Tfw isekai spends 10 text-heavy pages describing how the menu system works

>tfw isekai spends 10 text-heavy pages describing how the menu system works
Holy shit please stop, it literally doesn't matter in the slightest since the author has 0 intentions of following their own rules anyways.

Other urls found in this thread:

>the author has 0 intentions of following their own rules anyways.
really that's what I hate the most about this shit

if MC was restricted to the rules of the world people would probably like RPG mechanics more

this. Look at HxH, whose convoluted nen system is just glorified RPG mechanics. But no, every Isekai authors just had to go with the "kek jk, the Gary Stu character doesn't follow the rules of the world, fuck you readers" tired BS

The author does in fact stick with "their own rules". They just start off by giving the MC different rules from everyone else.

In the case of this story, I remember the WN was fucking boring as fuck, because it was 90% grinding in a dungeon, and the world literally being a video game.

>Not having faith on the author and simply shitpost before anything actually happens
Holy shit please stop, just drop it, you autist.

>tfw no multiplayer pvp isekai game with level, skill and evolution system

It's an isekai its garbage from the start it doesn't have to be tedious garbage.

Is there any rhyme or reason to tell us about how menu navigation works though?

>tfw no isekai without levels and skills or magic and all the combat is sword fights that only last a couple seconds


What is this? Google is being a bitch again and is not giving me results.

This particular series used the menu quite a lot, especially sense the MC has the ability to re-spec his character, and basically abuses that to do things normal people can't.

Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o

Infodump and exposition is literally the worst form of storytelling. It shows an inability of the writer to explain it organically through dialog or through appendixes.

I really dislike calls out the protagonist for not knowing basic shit about the world they end up in.
Not knowing and needing an explanation about the worlds experience system is the same as someone in our world not knowing what a car is. You can't just blow it off with "i'm from another country".

Forgot a "that no one" at the start

Isekai Meikyuu De Dorei Harem wo AKA Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World.

It's actually rather old and sort of the granddaddy of the current slave/harem isekai genre. Shield Hero, Death March, etc are all derivatives of it. Practically the only good reasons to read it at this point is to see where a lot of annoying tropes came from, and pafu pafu.

Yeah, the WN is pedantic as fuck about the rules. And now now, it's not 90% grinding in dungeons. It's 60% grinding in dungeons, 15% cooking, and 25% grinding his slaves.

There sort of is in the WN, the MC spends a lot of time trying to figure it out and running experiments. Doubt the manga will explain it very well though.

I read the chapter but I just didnt commit the name to memory. He steals some shoes, kills a bunch of bandits, only 2 few speak japanese,
I just want to put this in my bookmark.

>Isekai Meikyuu
tfw sauce is post right before your post.


>tfw no multiplayer pvp isekai game where the entire show is just people spamming and calling each other fags over voice chat

I'm more concerned of him talking to himself loudly.
Keep that shit to your mind, shit mc.

/tg/ loves the fuck out of that though.
They praise re:monster as the best fantasy and better than anything like berserk or gobslayer.

>he doesn't talk to himself
Pleb tier user detected.

>tfw no manga that follows an assassin who travels through dimensions, and has to figure out ways to kill Isekai protagonists through their bullshit gary stu plot armor

It's funny how so many nipponese isekai writers base the personalities of their characters on a sexual inferiority complex. A real man would just walk in, embaress them, and be like "hey y'all niggas wanna keep it down a bit? Imma grab a water k?" and then go hit up a bar.

Ouch, careful with that edge fag

That would be nice, but after a few cliché protag kill it would become fairly hard to imagine a good story

I'd fund it.
But to make it have wider appeal so it could sell more, make every isekai MC he assassinates a huge douche.

>They praise re:monster as the best fantasy and better than anything like berserk or gobslayer.
I haven't regularly browsed /tg/ for like 4 years, but Re:Monster seems way too magical realm for them to like.

What was the LN author going for with this? I don't get what I'm supposed to feel.

>tfw i could write a better story

>no manga
There's a WN with the same concept though. It was called "how to kill otherworld reincarnators" or something and it's about how a reincarnated guy with shapeshifting powers is asked by an Orc Queen to kill other reincarnators which he does by NTRing them out of their harems.

Something like that I think.

I've read both Death March and Shield Hero and I liked the last one the most because I was fooled with his good start.

I remember reading this one. I could deal with it being boring & cliche, but the writing was incredibly obnoxious.

Yeah, it was dogshit.

