Be honest, if Nichijou had a season 2, would you watch it?
Be honest, if Nichijou had a season 2, would you watch it?
But of course.
I'll backlogged it instead.
I only watch bad meme shows with Sup Forums and save the good one for myself alone.
I wouldn't even watch it if it had one season
I'd suck dick for a season 2.
Fuck no, I couldn't even finish the one season. Worst KyoAni show by a country mile.
only retarded redditors think the show's forced """quirky""" humor was funny
Oh hell yes. I'd fuck an entire animation studio to make it happen.
As long as it was the same quality as S1, 101% watch.
Only if they push Hakase cancer to her own show. But that would mean no Nano. Sounds like it's fucked. My point is it was unbearable, basically, 80/20 sol/random with all the other characters vs her on 20/80. Who thought it's a good idea. Holy shit