Why is this show so overly edgy?

Why is this show so overly edgy?
I mean, i get that it started production in 2008 and all, but seriously?
its almost unbearable.

Tim Burton style aged like shit, personally I always found it edgy even back when it was cool.

Drop it if you don't like the aesthetic, stop whining to look cooo faggot

>stop whining to look cooo faggot
Never did though

spooky halloween stylistic choice. The actual story isn't that "edgy". I like it anyway.

Look at it as a aesthetic dont be a faggot.

>Why is this show so overly edgy?
Maybe watch past the first 5 minutes, faggot.

Maka was the only thing wrong with it though.

Well, i did only watch up to about 2 minutes past the into. But still. Didnt seem like it was going to change much.

Yes you did. Don't act stupid.

Waifufags would disagreed but Soul Eater is one of those shows were every other character is more interesting than the MC. The way the show keep pushing Maka into the spotlight just made things worst.

>making a thread to complain about an anime and you haven't even watched 5 minutes of it yet

>Soul Eater
>hasn't even gotten to Crona or Asura yet

A) you're an overly sensitive faggot, SE is practically a pure comedy series
B) Except it does get super edgy in lots of dumb ways so you can just as well drop it

Read the OP again.
>first line: Why is it so overly edgy?
Not whining. Simply asking a simple question.

>second line:I mean, i get that it started production in 2008 and all, but seriously?
By this, i mean that i understand part of why the show is as it is is due to popular culture around the time of it's airing, and ending the line with a continuation of the first question.

>third line: its almost unbearable.
I simply state that i am almost not able to watch the show due to my first impressions with it, not stating in any way that it is an objectively bad show.

Note that i didnt whine anywhere here. And for the purpose of making this post simpler to read, i have simply added spacing between sections of it. This does not in any way affiliate me with reddit.

It's just an aesthetic. It isn't really any more edgy than any other shonen action series.

holy shit, lurk for 2 years before posting again.

>implying i havent already

>literally so retarded you can't even take a screen shot correctly
>trying to pretend you have standards and are smart

Don't forget he apparently only watched 2 minutes

Lurk another 2 years because you clearly haven't lurked hard enough.

1. Literally nothing wrong with streaming when it's done from a good website
2. I just cropped out the watermark and the bar at the bottom. Nothing more.
3. When did i ever pretend to have standards or be smart?
I'll willingly admit that my taste in anime is shit, and that i might be just slightly retarded.
Dude, trust me. I've lurked so hard that even the most lurked lurkers wouldnt be able to call this simple "lurking".

>water mark
>good site
God damn, you're dumb.
No, there is a lot wrong with streaming, because you literally can't yield the same bit rate as playing it directly from your own PC. The site having water marks means it's bad.
When you made the previous two statements in your post.

Bitrate is literally a non problem though

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Hell, you're so stupid you literally can't even remember to punctuate consistently.

And yes, bit rate is what determines image quality. Streaming can not get anywhere near an actual video file.

haha lol no thats false because i say so

Is this a dubs thread?

You are trying hard bro.

I liked the style, wouldn't call it edgy. Also the animation and OST was a masterpiece.

I don't have to try hard in the slightest to make you look like a retard.

that style of story telling is the point

also edginess is only bad when it takes itself too seriously but this show dosent do that

anyway, im sure edgy is the new bait word of the year thats gonna piss people off for a long time until something else gets thrown around and misused

It's only edgy for those first few minutes.
>yfw Maka and Soul could have burst in sooner and stopped Jack the Ripper from ripping that one lady


It looks like a hallmark Halloween card. It's about as edgy as the charlie brown special

I miss Soul Eater's aesthetics. Also fuck'em for not giving us the last Mifune vs Black Star fight desu.





>Judging a show by its appearance alone

Wow, edgy. Soul Eater isn't very edgy storywise and is full of friendship, but has childlike halloween stylization.

So what's your case? Being a filthy casual? Reddit? Summer? Underage?

>I've lurked so hard that even the most lurked lurkers wouldnt be able to call this simple "lurking".
Its obviously that you haven't, please try to lurk 2 years more before posting.

You think Soul Eater is edgy? What the fuck?

What about these guys?

Oh this guy too He even did it after the post quote, must be a redditor

Soul Eater is better than most series from the genre and isn't that edgy. Also Asura is best boy.

Has a more summer thread ever been posted?

In his defense, there are series' where you can watch 5-10 minutes and decide whether you'll love, like, tolerate, or despise them.

How is spacing a quote reddit-tier? That's no different than deciding whether or not to sage.