>if Murata never redrew OPM the anime would have looked like this
What went wrong?
>if Murata never redrew OPM the anime would have looked like this
What went wrong?
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I would unironically prefere it this way
>the anime will never get to this because they're basing it off the murata version
I agree. It's more in character for Saitama and the tone of the webcomic. Trying to make Caped Baldy look epig is missing the point.
Did the Mob Psycho 100 anime look like that video?
You mean like this
This is pretty gay.
Sort of. ONE has help on that manga so the anime ended up looking more refined yet still true to his style.
murata will do this too, but will add extra shit along the way, r-right?
That uses the Murata designs.
I don't care if it's perceived as "hipster", I like ONE's very rough aesthetic with the series more than Murata's flawless perfectionism, at least once ONE's art becomes a bit more focused with the Monster Association arc.
I think characters being by and large average or ugly looking is fitting for the world and tone of the series.
While I think Murata is incredible I'm somewhat dissatisfied with his approach to character designs. Everybody is either absurdly gorgeous or intentionally designed to be weird, fat, ugly or a combination of the three. For example, I like Tatsumaki as a weird looking midget with a chip on her shoulder rather than this upskirt flashing super model tsundere. This is possibly has to to do with ONE and Murata's approach to interpreting this characters in the manga rather than purely Murata's design choice though, I can't comment on that too much though.
It's not like I'm trying to be a contrarian, I recognize Murata's technical greatness and I've been involved with art myself. I just really like how ONE has been drawing the series since the Monster Association arc.
Murata is so far off from where the webcomic is that he won't catch up for another few years at the rate ONE is giving him storyboards.
MS100 is much more stylized from the manga than how that video is.
Also that fight is much closer to the manga than anything else in the anime (and looks cooler as a result).
yeah i can't see the scenes where tatsumaki is supposed to be psychotic working with the loli version
I wish it looked like this, fuck Murata and his shitty sameface character designs.
but you have to admit a lot of ONE's characters look the same too
too well drawn
I almost like the plain Tatsumaki more.
But they look different from what you usually see in animu and mango, while ONE's artwork is totally unique to him, not to mention how it fits better with the actual tone of the series, while Murata's version is more action oriented, which never really felt like the point of the original webcomic.
ONE's tatsu is best tatsu
One can occasionally draw well
His assistants*
He doesn't have assistants on OPM. It's just a hobby
>Trying to make Caped Baldy look epig is missing the point.
That was exactly the point of the opening though. Making Saitama looks a super epic badass superhero who is nothing like the real one.
Nigga what. It works perfectly.
Murata draws her well but not like some kind of moeblob. Her piercing looking eyes are great. she's actually not that different from ONE's version.
>while Murata's version is more action oriented, which never really felt like the point of the original webcomic.
Bullshit. MA arc is mostly action and ONE really showed with it he enjoyed doing big fights with the Saitama vs Garou.
The longer the remake goes on the more I appreciate the webcomic
When are we getting an update? Place your bets now lads!
the label t-shirts were so good, i wish they kept them in the animation
>One needs assistants to draw OPM
kek now that would be embarrassing
I wonder how Murata is going to draw monster Garou, will he give him a redesign or just keep him as a scribbly silhouette?
That doesn't work at all, she just looks like a sex doll.
1 arc of the entire series, wowza
Stop embarrassing yourself with lies.
Oh yeah, only one arc, one arc which is near half of the series.
That's kinda hot
As if Murata would give up on drawing Garou's detailed and defined muscles
is it wrong if I prefer this?
Not at all
I think you are the one missing the point.
The opening was even explained by murata with a genos sketch
Fucking lol if you actually believe that.
It would've looked like an infinitely shittier version of the Mob Anime, and Mob's only looks that good because the interest of the Marata adaptation anime in the first place.
That example is bull shit. It doesn't express anything that face
The boros ship was a black hole in ONE's version so probably garou is gonna get some detail too
Not a "sex" doll but definitely a doll like expressions. Her appeareance and all the pose Murata draws her in don't fit tatsumaki at all. I wonder why One isn't intervening
2 month
They always keep those stuff
Probably because it actually fits her. ONE can't draw a proper looking girl to save his life. He didn't mean to make Tats like an ugly goblin, he just can't draw in another way. You can tell he was trying to make her looking more proper in some shots of the MA arc.
Murata's Tatsumaki works perfectly and there is even her doodle mode for the silly scenes.
> n-no it doesn't works because I say so!
