Should Sup Forums also include VN's and LN's?
Should Sup Forums also include VN's and LN's?
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Do we want katawa shoujo general here?
Merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums already. Both discuss cartoons, like how autistic are you people?
end yourself
There's a VN general on /vg/
I was diagnosed with a light form of autism.
That's why I read light novels.
No, fuck off and kill yourself.
>>>Sup Forumsrules/5
Only if they have an anime adaption, same as everything else.
LNs yes, VNs no.
no or why are you here
The thing i dont understand is that other asian media isnt allowed. Like korean animation.
>Like korean animation.
Chink and korean comics are allowed. I'm not sure about animation.
No, VNs are garbage and only a handful of anons are able to read LNs, the rest pretend they do by reading summaries.
LN yes, vn should stay on /jp/.
The comic threads get deleted often.
Fuck off to Sup Forums, normalfag.
FUCK JANITORS AND FUCK MODS caps lock necessary
I don't have the screencap on me, but there was one floating around where one of the mods said it was ok.
Speak for yourself, tripfag.
I'm not from Sup Forums, faggot.
Horizon is shit anywway. Nothing is loss.
A single general is hardly a replacement for a board.
Good luck discussing hundreds of series in one thread.
This would be agreeable.
>A single general is hardly a replacement for a board.
/jp/ exists.
>board is SPECIFICALLY called Anime&Manga
>H-hey guys lets add other mediums too!
Fuck off, if you wanna talk about other jap shit then /jp/ is your home
>The thing i dont understand is that other asian media isnt allowed
If you loosen the site's definition of anime to include "anime-likes" then it becomes difficult to draw a line
How would you define anime to include Korean animation while excluding stuff like the My Life is Me or the Boondocks? Should anything with anime influences be discussed on Sup Forums?
this one ?
fuck that faggot newmod, manhua/manhwa/webtoon threads have been deleted since years ago
here's the proof:
/jp/ is not a trash can.
>a single general is hardly a replacement for a board
oh, you'd rather have that concentrated cancer spill over on this board then?
they can fuck off to /jp/ if they're cramped in a single thread, jp always complains they're lonely
Yes it is. It's the trash can of Sup Forums, where all the nip garbage that isn't anime or manga or at least live action adaptation of an anime or manga is dumped to.
What doctor do you see to see that. I wanna check for myself.
/jp/ is shit, it's on the verge of death and they're only concerned with the same 5 series they're always discussing.
Why not put LN threads on /lit/? They're book so it fits there.
Yeah i know it would be harder and i understand the reasoning, but maybe you need to define single series or something then. Theres no place for this and i feel like we miss on some good stuff because of that.
Could have fooled me. That's why it was created after all.
>Sup Forums
nice baito
People like you are why /jp/ is shit.
but manga are books too
>still being butthurt of touhou
No, we just need a Touhou containment board so /jp/ can be what it is supposed to be.
Yeah, that's the one. I don't care about korean or chinese comics so whatever. It could be a bannable offense to post it here for all I care.
Moetrash should get its own board too
No they're not.
It would be enough to shift all those waifu threads to /c/ where they belong.
/jp/ can rot in /jp/.
>shitty light novels
>ITT: neo neo Sup Forums LARPing about self moderating in 2017
You guys are cute sometimes.
but yes they are
Not him, but I wouldn't call them books either. You also have thick comics in the westthat would be the japanese equivalent in terms of looks and format, and no one dares to call them books either so the nomeclature should logically also apply to manga. At best you'd call them "graphic novels", which is already a despised term.
/jp/ was a mistake
Waifufags attach themselves to every series, not just moe SoL.
They're fucking books with words and shit. Why wouldnt' they be there.
>they're books
I dont have a problem with a thread to a series i dont watch, i just avoid it and its fine. We just really dont need threads for single characters of some show where everyone just thinks about the smell of some drawn girls feet.
I threw up a little bit
Because they're so bad, they shouldn't belong anywhere at all.
And the only reason they are allowed to exist on Sup Forums is because most of them unfortunately get a manga or anime adaptation.