Is Bokurano the best manga ever made?
No. But it is still very good.
Narutaru is better
The anime made me cry so much when I was younger that I dropped it twice.
So I wouldn't know.
Absolutely not. Worst ending I've ever seen.
Don't know about the manga, but the anime was so fucking good holy shit.
it's in my top 10, but i have a hard time getting myself to reread it.
anime is pretty terrible aside from the OP
manga ending? really?
Is the anime that much different?
It's pretty great. Sucks that Kitoh can't get any decent anime adaptions.
No. I enjoyed it but at the end of the day it's simply trying too hard to be tragic to be really great. You need some highs to balance your lows or it just feels repetitive.
Director hated the manga, ending is completely different
i dont think it was that much repetitive desu
i didnt type "desu"???
jesus christ leave
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
i am the OP...
overrated piece of shit imo. Having your work being dark bleak gritty or edgy doesn't make it even remotely "deep" or "realistic". He probably saw Eva dealing with characters' numerous issues and thought "hey why don't i just write something realy edgy and torture and kill my charatcers clearly this kind of thing is what made Eva so special right!" same goes for narutaru too btw.
tl;dr meaningless overrated torturerporn. But hey, you do you.
nice anime opening tho.
Uninstall, uninstall, kono hoshi no musu no chiri no hitotsu dato, ima no boku niwa rikai dekinai...
Yeah. It's a giant "Fuck you" which looks like author is just tired from manga and decided to end it fastest way possible.
>being this new
fuck off and lurk more like you're supposed to, retard
It felt repetitive, especially considering how many characters had badly broken home lives. It needed a few more stories like the brother saving the amusement park for his siblings. Too many of them just ended with "lol get fucked" which all paled in tragedy to the girl fucking her teacher despite that being like the fourth one we saw. The emotional roller coaster is just a drop followed by another series of smaller drops until you can't drop anymore.
i cried like 22 times
you should read narutaru
I did. And it has worst ending I've ever seen.
Narutaru was hot garbage. Bokurano at least had a plot that you could follow even if it was totally simplistic. Narutaru was entirely aimless and when it had to finally end it just straight ripped EoE as if that made any kind of sense or gave any kind of payoff for what had transpired over the course of the "story."
still better than most of other manga
at the end of a day both are garbage even if one stinks slightly less than the other.
The mecha designs in Bokurano are maybe it's most redeeming feature. They're all pretty visually interesting and unique which is nice to see and probably the high point of the whole thing.
read it another time, user
agree, they were rather interesting.
Also the whole multiverse thing was something that acualy made me feel the faint ghost of enjoyment from watching this series after almost dragging myself through the episodes up until that point.
still a waste of time if you ask me.
There was potential there but as I said earlier it's just too poorly executed to be anything more than somewhat enjoyable if you're a fan of weird mecha.
Kitoh should just do a story about Hitler Youth pilots flying He 162s in the closing days of WWII since he likes fighter jets, child soldiers, and bad ends for his characters so much.
Is that Samuri jack?
Idk I've never read all the manga ever made