Best girl soon.
Isekai Shokudou
But that's not dragon
5 mins
get in here niggas
>hiring illegal otherworlders
when will he go to jail?
Prepare yourself, Sup Forums.
Is this show good? The art looks really nice. Is it typical Sup Forums garbage?
>made sure to eat before watching
>still getting hungry
Why don't you watch it and form your own opinion?
I don't like wasting my time watching something only to find out it's moeshit or some other garbage filth being shit out by the nips.
sugita pls
new qt addicted to cock next week
Is this that one isekai I heard about where the MC just opens a restaurant?
No, that's izakaya isekai
Yeah it's garbage, now fuck off.
It starts with the guy already having it and the restaurant is well known across the multiverse. If anything the sheep girl waitress is more of an MC.
This has gone on too long.
Who is this pure looking maiden.
>Prepare yourself, Sup Forums.
The spoon guy has a reason looking like a hobo.
He is a General of an army, shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted Island for the last 20 years. He kept himself alive via hunter-gathering, but always visits the restaurant every week as well. The discovery of the door was what kept him alive initially.
>It's dumb otherworlders got blown off by shitty japanese food episode again
>Who is this pure looking maiden.
A girl looking for a missing part of her inheritance. She was already rich but like grand dad, like grand daughter. She had to earn the finial treasure of the family by finding it herself, her grandfather just wasn't willing to let anyone else have the "door".
>assblasted Sup Forumsfags
Man this board is shit lol, this is why all the other boards make fun of it
>lol I fit in with these other guys, you're the fags!
Yet you're here being retarded instead of there, so what does that say?
Subs when?
Such a cutie.
Should be out soon according to HS.
>[HorribleSubs] Isekai Shokudou - 02 [720p].mkv
It's out
This was made in 900p so the 71020 is downscaled.
What are the rules for the doors here?
Are they permanent or do they move around? Is there only one per world or many? Do they disappear eventually? Does the chef or anybody have any control over them?
>71020 is downscaled
What's life like in the year 2150?
From what I understood so far in the show, they only appear in set places, they all seem to be in one realm only, and they usually accommodate one to how many people as long as they enter it all at once. Chef inherited the restaurant from his grandfather so this shit has been going on for a long time.
Poor gobbos dindu nuffing, he just wanted to use his tiny bow.
>No dragon this week
This isn't what I signed up for.
Wait I thought this was really popular. How are there less than 50 posts?
Despite nice art, this feels very poorly animated
Well, It seems I have to eat tempura tomorrow.
Shitposters got tired of shitposting. People who thought this was anything more than a relaxing cooking show dropped it. This is going to be one of shows where you get 1-2 threads a week, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Where does the qt demon stays at the other 6 days of the week?
She's homeless
This is the comfiest show since Flying Witch.
In her abandoned building like the hobo she is.
The guy should hire her to help out on regular days, not only on isekai days
>What are the rules for the doors here?
>Are they permanent or do they move around? Is there only one per world or many? Do they disappear eventually? Does the chef or anybody have any control over them?
The magic door rules were set up by the previous owner but he died before telling the current chef everything.
The doors appear in fixed locations in this one specific world. The locations are random to a point, but generally avoid places with too many people and more likely to show up in places of high magic. The door can only be opened once each Saturday, and once it is closed the door can't be used again for the next week. If you keep the door open you can let multiple people through, but the door shuts itself after 5 minutes. Everyone who leaves the restaurant gets dumped back where they originally entered.
There are enough doors in the world that there are many more unused or rarely used doors in the wilderness. Regular customers monopolise their personal doors and tend to either protect them or don't tell anyone about it. Remember that doors appear at midnight, but most people don't show up that early. So the danger is someone else using the door before you did. And doors tend not to be close to each other so if you miss a door you probably can't get to another one fast enough.
I love this show, it's incredibly comfy.
