New chapter is out.
Baam is Arlene's son
New chapter is out.
Baam is Arlene's son
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off.
>i'm autistic and don't like a particular show so it's not allowed on my board
Fuck off back to Sup Forums and kill yourself.
Why would I talk about manga in Sup Forums?
>Baam is Arlene's son
Fuck off.
gookshit is not anime or manga boi
Should I retake this, stopped at the train arc because I just lost interest at that point. It just went on forever
Go Sup Forums dude, we can not put so much shit in the same place, it's against the safety rules
Just get back when they finally get off the train for good, i.e. a couple months from now maybe
It's sad how we can't have good ToG discussion anywhere, but eh, I'll enjoy it on my own
Yes, the train arc improves when Baam does his potty training with the blonde haired guy.
Stop samefagging.
You can, just make thread later. At these hours there's always some sore guy shitposting these threads, or just ignore and go on
(You) #
Fuck off gook.
>open retarded gook shit on the wrong board
>surprised about the butthurt
I bet you are a manlet too.
autism = you
the fact this thread alone is enough to make your blood boil and cause you to harm people around you, i suggest you kys
You need to go back.
>You will never be this insecure about your height or other people having culture or fun of their own
Oh well
I'm not OP but you guys will never believe me anyway so there's no point in defending myself or anyone here. I managed to introduce my friend to ToG and I'm fine enough with that
>implying implications
Fuck off to
Cool, it's an okay story, the main selling point in my opinion was the world building at the beginning, it made you want to see and know more of the tower. Nowadays I feel it lost its charm though
Yeah go fuck off. This shit is garbage I feel sorry for your friend having to deal with this shit.
You have to go back and stop samefagging.
You have to go back and stop samefagging.
>Baam is Arlene's son
Excuse me, wasn't it said like, weeks ago?
"hypothesis", she said it might be him
>so butthurt he thinks i'm samefagging.
>so butthurt
Says the guy throwing a fit of autistic rage about a manga on Sup Forums.
Is this the words of an cringey manga zealot or a faggot who doesn't realize that shit is actually better than 70% of japanese mangas?
Eh, you know that hypothesizes and prophesies always turn out to be true in this sort of works. The moment Garam dropped that phrase it was pretty much confirmed.
Seems they'll be a time skip soon.
Wonder what he wants to ask?
Rachel claims she's the child too so who knows.
Nah, I just came here to laugh at you.
How's this gook garbage any good again?
>hey wanna become a family leader like ur mom and dad was supposed to be
Not even manga, garbage edgy piece of shit, how can you man children enjoy this shit?
If you're going to defy the mods and elitistly ruin bad threads (an action which i fully endorse), shouldn't you be compulsively shitting on naruto threads instead of gookshit?
Theres a boruto thread on the front page right now but you're wasting your time on gookshit that gets posted once a week? Where are your priorities?
Seems to be something related to the thron
Can you remind me who the fuck was Arlene, it's been a while
You endorse people to shit up good threads to make it bad, that's quite sad.
Mods actually participate in and protect Boruto threads, so nah. No point in doing anything when chinkmoot's slaves counter you right away.
Arlene was one of the 13 irregulars who climbed the tower at the start, she started dating V (Baam's father) and Zahard got jealous.
>good thread
>not even board related
Fuck off
Women who climbed the tower together with Zahard and ten family leaders. Zahard was in love with her, but got cucked by V. and went mad or something.
Seriously user, one thing I've learned from going to Sup Forums (and I've asked about people's opinions on webcomics) is that the purists will tear you apart for liking something other than mangas. Better you just go to Sup Forums and avoid the heartache.
Sup Forums doesn't want n/a/ruto repeat plus no point since
Stop samefagging.
>if you post more than 1 times it's samefagging
Stop posting and fuck off.
>it's a girl ruins everything episode
I wonder why they tossed their son out of the tower
>ToG on Sup Forums without an Androssi image
>Being THIS behind
What are you even doing
Just read ch1, this shit is so edgy dropped it harded than OPs failed abortion
There are more than one family leader who isn't a male but Arlene didn't toss her child away. V and Arlene started a war against Zahard and the family leaders and Zahard killed Arlene's baby in front of her to the point that she got depressed. V killed himself and left a suicide note to tell Arlene to be with the other family leaders and she decided to find a way to resurrect her child instead. She wrote in her diary that she found a way to do it outside the tower or something like that.
I'm picking this up again
>generic revenge story #9999999
Resurrecting somebody isn't revenge you troglodyte.
