Is there one anime trope you would delete right out of existence if you could?
Is there one anime trope you would delete right out of existence if you could?
Childhood friend loses
Childhood friend wins
Romantic scene cock blocked by random shit
Those annoying "cute" talking pets on shonen.
sexualized lolis
First girl always wins.
>*teleports behind you
harem isekai
Romantic moments dissolved by comedy.
A million times this. Why can't authors have some kind of suspense about it? It's boring.
Shouting PUHA at the top of their voices whenever they have a drink.
naked girls behind unlocked doors
Walking in on people getting changed, massive overreactions instead of a quick apology.
High school setting
adding shitty slice of life/emotional elements so the NEETS get to experience inter-person relationships.
When Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound Prajñāpāramitā, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they were all empty, and crossed over all suffering and affliction.
“Śāriputra, form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness itself is form. Sensation, conception, synthesis, and discrimination are also such as this. Śāriputra, all dharmas are empty: they are neither created nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, and they neither increase nor diminish. This is because in emptiness there is no form, sensation, conception, synthesis, or discrimination. There are no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or thoughts. There are no forms, sounds, scents, tastes, sensations, or dharmas. There is no field of vision and there is no realm of thoughts. There is no ignorance nor elimination of ignorance, even up to and including no old age and death, nor elimination of old age and death. There is no suffering, its accumulation, its elimination, or a path. There is no understanding and no attaining.
“Because there is no attainment, bodhisattvas rely on Prajñāpāramitā, and their minds have no obstructions. Since there are no obstructions, they have no fears. Because they are detached from backwards dream-thinking, their final result is Nirvāṇa. Because all buddhas of the past, present, and future rely on Prajñāpāramitā, they attain Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi. Therefore, know that Prajñāpāramitā is a great spiritual mantra, a great brilliant mantra, an unsurpassed mantra, and an unequalled mantra. The Prajñāpāramitā Mantra is spoken because it can truly remove all afflictions. The mantra is spoken thusly:
gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā
All the shonenshit related tropes.
Schools as a setting.
>Magical rich british transfer student with pigtails
No more Char clones. Please.
>the british
How did they even come up with this meme anyway?
what did Natsun do?
Probably because British girls are Blonde
Everyone is apparently on the brink of starvation because they produce continuous comedic stomach growling noises. "EHHHHH! No! I'm not hungry!"
Actually lets double up and eliminate the whole eating a shitton of food lolbigappetitegirllol
The trope of moking the trope of doing a maid cafe in the school festival.
They're not though. I'm English, and only a handful of blondes went to my school.
Everyone else just had ugly ancestors the Vikings didn't want.
The one that you enjoy the most
>Unfunny comedic relief that ruins the mood
>Violent tsunderes
>Heartfelt confessions followed by "*character name*..."
>Edge lords doing the psycho smile
>Protagonist being a huge pussy
Power of friendship.
Were you in a "culterally enriched" school?
At least a third of the girls in mine were Blonde, a third Brunette and the few others were black-haired or random.
I would delete long running battle shounen in their entirety
No, it was 98% white.
SAO is like the only one
this, all sexualizations
The dense/beta male MC.
Most of the complaints in this thread would be fixed by removing schools as a setting.
>Not sexualising the prostitutes
>delete all fanservice
>delete ALL sexualization of lolis and shotas
Stay mad degenerates.
Yeah, I'm tired of being looked down for watching a mature medium.
I have yet to watch a show with a sexualised shota. Where should I go? Asking for a friend.
>almost every show with a trap character ever
>boku no pico
Average Highschool kid
Abusive love interest
Also Kuroshitsuji is one giant child sexualisation fujo wankbait.
>trap = shota
Fucking idiot.
In fact I wish I could completely erase the concept altogether.
Lots of trap characters are drawn to have a child's body or are underage in canon.
It's not gay if it's a catamite.
