My school is breaking federal law.
They're admitting to sheltering people who have broken federal law.
What can be done about this?
My school is breaking federal law.
They're admitting to sheltering people who have broken federal law.
What can be done about this?
Whatever you do, dont take a picture of yourself with a big stupid pipe and a maga hat right after you call ICE
Forward this document to ICE and hope they do a raid?
I know about a few students at USF including some of the people employed by USF who are illegals.
How would I go about having them arrested without getting myself expelled from school?
Use a proxy? Yeesh you're in college just think about it
Record as much information as you can about any specific illegal immigrants you know of. If you have any red pilled friends, have them do the same. If possible collect names, addresses, pictures, phone numbers, etc....
If you're really clever, you could essentially find a way to go under cover. Pretend to be an SJW cuck, attend some feminist dance therapy classes, etc... try to make a few connections among people who would be likely to shelter illegals. Pretend to be one of those people yourself, document everything. Then forward it all to ICE, along with proof that your school has been sheltering illegals.
>ICE has to go through public safety and can't just raid a school
>take federal funding
>do not cooperate with federal law enforcement
how do you get this level of cucked?
Take a naked picture with your guns.
why would you get expelled? why would they even know it was you who tipped off the feds?
>University of San Francisco
Emmajin muh chock
>If you have any red pilled friends, have them do the same.
If you're going to do this make sure you trust those friends with your life, because your school is going to turn the screws hard on anyone they catch.
Report brown people.
Unironically let it happen. Sit back and watch as things get worse and worse until it all boils over and explodes. There are no brakes on this train until we arrive at Auschwitz 2.0.
Make anonymous tips to ICE?
Holy shit former Don here. Last place I'd expect a Sup Forumsack to be from. Jesus I can only imagine how cancerous it's been since Trump. Not surprised they'd do something like this.
Regarding OP, just send it to ICE and move on. Hopefully next time they make a stop in San Francisco they'll do something about it. Doubtful though, with all the hippie tech donors USF has.
Are you retarded? You just tip off the authorities and then don't post on kikebook bragging about it.
Literally this. It's not like ICE will be telling anyone that you helped them. Why would they?
>If you have any red pilled friends
Don't get friends involved. Someone will fuck up at some point. Fly solo.
TOR + VPN and report if you're really concerned.
This is a bit overkill seeing as ICE isn't going to go out of it's way to find out your identity. Just use a disposable email without your real name and maybe a public wifi hotspot.
This school is a fucking nightmare. Came here to study computer science and get a few good internships in while I'm here.
I'm a Marine Corps Veteran as well and these sickos raised tuition after I started attending meaning my GI Bill + other programs would no longer cover all of the expenses. I now have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket, after they explicitly guaranteed me I would never have to pay a dime out of my pocket as Veteran student.
Meanwhile the school administration keeps bragging about how many millions in dollars they have spent on covering all expenses for undocumented students. The cherry on top is that I'm mexican-american myself but I don't get any of these perks because my family decided to immigrate here legally instead of hopping the border.
How this school is allowed to receive federal funding and also operate an ROTC program is beyond my understanding.
Call ice them make a picture telling you did it, with a trump hat.
And use one hand to do the pepe thing and the other you do a ok sign
not ice so much as the ((("university"))) chimping out on him
>security guards can deny warranted federal agents access to government funded properties
OP, just snitch, snitch , snitch. Say you saw a gun and give them probable cause for entry.
Basically got the same letter from DePaul a day after Trump won. Forwarded it to ICE.
They're probably using your tuition dollars to provide free legal aid and assistance in attaining access to taxpayer funded social programs like DePaul is too.
Honestly it's not worth worrying about. You can't change anything as a student. Just get your degree, make money, and become a force for positive change as an adult.