Why do liberals want to go to war with Russia so badly? I thought liberals were all about peace and love and shit...

Why do liberals want to go to war with Russia so badly? I thought liberals were all about peace and love and shit. When did they turn into warmongering neocons?

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It's jews. Reminder that both parties are run by jews. They have always hated russia.

We don't want war with Russia. We only want Putin dead.

So... you want a war with russia. Nice.

why? hes a commie loving faggot just like you guys

It's not about trump.
It's not about russia.

This is an okd hundred year playbook. The goal is to destroy domestic progressives.

Non establishment media is being banned or censored. Politicians like sanders and jill stein are swept away. More spying. More normalization of terror groups like the fbi/cia. Trump, russia, terrorism, commies, muh children, etc, etc are just excuses to implement these policies.

And its fucking working.

Boomers think the cold war is still on.

Not all liberals are like that.

Liberalism was always about a tabooless, lawless society hiding peace and tolerance.

Hiding behind*

Leftist here.

There is no such thing as open war between nuclear powers. In the context of mutual destruction, what matters is things like fucking up economies and sowing political discord.
America owns a big piece of the global economic pie. China and Russia are hungry.

The true way Russia won is that I don’t really give a shit about America’s global domination anymore. I used to believe in it. But do really expect me to be okay with people dying so that their societies can be more like the place that elected a a fascist simply because he’s a retarded celebrity. Fuck that

At least you faggots will be the ones to die by nuclear fire.

>what matters is things like fucking up economies and sowing political discord

If you fuck up a country with such, they can decide to go nuclear because they've got nothing to lose.

The best way to weaken player 1 and player 2 is to entangle them in prolonged war with each other.

>Russia undermines democracy
>Russia infiltrates our elections
>The entire intelligence community knows this is a threat to our way of life
>Trump Administration won't even admit Russians have computers

There's something wrong here.

I’m at my grandparents watching nbc and they’re flat STATING Russia interfered with the elections. It’s ridiculous. Treasonous.

On a scale of 1 to Israel, how involved in our government do you think Russia is?

You do the same shit to them, and they're already sanctioned to hell.

They could actually die.
It’s not like the upper levels of any society suffer until physical violence hits down the road, that’s why Americans are so comfortable starting wars, we have an ocean on each side of us

Racism. Jews (and by extension liberals) hate whites. The last thing they want is for the US to have a healthy relationship with a country full of white people that hates foreigners.

You are a walking example of why the democratic party is a hot steaming failure and why liberals are fucking cancerous to society.

Liberals have been warmongering fuckwads for a while now. It didn't take long from the point when liberalism became associated with the Democratic party for them to adopt some Jeffersonian Democrat war ideology. Big tent politics is funky. So now what we have is this strange mix of put your nose in everyone's business because we always know best and who cares if it isn't even in our own interest combined with attempting to cultivate and maintain a desire for war at any time and for any war which breaks out to not stop until unconditional surrender. Then you get other leftists that seem to be completely lost in the shuffle and have no idea how to conduct war, and neocons who also adopt strange leftist war and foreign policies.

>We only want Putin dead.

The upper class can be naive and think that economic sanctions aren't a declaration of war.

If a country suffers too much, they can think that we'll destroy the opposing side, as they'll now be at our level when we all rebuild.

Yes, Russia will be hit as hard, but if they're already far worst off, then it can make sense to destroy both countries.

Not to mention Russia doesn't care about certain things regarding nuclear weapons, and won't play fair.

jews are still assblasted that communism failed in Russia

>The true way Russia won is that I don’t really give a shit about America’s global domination anymore.
Then go move somewhere else. I have no idea why you would live somewhere that you don't like and not take pride and push to be the best in the world.


Great, let's send you out there so you can fully fight the system!

Russians must pay for failing at socialism.

then gtfo dude..

go live in a socialist or communist country. Whichever one you guys are pushing these days.

And please take all your mentally ill with you.

Speak for yourself, jewboi. We love Russia because as Putin stated about the bullshit Steele Dossier, “Our prostitutes are the best in the world”

You need to read more books and less youtube comments.

why is it always us leafs pointing this shit out?


Putin is pro-christian,pro family,anti globalist, kicked out the NGO's, anti banksters etc. The only people that want Putin dead are open border cucks and anti-family degenerate faggots.

>Putin is anti globalist
Putin is all about globalism so long as it increases his own position.

mooter vusha

its not such a grand leap to go from "someone needs to pay" with regard to welfare to "someone needs to pay" with regard to blood

Theyre a political scapegoat for the democrats who havent been doing well.

This is leading down a bad road. Theres plenty of marines and army men i know that wouldnt fight a russian us war.

