ITT: Characters that canonically have autism.
Pic fucking related. It's the only way his character makes any sense.
ITT: Characters that canonically have autism.
Pic fucking related. It's the only way his character makes any sense.
>high IQ yet lacks common sense
>doesn't respect personal space
>obsessed with specific topics (chess and hamburgers)
He taught himself to communicate effectively with people by sheer force of will. Everything else lines up with etsubatsu.
Griffith is more of a sociopath than an autist.
He experiences emotions but he struggles to understand and express them. In fact he experiences certain emotions more acutely than other people would (as seen when Guts leaves him). That indicates autism rather than sociopathy.
>obsessed with one single thing all his life
>reacts weirdly to being touched
>has outbursts during which he compulsively injures himself
He's practically a textbook case of the tism.
Humans... are so very... interesting.
How did chrollo become so fucking cute
her entire fucking family, really
His brother had autism as well
More like the author has one.
He shouldn't have tried forcefully to be a good man in guise plot for Itachi
More Asperger's in his case, but close enough.
Huh? How?
Every single fucking character in Mayoiga. Why else would they be so fucking obsessed with that hippopotamus song?
They were bored
Lovepon is pure!!!!
Obviously just a joke, but the idea of it is funny enough for me to not completely rule it out.
This fucking guy
>doesn't see his own kid for 10 years
>even though it was shown that he visited the village from time to time.
He has some heavy autism.
>Pic fucking related. It's the only way his character makes any sense.
What about his family being killed off by his older brother as plot being conspired by multiple and varying forces neither of which had any justice done against him and they kept him completely in the dark about said reasons for the genocide?
oh yeah and orochimaru rapes him in the forest of death
everyone in this crapfest
Griffith is/was an excellent actor and could read people better than most, which doesn't fit the autism profile at all. He was neither autistic nor a sociopath, he was just incredibly emotionally repressed out of necessity (recall the whole "Griffith isn't strong; he had to make himself strong" conversation), to the point he became unable to recognise his own needs and feelings.
What about it? The way he responds to all of that indicates textbook autism.
>Constant aversion from social interaction, responding with hostility and rudeness whenever someone tries to be nice.
>Constantly makes radical shifts in his goals and motivations spontaneously without any rhyme or reason.
>No friends since he purposely alienated himself from them.
>His fucking self introduction to Kakashi where he acted like a brooding edgelord and said "I don't like anyone or anything."
And a number of other examples. Sauce doesn't have normal autism. He has Sasutism.
>autism is the only mental illness/disorder
I guess memes aside you are probably right. It's him compulsively scratching himself til he bleeds that strikes me as particularly autistic.
Then again studies have shown that victims of rape and molestation do have a tendency to self-harm.
Also there's this panel.
It's the only disorder that we're discussing in this thread you autist.