Umaru S1 receives a TV rebroadcast starting August 12 in preparation for s2!
Umaru s2 hype thread
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You haven't been able to get more then 20 posters ever, just give up no one cares.
I'm not the one who usually makes these threads.
Get that ugly fucking rat off Sup Forums
But we already know the ending. Umaru becomes a gambling junkie.
Also, Umaru's VA and producer of the show will be attending Bilibili World(China) on July 21.
Chinks sure love hamster.
First we conquer China, then the rest of the world
Everyone shall worship the nug
>listed first, even though the likes of Aqours, Mimorin or Garnidelia are attending
Can's stop the nug.
Based chinks will fund more seasons.
shut up rat
I gotta ask this. Will Ebina win the taihei bowl? She already differentiated the love between him and her real brother. The author likes to tease them in chapter covers and extras. And in the timeskip shown in the spinoff where Ebina is 18 she confesses to him.
I haven't followed the raws so I don't really know what's happening beyond the scans.[/spoiler
Maybe, if Umaru becomes independent which she most likely will. Kanou doesn't really get much focus anyway.
This makes me very happy.
Fuck off, ESL.
>MFW I like the nugget, but hate cora
Thready reminder that core Sup Forums loves Umaru.
People who hate her are filthy cross-boarders from Sup Forums. They're trying to keep the show from gaining more popularity because "muh it promotes laziness" because they never actually watched it and doesn't know about Umaru being a perfect student.
i do
>You haven't been able to get more then 20 posters ever
Go be a liar somewhere else.
Go back to your thread, you sperg. Or better yet, leave Sup Forums and watch TV reruns of Wata- oh wait.
That's my birthday thank you
The nug didn't forget you!
>tomoshitters still salty over s2
It's been 3 months. Get over it, you crybabies.
>Prison school thread
What a glorious thread that was. I actually saw that image being posted in later Prison School as well.
why is tomo such trash compared to umaru
Mangaka is an emo bitch.
>21 posters
Umaru is a shit show for the special needs.
It has one of the worst BGMs where an autistic guy plays a flute whenever Umaru does something "hilarious" which typically means she throws a tantrum.
How anyone remotely finds the series interesting is surprising to the point where they have to trash other series just to stay relevant.
Get Demo's balls out of your mouth and speak like a normal person you autist.
You seem upset
More TSF desu wa!
They're gonna learn form their mistakes, right? like this abomination right here will never show up again right? she will stay in hamster mode forever, right?
Umaru-fags, I want you to understand why we hate you.
We don't hate you because you dislike our shows. Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said Tomoshit! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.
No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags wasn't that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursection" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.
Umaru-fags are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single post on this board that doesn't regularly have off topic derails about umaru. It doesn't matter how off topic it is, umaru-fags can't help but broadcast that they are faggots.
What does watamote have to do with this thread or show? I mean, really, what does it add to the conversation? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I am insulting your favorite show! I am still relevant!
TL;DR Umaru-fags are just the same as furfags.
She has more character development in the manga. If they're planning to stay true to the manga, we might even see less hamster this time around.
I mean, I do like Umaru but TSF a best
>What does watamote have to do with this thread or show?
Watamote fags started that. There's a sperg called ESL-kun (he's not a namefag but everyone knows him by his autistic typing patterns) who keeps insulting people in Umaru threads with Tomoko reaction pics. We are just trying to piss that guy off in return.
Look, he's even in this thread
i like shows that trigger normies
>All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I am insulting your favorite show! I am still relevant!
There's 1 or 2 guys who do that and the reason they do is to piss off ESL who used to the same thing to us.
Lurk more faggot.
Fuck off
How ironic
TSF = Tachibana Smells Fart
You are describing ESL-cunt. That spergy autist can't make a single post without spamming Tomoko.
Umaru is the Fan Boy and Chum Chum of Anime.
Absolute Annoying Garbage.
Umaru is Donald Trump of anime.
Because she is orange and won?
I was looking for this pic
the sames place had caturday, ,maybe you are too young to remember
Hammy made anime great again!