will happen to Reg when Riko blows Prushka? Will he become what he was in the fight vs Bonedrewd or will something else happen?

>So what will happen to Reg when Riko blows Prushka?
Reg might get a little jealous

I want to make another child of the Abyss with Lysa.

I want to make Nanachi into a milf.

Bondrewd technically ascended and survived in chapter 36.

How do we know the 7th layer exists then?

What did the author mean by this

Through messages that were sent up.

Riko is having violent intestinal troubles and giving the toilet end result value
Namachi is having a fucking crisis
Faputa has murder on her mind


That rabbit looks adult. Nanachi will be a loli milf.

Is that a moth? Is she mad?

I need the entire OST

is this last frame with nanachi why everyone says mitty isn't dead? That shit's mitty!?


Is this a joke? You know it's not released until a while into season, same with every show.


Mitty is dead for sure, the question is what happens to your soul in the Abyss. She could maybe be alive, somehow down there.

Gave ;)

Yes it's mitty

She couldn't be happier.

I still think this is a ruse. We know that the forcefield can respond to cognition. And if the City is really able to search deeper than that, it's not unlikely that this is all a temptation being created to get Nanachi to convert herself to Value and tie herself down to the city.

Same with Reg and Faputa, I doubt she really called him by that name before he left the abyss. Assuming she and Big Daddy were the ones to steal Prushka they made it so that they would 100% follow them to the city by leaving a trail. I feel like this is all one master ruse.


6 stars for Reg
7 for Lyza

That they're being lured down? I mean that much is almost for certain. Riko even knows it might just be someone else telling her to come. But let's say they aren't, then the story to me is suddenly much more interesting. I really hope no plot twist like that is introduced. I just hope it's a really fucked up world down there with lots of cool things and they find happiness somehow in the end.

What did Akihito mean by introducing a superior fuwa creature to Nanachi, who everybody loved?
Faputa :
>can fly
>has FOUR (4) arms, each one very fluffy
>has a beautiful smile
>has boobs worth hiding
>has cute bellybutton
>actually puts out and cuddles
>won the regbowl in the past

How can 7chi even compete anymore?

better question is why doesn't he draw fluffy shotas

>That they're being lured down?
No, being lured to stay in the city indefinitely. Riko's drive to go deeper isn't in question here, but if she loses Reg and Nanachi there is no way she will ever make it any deeper since she sucks.

Is this a crop? I need that more than anything

by being an interesting character and not just "le freaky fanservice waifub8"