Revenge for who, retard? Both V and Arlene are long dead, and Baam doesn't care about Zahard.
>comments on webtoons site tells me this atrocious art gets better
>skips to chapter 337
>it's still garbage
every time.
>implying gooks can think of anything other copy pasted revenge story because the tiny gooks can't compete with nips.
What a garbage.
What are you compensating for?
>implying more implications
This gook garbage is just bad, that's all.
Rachel is a cunt who wants to use baam. The family leader know obviously know better than her.
>dedicated gook hater who appears in every ToG thread to shit on it
Is there a more sad person on Sup Forums?
Are you compensating for your small height or small dick? Seriously, fuck off you autistic crybaby.
Yeah, people who reads this garbage.
What if Baam is a homunculus and he's a copy of the original child that's kept by Zahard? There was a theory about it..
>Yeah, people who reads this garbage.
So the shitposter is ESL.
He appears in every thread involving korean anything, including when we had Breaker and Veritas threads. I'm pretty sure he's a Jap, since they're the only ones who care about such a distinction. In which case I really don't get why he doesn't fuck off back to 2chan instead.
He's Japanese.
This is from the latest chapter on kissmanga
And honestly, it looks like that one comic ripping off bleach. How can you take this shit serious?
This thread is already filled with ESL starting with OP
>no y-you
Are you 12?
>let's judge entire manhwa based on the single latest chapter
Seems logical
>it's the exact same shitposter from last week
That's pretty sad, you could just hide the thread if you don't like it but it seems you're projecting over the fact that manhua is better and you won't accept it.
If the art in the latest chapter is garbage, I'm pretty sure the overall quality should be the same garbage.
Why do you Japs stutter so much?
You guys are pathetic, you can't even articulate why you like this garbage or why is it good, as expected of gookshit cape bs. It's my first time here fags.
If you are talking about the art, then say so from the beginning. I thought you are talking about writing/plot.
I agree that ToG art is shit with the exception of few panels. But I don't read it for art.
>If you are talking about the art, then say so from the beginning.
>And honestly, it looks like
Are you illiterate?
Fucking this
boruto is ten times more cancer than occasional gookshit with actual discussion (yes, this happens when people don't immediatly shitpost the thread).
Did you think that because I said "people"?
Please neck yourself any time of the day, after all, it's a cultural thing for you Japs.
"looks like" have several meanings, and nowhere in your post you mentioned art style. It could apply to art or plot or character design or even specific phrases.
>calls out ESL
>also an ESL
Wew lad.
I have no idea what ESL even means, sorry dude.
>"looks like" have several meanings
Not in this context when you continue to read the sentence, you'll see that it's compared to someone else's art. Stop backpedaling.
Fuck off, newfag.
>he still thinks I'm samefagging
Ganbare pathetic-kun
>he still thinks I'm the "dedicated" shitposter
>he came on Sup Forums few months ago and calls someone a newfag
My fucking sides
Are you talking about yourself?
Not him but if you don't know what ESL means, I really doubt you yourself have been here for more than a week.
>no y-you're the newfag
Kill yourself.
>that damage control
I usually don't participate in shitposting threads and prefer quality discussion, so I'm not aware of your gook memes. I am here for ~6 years and this is literally first time I see this abbreviation.
>damage control
>when you're the one who doesn't know basic Sup Forums vocabulary
>prefer quality discussion
>on Sup Forums
>I am here for ~6 years and this is literally first time I see this abbreviation.
Check the archive for "ESL" and then admit that you're new.
Whatever you say, newfag.
Irony the post.
Hwabyeong or Hwabyung is a Korean[1] somatization disorder, a mental illness which arises when people are unable to confront their anger as a result of conditions which they perceive to be unfair.[2] Hwabyung is loosely used as the name of the disease, as it is actually more of a name regarding the cause. Hwabyung is known as a culture-bound syndrome.[3] The word hwabyung is composed of hwa meaning "fire", ("angry") and byung meaning "syndrome" or "illness".[4] In South Korea, it is also called ulhwabyeong (鬱火病), "depression anger illness". In a survey, 4.1% of the general population in a rural area in Korea were reported as having hwabyung.[3] Another survey shows that about 35% of Korean employees begin to suffer from this disease at some point
I used to read the RAW's here
How did she get chapter 259 when we're at 257?
You are nice trio, I like how you all reply at the same time. Your brains must work at the same wavelengths or something.
>Check the archive for "ESL" and then admit that you're new.
Do you think I've participated in all threads in Sup Forums history or something?