Didnt this come out today? I didnt see any thread.
Koi to uso
Yeah, let's wait for subs.
Is this ntr
Who here /gay/?
Manga reader here. I didn't think they adapted this chapter (4.5) so soon.
It's next week's preview.
Best girl Nisaka
Ah, okay. If I was them, I would skip the last part of that scene, and I would show it later in the show, as a flashback, to keep more mystery around Nisaka.
Misaki is a turboslut, I hope the CLEARLY best girl is not such a harlot.
Smug lili
Is this ntr please respond
I kind of agree. It's not like Neji's going to find out during the show. The manga is still being a tease about it. The latest chapter, for example.
Blonde NTR's herself even though she's best girl.
Brunette keeps trying to NTR herself.
Male best friend is NTR too.
I still wouldn't generalize this as NTR for some reason.
Like the manga, it's awful
Misaki is the most interesting character in the story, together with Nisaka. Both of them are mature and bring mysteries. Plus, she is only deeply in love.
It'd be NTR the moment gaybro realizes homosexuality a mistake and bang misaki and lilina both at the same time.
New scans when
Yeah. Anyway, I adore Nisaka. My favorite character together with Misaki, because you can't say exactly what they are hiding and thinking. Lilina and Yukari are like open books, not so interesting. Too much naive and innocent.
I wish.
I already see tons of people praising her because she is naive and "pure". Except she isn't so innocent, sexually speaking, she is often attracted to the main character. She frequented an all girl school, so she is very curious about love and sex. I don't dislike her but I don't think she is more interesting than Misaki.
Yeah. If I was the mangaka, I would have waited way more time before to draw the chapter 4.5 as well, because all the rest of the manga is mainly precious teasing. Well, also this way, Nisaka remains intriguing, because he is hiding something, besides his feelings for Yukari. And I LOVE when Nisaka and Misaki teases each other. Their relation is mysterious and interesting too.
I think Nisaka and Misaki could be half siblings.
>Amazon fucked up their simulcast of this again today
Hoping it will only take a few hours until they fixed it like last week.
Current year, still no subs.
Is this CGI? It looks like it for some reason
Nisaka best girl, Misaki a shit, I hope MC ends up with Lilina, those two retards are made for each other.
No, it's just the director's touch, look at Yamada-kun and the 7 witches, it has the same style.
All harems and love triangles and shit are basically girls taking turns NTRing eachother. Most people just don't care as long as it's not a guy suffering it and so don't even realize.
>[HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 02 [720p].mkv
Subs are out. HorribleSubs was right so I think it's just scheduled to come out at 11:30 PST/2:30 EST
Is this series good or is it just for weeb perverts?
>[HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 02 [1080p].mkv
>it just for weeb perverts
probably because none of that is actual ntr
I forgot how cheesy the manga was
It's just a romcom
Where did the ntr meme came from
>that endcard
Misaki a shit.
Lilina a best.
Fuck off ESL
Misaki is shit
I'll never get used to those eyes.
Because anything is NTR nowadays and people compared it with Kuzu no Honkai which also isn't NTR.
Mangafags is there more YURI undertones coming up?
fuck off /u/
I'm not even asking for the full yuri.....
Yes but keep it a secret so the non-yurifags don't throw tantrums
Is Lilina's dad a foreigner? Did he fall for the "Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body" copypasta?
Alright so they're clearly setting up Ririna to be best girl but it's too obvious so she'll get into some huge drama and act like a cunt, right? Nah man, fuck this.
They keep calling Misakis hair long
NTR has devolved in the same way as cuck do to overuse by retards to where it's hardly ever used correctly. It might as well mean "my favorite character doesn't end up with the MC" or "there's more than one girl in the series and they don't all like the MC" or even "girl likes someone that isn't the MC" at this point.
Is Lilina a hafu? Her dad is drawn as a stereotypical Westerner
last time I read it I think she is
Fuck off and kill yourselves.
You will not ruin this anime for us het and yaoi friends.
Is this Yuri?
>looking at MC
It's a MFF threeway.
Also Kill yourself.
If the girls start muffin munchin during the 3 way is that yuri?
>Punch MC.
>Are you okay?
>Ask her to put skirt on.
>stop looking at my pantsu.
>Doesn't notice her button is undone.
>tell me sooner.
That's a sharp butt.
Reminder that the government is always right
Yes, that's right goy.
I wish my government assigned me a cute wife
Now you're making me feel bad.
Is it worth watching for Nisaka? or is his screentime rather little?
He's one of the main characters.
He is the one with the less screentime of the main characters but he still has plenty.
Holy fuck this guy.
How tall is he?
He is the only who is not a dense indecisive retard, so yes.
Lilina a best.
What would be the difference between a forced assigned partner and telling the government that you have someone who mutually loves you
Doesn't seem like they'd be that uptight about it since it accomplishes the same thing
Objective truth
You're pretty much shamed on for the rest of your life or something. Like when applying to college or getting a job it'll say "refused to listen to the government" or some shit like that. I'm pretty sure a chapter talks about it, but I forgot which one.
>way better compability with the government chosen girl
All hail the government
>there are people who doubted the government
>there are people who will refuse the government appointed girl for no reason other than contrarianism
>great matchmaker
>turning homos straight.
Praise the government.
Agents please, you're embarrassing yourselves.
Which Koi would you use-o?
Misaki, she seems slutty.
Can't wait to see /ourgay/ in a dress.
The wife is really short but he seems to be above average.
Camping chapter.
What would their sex be like?
You can see him in the opening.
Look at this delinquent.
I bet he goes to bed to sleep.
And people here calls him a beta, jeez.
I wanna see the full package.
Why else would you come to school?
>came for the qt girls.
>stayed for the gay bro.
Am I gay?
What's the point of this? He's not going to win, he's not even a runner, it's just desperate side homo.
Chapter 10.5 (from Vol.3) - Wan't translated to English by the censorship of MangaBox
Why is the OP song so catchy?