Why are the Japanese never portrayed with slant eyes in manga?
Why are the Japanese never portrayed with slant eyes in manga?
everyone wishes they were white
They are though?
Because white people would look weird in manga.
I really like the two head conformations, I could really see them in a "foreigner just came to nippon manga"
they are, sometimes
I like how they cherrypicked examples.
Why do people expect animu grills to look Asian when they don't look like humans in the first place?
Have you ever been to Japan or a white country?
That's hardly cherrypicked, and both are above average faces for where they're from I'd say.
I'm not saying anime characters are based on whites, but in that picture left's features have been obviously exaggerated to make her look uglier, while the right was made prettier.
Probably why Caucasians are not portrayed with gigantic noses in comics.
Not having stub noses is gigantic?
It's called stylization idiot.
Slant eyes aren't aesthetically pleasing, it's got nothing to do with gooks idolizing white people.
Slant eyes are used more for western characters?
That is not the average face for a Japanese girl, most of them are ugly as shit
>anime has concrate rules
>individual artist's style doesn't mean shit
Do you fuck your sister or cousins by any chance?
Who makes this threads?
Why do I feel that people posting in this threads are not actually into manga and don't know really know what they're talking about?
Other than posting some images comparing comic characters to real people and the usual mindless Japanese bashing there's not much going on in these threads.
Oh, and you should go read/learn about Tezuka instead of wasting your time coming up with some shitty reply to this post.
>any 3DPD
>not ugly
Please leave
What's wrong with fucking cousins?
It's a cartoon. Nobody in the real world has eyes the size of an orange either.
Because it's a cartoon?
>it's let's put reality into my chinese cartoons cause I'm a redditor who can't see the difference between reality and fantasy episode.
Cartoon animation is about expressiveness, and it's kinda hard to convey emotion if you look like fucking Brock from Pokemon.
Are slant eyes squinty eyes or eyes that look like \ / ?
you don't show what a deliberate shitty job you did of tracing if you're going to make a comparison
Thread fucking over
Go home everyone
>slant eyes
Because Japanese people spend most of their time surrounded by Japanese people and don't have half a spare fuck for baka gaijinshi.
You are a fat, ugly, worthless virgin who will die alone. There is not a Japanese person halfway around the world that wishes they were you.
People who are so insecure of their race/qualities they try to draw non-existent parallels just to feel good about themselves.
I pity those subhumans.
because they're just symbols, not 1:1 reconstructions of eyes
>pointed nose
Don't think for one second I don't see you cunts subtly changing that
But that's what Chinese people have.
>people not recognizing bait that gets posted in every fucking thread like this
>using the wrong racial slur
Just stick to discussing your epic e-celebs.
Japs like to let end they aren't ugly squint eyed yellow golems. Oddly enough, they accurately depict Koreans and Chinese as such, but give the japs a pass despite japs looking almost identical.
Japs wish they were white.
Butthurt Jap.
true japanese dont have slanty eyes
God I hate these threads. We get it, you think Asians are ugly and that they idolize white people. Anything else?
We KNOW that actually.
They think white women look manly compared to their women btw.
This, Japanese are incapable of making western-looking characters when they try
Those heads are angled slightly differently. You wouldn't think it would make a difference, but it does.
The left has her head angled down and directly from the side (notice how you can't see any part of her other eye?), which emphasizes the forehead and edge of the jaw bone.
The right has the camera from below and at a slight tilt, so you can see her eye a bit more. Not only that, but the tracer translated that angle into a straight side profile like the left.
>green eyes
>light colored hair
>didn't watch mushishi
you actual retard
Because eyes are expression. Whereas most of the world conveys emotion with their mouth, japanese (and, interestingly, slavs and finns as well) convey emotion primarily via eyes. That also works the other way, foreigners in anime are generally more realistically proportioned because they know that they emote differently.