>hes a commie loving faggot

Anyone saying they want war with Russia or pushing for that should be on the front lines. We will drop you off on the Ukrainian-Russian border with a pistol. Good luck.

because they and also the Neocons such as Mccain and Lindsey Graham are controlled by a particular religious group starting with a J

How exactly is Trump a fascist? Can you name 5 things Trump has done that are "fascist".

I mean when you boil down the rage of millions of forgotten people in the rust belt ,and across America, to a simplistic "trump got elected because hes a celebrity hurrdurr" it makes you look naive.

warpigs need war too exist

Yeah, it's not like deposing the leader of a foreign country ever had any bad consequences or anything

But you never allow that to happen. Look at North Korea. Sanctioned on basically everything, yet they still receive stuff because some 'forgot to inspect a couple of ships.

You beat a nuclear power by slowing them down so you're allways on top. You just don't go so hard on them they commit nuclear retribution on you.

No one knows the point of enough.

Japan had theirs.

>Why do liberals want to go to war with Russia so badly?
Jews have a deep hatred for Russians. Also, the USG is full of veteran Cold Warrior boomers.

Because liberals are people sycophants. It is not even an ideology, it is a personality type. The american liberal is the type of person who just repeats what power tells them to repeat.

Leftists have been 'muh Russia'ing since before Crimea. Putin tried to normalize relations but Obama ruined it. Now Putin and Russia are like "fuck it".

You do realize Trump is a centrist?

What would happen if they refused?

Right because the entire globalist media/ political complex that bashes him everyday is really on hos side? If you're talkimg about "Russian globalism" or something ,that's simply not true.

Every country has geopolitical goals. Comparing them to the globalist hegemony that exists right now is just silly .

>liberals push communism and socialism
>liberals have a hard on to push conflict against Russia
what the fuck, liberals?

You're confusing leftists vs liberals. Most "liberals" in power and control of the media right now are really neocon lights' (neolibs) that share a common bond with the neocons. Neocons were born from trotskyite jews in 30-40's new york.
The puppets in power right now are two sides of the same coin.The left and right are simply a distraction.

No, I just did not uppercase the "L".

They only hate Russia because Russia bans LGBT.

Does Russia want a war? Because invading other countries and shooting down passenger jets is how you start a war.


Russia didn't shoot down any passenger jets and the Crimean people voted to join Russia. Please educate youself.
>invaded other countries
Like America in Iraq,Afgh,arab spring ordeal,etc? That's just in the past 20 years- we can go back further.

Thank you, Ivan. 2 rubles have been deposited into your account.

Right because anyone who disagrees with you is a "Russian shill" ,right? Hahahaha!! I've done more to serve this country than your tranny-ass ever will. Go fuck yourself.

This right here is the opinion of the average mutt, and the reason why we will continue to fight stupid wars

Thank again, Ivan. But you don't get paid twice for the same shill post. Still can't explain Russians shooting down the passenger jet with Russian military hardware.

this only betrays the EU subversion of the U.S.

literally no reason to care about Russia unless you're a European oligarch trying to loot it again.

i think that the russia hoax is a narrative particular to black propaganda media outlets

Liberals want war with Syria and Russia
Conservatives want war with Iran and North Korea

All Americans are good goy neocons now.

Well too fucking bad. It's none of your business what Russia does, and most Russians seem to like their president. So get over it.

It's from deepthroating MSM cock

Is this your first day on /pol?

You mean MH17 ? Wich was CLAIMED (not proven) to be shot down by a Russian missile fired by the rebels? Which hasnt been proven in any court? That's your evidence?

Who gains more from that crash? Russia or Ukraine? Cui bono? Try using your brain you fucking sheep.

Look at Soros ngo's in Ukraine. Look at Bidens son Look at how they overthrew the government. Wale the fuck up.

>I thought liberals were all about peace and love and shit.
are you retarded?

>The "rebels" in Russian uniforms somehow had Russian military gear
>Russia is innocent
Sounds like the courtroom defense of your average urban thug.

Russia literally has free movement pacts with bordering Islamic shitholestans

Because they think being an effeminate faggot soyboy exempts you from the draft

If you want him dead, why don't you go take care of it yourself?

1. Hilldawg and King Nigger came up with the Russia story prior to the election. Stunned by Hilldawg's loss, "muh Russia" is a rationalization. Shitlibs are the biggest lemmings on the planet, so if their masters in the media and government tell them to believe it, they will.

2. The Jews that infest the upper echelons of the institutional Left (and the neocon Right) are cut from the same Russia-hating Semitic cloth as their coethnics.

The Jews have hated Russia for centuries. Aside from Nazi Germany, Russia under the tsars was the last Western power to suppress Jews. The tsars should have exterminated the rats, not merely kept them in the Pale of Settlement.

No such thing in 2018. 'Liberal' is just a codeword for consume drones who will belive anything they get told by the media. They are not political.
See ,it got the message that Putin is evil from the media. Without any further questioning it decides to hate Putin. It doesn't even have enough basic understanding to see that: killing putin = war with russia. No thinking for itself.
Like a fucking drone.

