Will she win the Umarubowl?
Kirie (Umaru) is CUTE!
She's cute when she's pissed
She won the me-bowl.
hell yea kirie bros
post yfw season 2
The Umarubowl? I thought that she was just friends with her. She wants to bang?
If so, then it's not much of a bowl. I don't think that anyone else likes Umaru like that.
Bomber points out that she doesn't have any friends. I thought that she was nervous because she doesn't want to come across as weird.
You guys should know
editor accepted Kirie's pictures book
and she literally cannot lose the Umarubowl, as there's nobody else in the running
Also the /our gal/bowl
I watched it for Kirie.
Getting some Bomber love into this thread.
Does she really like Umaru in that way?
>I don't think that anyone else likes Umaru like that.
There's TSF who's hot for UMR.
>Does she really like Umaru in that way?
>Bomber points out that she doesn't have any friends. I thought that she was nervous because she doesn't want to come across as weird.
Did you actually fucking watch the show? What the fuck do you think Valentine's Day cookies symbolize? BFF No Homo Friends Forever?
I missed this. When? Is this manga stuff?
>Does she really like Umaru in that way?
Isn't it obvious?
Anyone here watched the second OVA? There's a scene where the gangs goes swimming and Kirie gets pissed at men looking at Umaru's nugs.
>Did you actually fucking watch the show? What the fuck do you think Valentine's Day cookies symbolize? BFF No Homo Friends Forever?
Yes, you retard, I watched the show. Did you not realize that she could have made the cookies for her because she literally has no friends and wanted to give SOMETHING to SOMEONE?
She wants to give Umaru the D.
Kirie beats up idiots, user. Are you an idiot? You sound like an idiot.
Okay, let me ask you think, then. Do you think that Ebina likes Taihei or not?
I'm actually serious about this. She doesn't have any friends, and then she comes to admire Umaru because she's supposedly great and want to be her friend because she seems nice. The two become friends. It's easy enough to understand.
She's a nervous kid from the country with no family where she's at, and she's taken to calling him "onee-san" like he's her brother. I think that she likes to view him as a brother figure, but is afraid of coming across as clingy or weird.
She sure wants to fuck her onee-san.
...I'll be perfectly honest, I was expecting that you'd say "Yes". So you're really just that fucking dense.
I'll put you out of your misery, user: the manga explicitly depicts Kirie getting mad around Ebina because she thinks that Ebina's a rival for Umaru's affections. She actually cools down once she finds out that Ebina actually likes Taihei (yes, you flaming faggot, she likes Taihei), then straight up states that she likes Umaru as more than just a friend.
If that was too much for you: the manga straight up states that Kirie is romantically interested in Umaru.
The only way she doesn't win the Umarubowl is if Umaru turns out to be straight. Anything from there is literally nothing but guessing, as she hasn't displayed an interest in any type of romantic relationship in the story so far. (Like, she doesn't even play galgames. What the fuck kind of NEET doesn't play galgames?)
So, uh... I'd say GG, but you aren't even the hypocrite that I thought you were. You're just a super-dense idiot. I finished watching the show today and even I was able to figure this out. So... get a clue.
>the manga straight up states that Kirie is romantically interested in Umaru.
>straight up
Page or didn't happen.
Seconding You're fucking retarded if you think that Kirie would outright admit something like that to anyone.
>saucefags still exist
Eat your hearts out.
He didn't say she told anyone though. He just said manga tells it to reader which may be in a thought bubble or something.
>tvtropes is source
Post the actual manga page that tells us Kirie wants to fug the nug
>he built his entire case around one TV Tropes entry
Now look at his amazing source.
I don't need a source though. I believe it's pretty obvious that she wants to fug the nug. I just got curious when he said manga flat out says it, that's all.
Sorry, I kinda went full hyperbole there. She does not explicitly state it, per se. It is very clearly indicated in her interaction with Ebina, though.
>"TV Tropes is never right"
dumb barafag
Some of you are so fucking retarded, I swear. Please explain your brain damage.
>"TV Tropes is never right"
That's not the point. I don't have a problem with TV Tropes. It's just that you posting someone else's analysis as source was a bit ridiculous. Imagine me screencapping your post and showing it as source in the future.
Hi, Owlbro representative from /vp/ here. Simply put, indicates that at least one of them is a "barafag" or a "catfag". These fans of Incineroar are notorious for shitposting, inciting flame wars, and generally just exhibiting poor taste overall.
Just report and ignore.
I have no idea what this is about.
I was addressing the barafag in the second post, not you (assuming that you're not falseflagging).
But considering that point, I wouldn't say that this instance was really that ridiculous. If it were "analysis" (which is by definition subjective), that'd be more than a little problematic. However, the screencapped bit wasn't "perspective" or "analysis". It was a simple summarization of a happening in the manga. It's second-hand, sure, but there's nothing subjective about that.
congrats on your first post kiddo
I haven't visited that shitty board since 2013! You guys suck!!!
Post TSF instead.
delet this
Sylphin doesn't like girls. Kirie wins the Umarubowl.