Look at her go!
Look at her go!
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Look at her ACE!
OST when?
who knows maybe, just maybe, if you've been a good little user, it could be up RIGHT NOW....AS WE SPEAK! Now go to bed user, tomorrow is a big day.
S2 when?
Look at her having fun!
I'm the ace!
And I'm here!
OST ratio is only at ~11, are there only a dozen shakubros?
Best song
How does this show have so many great tracks?
Anyone enjoyed the new chapter? Not translated yet of course
What was the site again
ultra weekly jump something?
Still waiting for translations
The Wanko wants to be free
Just read it, it was only a flashback about ACE swingu and smasshu training but still pretty great.
But I want more, why is this series bi-monthly jesus christ.
Wasn't it monthly for a while?
Was it?
I swear it's been two months since ch24.
>24 wait is it translated this far? latest I've seen is 22.
Wait, you're right.
>42 months since beginning
>22 chapters so far
Latest chapters were released in two parts so the website is counting 25 for some reason.
I'll look at her from the winners podium of nationals.
>mfw flashbacks let me postpone my inevitable demise
Can I just start reading the manga from chapter 7 onwards after watching the anime?
You can and will.
you're allowed to but only if you put the ost in the background
O-okay dad, thanks.
It won't take more than 20 minutes to read 7 chapters though
Already out on YesAsia. CDJapan didn't have it last I checked
2-6 are just the anime without the additions not translated and even sweatier
>Track 2.11
those dramatic airhorns
I want to give her a tongue bath.
I want her to wring her clothes into my mouth.
I want to _hug_ her.
user don't make this weird.
He didn't even mention anything about wanting to lick her yet
That, she is
I can't wait until she's the real final boss.
Our patience will be rewarded fellow brethren with top tier taste
Choose your fighter.
Why is ACE so good? She saved the whole show.
Her's will as well, soon she'll be captain.
Get ready for the next battle.
Scorp deserves it but the team needs moeblob Kururi.
Have another stitch.
>nude Kumami
How lewd.
I have high expectations for Kohime.
Shame we wont get to see her play because Ace will win.
maybe next year we'll know something about her
That is unless ACE wins haha
We've seen her panties and half of her backstory, so we're probably not leaving without the other half and more panties
Ace's enhanced smash will work for a while, but Kohime will provide moral support to Kumami like Koyori did. That's very likely to happen since she was shown to be a good captain and a decent friend.
How does it feel to be living in a post-OST world?