Why does she dress like this if she doesn't wanna be called a girl?

Why does she dress like this if she doesn't wanna be called a girl?

waiting for someone to force her down and make her a woman

>and make her a woman
Wasn't God already doing that?

Because everything in the fate/series apart from fate/zero is nonsensical moeshit trash

Fuck, guess I gave to watch Fate shit for her.

Why does she even need a casual attire? Can't she turn into a spirit like all servants can?

I've seen guys that dress like that op

Would you let your son dress like this?

It's like how Pikachu doesn't wanna go in his pokeball.

No, that's way too modest.

To be a reason to stop wizards from giving girls dicks to get raped by their siblings.

She has brain problems, user. All Saberclones do.

>It is simple how to deal with Mordred. Do not bad-mouth King Arthur. Do not praise King Arthur. Do not treat her like a woman. Also do not bluntly treat her like a man. Do not behave in a stiff manner. Do not be infatuated with other Servants. Properly hear her opinions. Simple, right?

She wants to be close to as many dicks as she can. That way she can pretend she has a dick when she's getting plowed in every hole.


Muscle heads with daddy issues can't think.

Isn't that just women in general?

Would you let your wifes son(female) dress like this?

In the novel, Shishigo just bought whatever was cheap and she didn't really give a fuck. She just wanted new clothes

Mordred would have killed shirou huh

She thinks that that's what boys her age usually wear.

LOLwut. You don't just buy a girl a swimsuit without intending to, user.

I guess Shishigo just wanted some eye candy around.

More like why does she act cutesy if she doesn't want to be called a girl? It's like she's trying to be Astolfo.

My unruly son, who used to be the sweetest boy in the world started rebelling at a young age. I don't know why, and I imagined it was a silly teenage phrase, but he gets worse day by day. He hits me, and he's started dressing like this, and he's hanging out with men twice his age.

I just want my baby boy back.

>I don't know why

Oh, you do know.

Either that or they would have gotten along splendidly.