Fuck you
Well I'm the one who said he wants to erase all child sexualisation so you can gather that I'm not a big fan of the concept.
Why though? They're not kids, and they don't act anything like kids.
Are you closer to the Severn or the Tyne?
I give it a pass because the author remembered to include a story and character development. It's definitely fujoshit, but it's good fujoshit.
The troupe that does the most damage to anime is the violence because of emotional reaction. You see girls punching men like it's nothing, Aho girl turns that one on it's head and to me it really made the already weak premise feel awkward. Hitting women doesn't work, you expect the girls to be emotional so I could at least enjoy it on "ha she's being a bitch, like women tend to be" level but with Aho girl it's just sad and mean.
Under-designed self insert MC.
>It's definitely fujoshit, but it's good fujoshit.
It literally features a 12 year old in numerous sexual situations, as well as being gay-baited with several adults. All of this not only clearly condoned by the author, but is played for laughs and fanservice, i.e. sexual gratification of an adult audience.
That is NOT good fujoshit and you likely have pedophile tendencies if you think it's ok.
Using logic on the one frustrated MRA who gets butthurt everytime a girl hits a boy. Dude probably dreams about getting payback lmao
>using pedophile as an insult to dismiss others opinions
Hello newfriend, I don't think you belong here.
Not using it as an insult, just stating the facts. If people are happy to be pedophiles then what can I do about it?
>Character A loves character B
>Character A goes to confess
>Zany XD Random shit happens
>B: So what did you want to tell me?
>Repeat a dozen times
Most people allowed to post on Sup Forums were out of school before "cultural enrichment" in schools became a thing.
Beach episodes
Oujou-samas in public schools
Blue eyed blonde foreigners
drawing a girl and calling it a boy
Okay, you may be right. I'll admit that it does the pedo. However, that doesn't mean it's not good. Saying I have 'pedophile tendencies' is incorrect, as that would imply that I have consented to this behavior, when I am merely enjoying the show for what is it.
It's a joke by itself at this point.
Shoujo always goes farther. Boys can't handle girls having sex when it's not with them I guess.
>Beach episodes
I know it's largely hated on Sup Forums, but I really liked how Youjo Senki flipped that on its head.
>beach scene
>only the male member of the squad
>they spend it grilling meat and drinking booze
>the two girls are fully clothed in military uniforms at base
It wasn't a full episode but I enjoyed the change in narrative.
I saw car-kun recently in Knight's War or whatever that currently airing isekai with the OP MC is. The japs are finally branching out.
>le female is stronger than a male 3x her size
>le males are scared of particular female
I think it's fair considering in most anime battle strength rarely matches how you look, if anything the strongest are always lolis or something.
violent tsunderes
also this
this, also the biggest most ripped guy is also the weakest or relegated to jobbing
What the fuck is happening here, is this Sup Forums or tumbler?
>using "le" in any circumstance
It'd be nice if a series played this straight for once where the giant muscle man is the strongest and beats the shit out of the cocky little high school slut.
Geniuses. Any kind of genius.
>le kys
Power of friendship.
>dat Ben Garrison signature
Kek desuyo
Haremshit with a socially awkward MC.
Including shit like .
>The over apologetic guy/girl.
>The character who has his/her own slang in every sentence (like dattebayo)
>The character who has his/her own slang in every sentence
Kiss yourself.
kys (kiss your sister)
Maybe I will.
>high school girl that's more skilled at X thing than any adult in the entire world
mindbroke hotaru by telling her she isn't even a 10/10
I don't remember that in the show at all, was that in an OVA or something?
You've never seen those webms of massive dindus getting floored by skilled wrestlers, have you?
"Self-insert" MCs. It's actually gotten to the point that I will almost automatically drop a show if the MC is one of those fags.
Side girls are best girls but can't win because plot can't go in any direction than the first cunt introduced.
If you kill your enemies they win. Erm, actually what I meant is: If you kill an arch villain after you have defeated him you are not better than him.
School as a setting.