The great debate
YYH vs HxH
I love YYH but I admit that the Dark Tournament arc was the only exceptional thing about it.
Other arcs were good too. YYH is one of my all time favorite anime and is better than HxH.
It seems general consensus is that HxH is more refined but honestly I prefer YYH.
HxH is run of the mill shounen shit.
YYH is a classic.
Never make this thread again.
HXH, YHY is a mediocre dragonball rip off
And HxH is proto naruto which retroactively makes it shit.
YYH is more of a standard battle manga but still good. HxH is much more better written and interesting though.
>starts out as spirit detective busting illegal spirit immigration
>becomes entirely different halfway
>starts out as a boy wanting to be a hunter to find his father
>becomes a hunter early on and decades after the manga began he actually finds his father
To be fair it only took around a year and a half to find him in the manga.
It's all the same timeline, the makai barrier being weakened blurred the lines between the human and spirit world, thus raising everyone's spiritual awareness. nen is merely the evolution of those psychic fields introduced in chapter black arc, among the earlier spirit powers. this is also why you have all those strange creatures and territories in hxh, demon world's influence grew. gon is the ancestor of yusuke, hence why ging looks like him. but it also explains their character, gon's moral grayness stems from his demon ancestry. we observed this as far back with yusuke after finding out he was a demon (ex. offering to feed demons human beings). it also explains this, its his demon mode, similar to how yusuke was possessed by raizen.
that said this entire manga run has been excellent, in speaking of both as one.
Chapter Black was better.
There's less shit YYH than HxH, and it was more focused. It's a better comic.
Contrarians like you should all be lined up and shot
I still cant believe Kishimoto got away with such direct plagiarism. Even for Jump it was pretty blatant.
Sorry about that poor taste you've got.
>You have to be a contrarian to dislike how HuH handles itself.
Get a grip. Yuyu changed direction hard but kept focus and was mostly satisfactory. Hunter is Togashi's idea sandbox and lacks the cohesion and simplicity that worked for Yuyu. It's a bunch of neat powers and ideas executed in a way I don't enjoy.
Also Kuwabara was handled better than Leorio.
Both have their ups and downs,but I prefer a complete story over an incomplete one.
HxH>YYH, but Shinobu Sensui>Any other character Togodshi has ever written.
Yu Yu Hakusho is garbage tournament memes with one dimensional fights and characters, outdated ideals and simplistic themes.
Hunter x Hunter actually has writing, developments, different genres, ridiculous level of details, strategies and political, psychological and philosophical ambition.
>YHY is a mediocre dragonball rip off
nice b8
>Yuyu has 1.5 tourney arcs, both mandated by editorial, the first being one of the best tourney arcs ever and the comic holding up very well even outside of tournies.
>HxH literally starts on shitty tests and a tourney arc.
Fuck off
>hxh has political and philosophical ambitions
well said, becouse i cant find any political and philosophical reason in hxh
Neither the Hunter Exam nor Heaven's Arena can be considered generic tournament arcs like the majority of Yu Yu Hakusho. Gon and Killua didn't even care about the tournament
Maybe you're a dumbdumb?
>1.5 tourney arcs
Thats more like 2.5 of like 6 arcs
I really liked the chapter black concept
the guy's endgame armor was so stupid looking for some reason
3kings is short enough that I consider it .5 at best. Unless my memory betrays me, Genkai was even less.
Yusuke is the better character
HxH is the better series
YYH is overall way more enjoyable. Also, HxH's characters are shit compared to YYH.
YYH remake or continuation will happen, it makes too much money for it not to.
nice bait
Togashi has enough money to not give a fuck and he has a good track record of not giving a fuck.
He's living the rich lazy life with his extra rich wife. Not to mention a new Dragon Quest is coming around in like 19 days, so even HXH will not make it that far.
Did you actually read or watch any of HxH? Most of the Dark Continent arc is political
YYH was great but HxH is Togashis masterpiece.
Togashi is not needed, Pierrot will it do it themselves just like Boruto.
Togashi can just give them tips if he wants.
>Tfw I really like the final tournament arc
It was pretty good except for O MY SEEDS THAT I PLANTS 1000 YEARS AGO
to be fair even Yusuke was mad at the asspull
Why are HxH fans such stuck up pricks. They think HxH is so much more complex than it actually is. I don't hate HxH but it's not a masterpiece like they think it is
>why do people who enjoy mindless battle shounen act like they have brain damage
The Chimera Ant arc, even though it has the subtlety of a brick I still loved it, though
I like Yusuke better than Gon.
Has an expy of Younger Toguro ever shown up in Hunter x Hunter?