Why can't this be Anzumatsuri.
New chapter where?
How do you even go from Killer machine to best daughteru of all time?
Why doesn't she know her age?
Batoto, as always. Duh.
best girl is Hina, not anzu.
Because the girls were all born in a lab probably not even by a human.
Knowing your age probably isn't that important when you're a time traveling esper child soldier.
Since when did Anzu has a step brother? I don't remember reading about this.
Happened in chapter 62, he's Hitomi's employee who everyone thought was hitting on Anzu.
Love Anzu and Hitomi chapters.
i have to congratulate this author. He makes me lose my shit every single chapter.
that's gold coming from her
for future use
how so? She actually get shit done.
you forgot about all of her connections already?
What is his relationship with Anzu?
Anzu chapters are always the best, because Anzu is the best girl.