Is it Sup Forums?
Is Kill la Kill a masterpiece?
How did Ryuko get such a fat ass?
No but it's still good overall
No, it's extremely generic and has poor animation. Only reason it got popular at all was due to hype and le Trigger.
OST is nice though.
>Looks up for the most lewd ass or tits of x
>Is x a masterpiece, Sup Forums?
What's wrong with these people?
It's an Assterpiece
One of the best shows of our time
>He doesn't think that nice asses are the biggest masterpieces to be found
It could have been if it stopped when mother came into play.
Second half was utter garbage
It was good until finale where it sucked
TTGR was the best work they have ever done.
God NO
She was the only good character
The animation itself is a joke
But that was Gainax
Good genes.
Not a masterpiece, but enjoyable and worth your time. 9/10
The voice work is fantastic, fitting the characters perfectly. The music is great, still being recognizable today. The story is varies, but has some startling developments in the second half. The animation can dip, but is well done when it matters. The characters aren't extremely deep. but do develop, and are enjoyable and easy to root for besides.
Recommended, if you have the time and interest. Though, if you start, finish it. The second half is worth it.
It truly is. The style this show exudes puts the industry to shame. 10/10
>main character's stupid stupid stupid costume
Why did Sup Forums dislike this show again? I thought you guys liked half-naked women.
It was pretty great, animation, OST, the characters, what else do you need in an anime? The plot was a mess but at least it tried to be original and that is more that you can tell about most anime
What you described is like a 7/10. 9/10 are masterpieces
Half naked women without the appropriate context might as well be wearing a burqa.
Because it brought over a gigantic Sup Forums incursion that never left
No its an ASSterpiece
Fuck yourself, that costume was a homeboy.
>flashy bright colors to soothe normie and autist minds
>flashy revealing costumes to soothe autist perspectives
>a name like Trigger behind it to give it "cred" with the "real anime fans" and remove the need for a cohesive plot
>shonen trash further removes the need for cohesive plot development
6.5/10 at absolute best
3/10 at worst