Because it is convinient to blame outsider for your own fuckups. Creating easy villian is good for gaining popular support.

>proclaims dangers of muh russia narrative
>places onus on liberals
r a r e

Putin is constantly at play on a Globalist agenda scale and employing typical globalist tactics. You denying that does not make it untrue, it just makes you look silly.

>Traitorous unamerican retard here



I'm always amazed how that literal homosexual Lindsey Graham keeps getting reelected in SC of all states. He's probably one of the top 3 most liberal republican senators too. It makes no sense

Why do Republicans and Internet Research Agency employees this is the most effective way to BTFO the Russian question?

the elites want it

a jew distorting the facts as usual. implying russians are such thin-skinned faggots they would war us over bants. they are used to being used as a scapegoat in american politics because we've done so throughout the cold war era

(((Why))) do they want to attack their former host?

American jews so obsessed with Russia. It's funny ofc, but now getting annoying a bit.

No Russian ever implemented systemic discrimination against me and ruined the humanities

This guy works for Putin

Yah and so do Muslims and Liberals love Muslims, even the gay ones.


White Liberals are mental children so they see Russians as the “bad whites” they’ve been carefully indoctrinated to hate. Russians are more religious and they hate gays etc.

No war or atrocity is to horrible when you’re a liberal dealing with “bad whites”. This is why the Left’s dangling Russia in front of retarded lib boomers as an “enemy” is so dangerous.

They aren't as enthusiastic about fags and muslims as the west is, that's literally it.

Russians are wonderful people.
Putin needs to go.

why do you hate democracy?

>Why do liberals want to go to war with Russia so badly?
They don't. It's Putin that keeps launching cyberwarfare attacks on the US and our citizens.

- Russia hacked thousands of U.S. officials, both Democrat and Republican.

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake news on social media, supported by profiteers.

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake support for Trump on social media, supported by profiteers

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to divide the Democratic caucus, supported by profiteers.

- RT and Sputnik News push state-sponsored propaganda through bots and social media to get it trending on Twitter, so it will go viral.

- Voter rolls were hacked to identify voters to target with disinformation.

- Trump was working with Russian disinformation outlets to validate news stories known to be fake.

- Russians were able to successfully flood social media and specifically target key demographics such as Christians or outspoken patriots with disinformation, then duplicate counterfeit versions of the same accounts they targeted in order to amplify the spread of disinformation. Like attracts Like.

- Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign effectively pushed the "election rigging" meme, while simultaneously engaging in the act of trying to influence the election by illegal means.

- Senator Wyden is seeking Trump's tax returns, and has the legal authority to subpoena them, if necessary.

- Russia uses business networks to influence political actors.

- Private American businesses that oppose the Russian agenda are being attacked using tactics designed to negatively impact their stock prices.

- Bots and trolls engage in "click fraud" (i.e. computer-automated visits to their own disinformation pages) to push them to page one in search engine results.

- Mainstream media sometimes unwittingly published Russian propaganda because it was "trending."

- The United States was completely caught off-guard, and had no mechanism in place to combat the Russian disinformation campaign. By the time people became aware of the campaign, it had achieved its objective.

- Russia successfully ran practice missions prior to executing the operation against the United States, in once case convincing a town that its chemical plant had been attacked by ISIS when it had not, by using text messages and social media targeted to their region and demographics.

- The GOP primaries were influenced by Russian disinformation, and Marco Rubio was specifically named as a target.

- Vladimir Putin will continue to attack the United States in this manner.

- Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, but if Trump lost, planned to continue to attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton.

- "Trump Honeys" (i.e., scantily-clad young women appearing outside of Trump campaign events in Trump regalia) were hired and deployed all over the country by front companies to influence Trump support using a classic "honeypot" scheme.

- Fake crimes by refugees, specifically rapes, were fabricated by Russia and spread throughout NATO countries.

- Russia is actively working to influence ALL far-Right political parties throughout NATO countries, and executing operations similar to the one in the United States to discredit political moderates throughout NATO, on an ongoing basis.

- Putin will continue unless we take positive steps to fight back.

Everyone else is reporting it too, and there's information about the Kremlin launching the same disinformation cyberattack against Ukraine, too:


>No war or atrocity is to horrible when you’re a liberal dealing with “bad whites”.
This, you'd be surprised how quickly leftist opposition to the death penalty on the grounds of it being inhumane dries up as soon as the political execution of "bad whites" enters the equation.

>Giving tyrone the lethal injection won't bring back that family! He's become an author and a poet in prison, he's reformed! ;~;


Putin should be voted out of office, but he won't allow any opponents who are a credible threat to compete. Single-party rule, single ruler.

The modern dictator hides himself in the trappings of democracy, but sabotages its machinery.