>Literal non-human
>Hired in japan
That seems like a recipe for disaster
Plus i'm sure the door has some kind of rule preventing that, it'd be pretty typical to have a rule like if you stay for more than a day you can never return, or another punishment
The door is omniscient it exists at all times but only appears once every 7 days. Normally the Restaurant would probably be closed on Saturday, but it is opened to the world when Satur happens. Anybody can leave the restaurant when they please, but they can only enter when its time. Its always in the same place I believe.
At first glance i thought this was a Grimgar thread.
It's Japan we're talking about. They'll probably think she's a cosplayer.
Yeah, I mean, literally no one would question it. It might even get him more business since she's so intolerably cute.
So it is not "magically" possible to exit in different place?
What about things? It seems the sword did manage to get left behind and exited through different door. Wouldn't it be possible to communicate extremely fast if single nation monopolized two doors at great distance?
You could just leave a note for the Chef to take and give it to the guy you want if you're aware of where the man came from.
>Wouldn't it be possible to communicate extremely fast if single nation monopolized two doors at great distance?
The door literally exists across multiple universes, yes user, i'm sure you could use it to quickly communicate between places far away from eachother
The person who entered the restaurant cannot exit to a different place unless, possibly the door is opened by somebody else to a different place. Items themselves can travel via anybody who has taken it.
Press F to pay respect to William, aka Spoon Guy
Is lemon water actually good?
Yes, you can even put some sliced cucumber, with some cloves and lemon all together let it sit in a refrigerator for about an hour or until chilled.
Yeah, better than regular water, and i'm sure if all you've ever had was lukewarm unfiltered water then it'd be TOTEMO OISHII
But compared to high quality tap water from a first world country it's just a decent improvement
To anyone used to sugar-filed carbonated soda?
To anyone who never had access to clean, filtered water, or ice, or lemons, yes, definitely.
Hurry up and inform the empire
Well, that's understandable. The art-style are pretty similar, and the girl in today's episode looks a lot like Yume.
They will have to start taking reservations at this rate.
>To anyone used to sugar-filed carbonated soda?
Fuck that, i do like soda but if i'm hot and need to cool down some good clean water is literally unbeatable
On a hot day chilled lemon water with some mentha leaves in it is literally 10/10 god tier drink
They stay open for 14 hours
Oh also forgot to add Fresh Mint into the mix.
This episode was much better than the first one.
A little story with a lot of enjoying food. One of the best shows this season.
Not liking the Dragon dipping its long tongue into the pot of stew.
One of the best parts is how not over-the-top their reactions to the food is. It really fits the relaxing atmosphere.
Surprising enough, the 2chan thread is already up to around 850 posts.
>two nations at war
>aristocrats from each find The Door
>find out they like same food
>sharing in their excitement, they manage to negotiate peace treaty
Next week when? Also it's a same that this show doesn't air on Saturdays.
That's the worst part. it get old really soon, and its fucking annoying.
This is what the slice of life genre should be like. Absolutely fantastic show.
That's it, I'm getting off my ass and starting a windowsill herb garden.
Isn't that girl's pee?
This is easily my favorite show this season so far.
It's so charming and has such a chill and relaxing atmosphere.
I wish it would stop with the sound effects.
The Chef is pretty boss, but still relaxed.
Really wish every restaurant would be like that. (also free water, bread and soup + refill - what the hell? thats like 10-15 $ alone in my city)
How does the chef protects himself against potential hostiles?
the dragon is protecting her treasure user
check ep 1
The dragon's enchantment.
I wouldn't be surprised if the whole door thing wasn't her work.
Chef must be retarded for giving it on person's tab if he has no way to know if he will ever be able to find a door again.
Easily my favorite of the season. Everything is just so comfy it makes me smile.
>the dragon is protecting her treasure
>The dragon's enchantment
It would make sense if it made the place immune to magic or something, but how does the enchantment protects him from being stabbed or mugged?