I watched the first episode and I can't even remember the character's names or why I should even care about them.
I watched the first episode and I can't even remember the character's names or why I should even care about them
those fucking neckbones
I dropped it because not only MC was a boring, he was also a huge cunt.
I liked the one part where he's with the cute girl and zoning out until they get to the dive place then he blushes when he sees the diver's body.
Free! clone as fuck.
>Has a girlfriend
>Ignores her to go diving when he doesn't even know why he dives
>Too busy staring at his upperclassman
>Flat-out tells her not to come see him dive.
>So even when she wants to get to know him better, and try to get into what he's into, he's a dick.
filthy woman enablers, get out of Sup Forums
That's the only part that made me want to watch more, see if he's actually gay. Pretty sure it's pure bait and he'll learn to love the girl though
This is literally a poor man's Free and Free wasn't that good to begin with. Someone post that webm.
You're not supposed to. It's the fujo equivalent of moeblob; generic, forgettable characters only there for fantasizing purposes.
I don't even get why he wants to go into the Olympics. It's a big goal to reach for and yet he just agrees. At least Rin from Free had a reason why he wanted to go pro.