Really compare that face to how she looks here in a similar scene and the differences are obvious. I'm sorry you don't want to fuck ONE's version.
King is the best
Oh yeah, let's not take in account in one she's unharmed while in the other she's heavily beaten up with blood spilling out everywhere.
Her eyes are the same dumbass. That's the most decisive part.
Can someone explain to me why there hasnt been a proper new chapter since January? Is ONE busy or something?
Yes. Busy with writing OPM.
He's been working on Mob, which was also delayed recently because he's sick.
One retired, Murata is suing him because of breach of contract since they were obligated to produce content until 2019.
Hopefuly they come to an agreement out of court and resume their operation.
>He didn't mean to make Tats like an ugly goblin
Compared to characters that are canonically attractive like Mask and Flashy Flash or the female characters in Mob, yeah Tatsumaki is meant to look plain. ONE could have drew her in what he feels attractiveness is, but he didn't. Murata turned her into a generic loli.
>You can tell he was trying to make her looking more proper in some shots of the MA arc.
She looked the same as she has for the rest of the series. In fact I'd say that's her at her "ugliest" since she's getting tired and angry.
Next year, 2 pages
I did something
Mob being a popular manga is why it got a series, ONE has a few other comics that haven't been adapted.
The One Punch Man Anime was a mistake.
The Murata Re-drawn manga was a bigger mistake.
After they took some magic mushwroom
Saitama and Genos got a giggle out of me
Maybe he'll just be pitch black like his shirt
I'm happy
>wahoo bling bling
I love the small details
well done
They should've actually found a team of madmen to do it this way. Someone has to break the mold of japanese animation. Lining up outliers like ONE and turning their work into yet another seinen is what kills anime. At least MP100 got it right most of the time.
Thanks guys, glad you liked it; I can't for the love of me decide on a resolution, I want the writings to be readable
Are people unironically comparing this to this ? Really?
I don't read OPM, but the latter looks better in every way imaginable. You have to be blind to not see this.
Style > quality.
Nigga, no. The first looks lazy, it could be be drawn by any talentless hack while the other one takes actual skill, talent and craft to pull off. I can only speak for myself, but I don't read manga/watch anime to see unappealing and ugly shit. The first panel just makes me want not to read that, it's disgusting
Thanks for spouting your opinion on why you think style isn't > quality.
>it is okay to be retarded if I explain it
Nope. I'm sorry but that is not how it works.
The second one has both.
For style to win over quality said style needs to have quality in the first place. Lazy/ugly art is bad no matter how much ''style'' it has. Second one has both style and quality. First one is just an ugly mess that you are calling it style to make it look less bad.
What a dreadful thread.
new chapter when?
Also, this is like
>Make a terrible drawing
>Call it your style
This is the reason modern art became crap
If Murata never redrew OPM, in all likelyhood ONE would have stopped making comics and you wouldn't have gotten anime neither for Mob nor OPM.
There's already large hiatuses between OPM and Mob chapter releases
>yeah Tatsumaki is meant to look plain
No, she isn't.
ONE outright said in interviews that he was at a bit of a crossroads and considering not drawing anymore when Murata contacted him.
The end made me giggle.
New chapter when???
>It's perfect for someone with no confidence like you.
Fuck that cuts deep.
That's Fubuki
Good, ONE designs are honestly shit. OPM anime was successful thanks to Murata and Mob flopped because he was not there to fix one scribbles.
>Someone has to break the mold of japanese animation
No, it does not. Not everything needs to be revolutionized or changed. Japanese animation looks good, it works the way it is and always did. Changing something that's working, is liked and proved itself to be successful in favor of another thing just for the sake of changing paradigms and breaking molds is stupid.
>Mob flopped
Did it though?
No shit. What do you think she is she saying, user? Who is she talking about?
>variety is bad
That's your point right now
She was referencing Tats abusing her throughout her childhood with monstrous psychic powers and psychopathic attitude, not that she won beauty contests in her stead, ya dingus
Not really. I'm just disagreeing on your stance that the mold of Japanese animation needs to be broke. If you want variety in terms of artstyle, we already have that with many outlier anime out there. Having variety and braking the mold as a whole are two very different things.
No, she's saying Tats outclasses her at everything, even looks, you goofball. Part of it could be argued to be due to her inferiority complex, but there's no doubt that Tats is a beauty.
>This art
How can people disagree that this look like garbage? It looks like was drawn by a westerner.
I think it IS bad, but it's got it's own charm. ONE makes up for it with his writing and composition.