That's not true at all.
I'd say there are one ones in /tg/ who praise it and the rest who say its nothing special.

Really? last time I see Sup Forums discussing this, they say it was great.

I'd imagine you liked Shield Hero more because Death march is boring bland garbage and the MC has less personality than cardboard.

I've tried writing my own isekai a few times but I always end up dropping the isekai aspect because it detracts from the story.
Polite sage for blogshit.

They lied.
I was drawn in by the character design and basic premise, but it gets bad very fast and from what I've heard it only gets worse.


That's correct, but I got bored with Shield bro when they travel to that fucking island.
I might retake it when the anime airs.

>tfw i also made a plot based solely around something similar

>The manga just got to that point
O-oh... is it that bad?

>tfw you aren't yellow so your stories are worthless

That sounds amazing. To go from one world to another they have to get killed or commit suicide.

Of course, like with all concepts, this could probably go through 2-3 arcs before if goes off rails and gets stupid.

it's not bad, just a training arc I didn't bothered to end because nothing hsppened at all.

Can we take a moment to talk about how boring, shallow and uninspired most isekai protagonists are?

Haven't read many Isekais (dropped most of them) but the only decent ones are probably Naofumi (Shield Hero) and the MC from Mushoku Tensei.

Its completely stupid, the protagonist died a virgin.
God says you died too early ill revive you in a world with a cheat.
He asks to be handsome.
God says no can do
He asks for super heals so he can fuck hookers and not get stds
gets ported naked.
in jail meets a cute elf paladin, shes a super dike but a bro.

Meets the party of a knight, and 2 casters, then this happensHe says fuck it goes to bar
Orcs attack fucks up the orcs.
yada yada yada
misunderstanding with a noble and bar wench
Bar wench is a gold digging cunt that wants to marry a noble.
Noble is bro tier magician that wants to build space ships.
goes on adventures.
earns cash
doesnt fuck hookers like he planned
buys house
its haunted
the ghost is a loli alchemist
he exorcises it
finds out about a job curing the disease of a princess
needs dragon liver
goes to bro noble magician
they bro it \up
the orgy trio tag along
fights a flight of dragons
final boss ancient dragon
beats down dragon so much that it takes hostage
beats down dragon some more
Dragon bows
Hostage was blonde orgy girl
she falls in love
she wants his D
dude doesnt want used goods
several hundreds of chapters of bullshit like the one before
MC is rich
has a to beat off the fuckton of sluts that want his D, he doesnt want used goods
he is now a high class noble
most powerful caster in the world
has been getting pestered by the king to marry the princess he saved (princess got sick cause she is a huge slut)
he doesnt want any of that shit, he is going to find a nice pure virgin waifu
he trips falls down a well and dies from drowning.
God appears
you died too soon

Well what do you want then faglord?
edgy garbage like pic related?

One thing i have learnrf during my years here on Sup Forums is that you always have to enter threads and say something along the lines of "why doesn't MC in X series just do ______? is he braindead?" or something you think other people would dislike too if you are new to the threads.
If people overreact to your comment and start attacking you for opinion that you may or may not even agree with in the first place, you can assume they are tumblrtards that can't see past their Narutoheadbands to see their favorit series flaws.

Once you do this you can indentefy the threads with more sane people that isn't the general where all the avatarfags lurk.
I only needed to do this once with the SnK threads to determin they were dogshit.
You couldn't even count what i said as a critisicm of the series and they still chain replied to me in droves.

I like the one from Isekai Tensei Sudoku and a few others probably I can't think right now.

>he trips falls down a well and dies from drowning.
Tell me, is this an actual real or you're just making it up.
Because I don't know how to feel about it.

Kumo was pretty good, until she left the labyrinth, became a god and we got to see how much a super cunt she is.

>Shield Hero and Mushoku Tensei
pick one

The actual MC is Goblin Slayer is the priestess

Its real, it was the authors half sassed way of saving the heroine from being shat on by legions of readers.
She was fucking the knight dude, b ut only anal cause she is a noble and she needed to give the V Card to his husband, and was looking for a way to marry knight dude.

but then the MC saved her a bunch of times and she wanted him to marry her instead, he told her "lol no way fag" not into used goods.

Call me crazy, but level grinding for a hundred chapters was less interesting for me than what came after.

>but then the MC saved her a bunch of times and she wanted him to marry her instead, he told her "lol no way fag" not into used goods.
Fuck me that's gold.

I don't want edgy characters, but actually prefer a poorly written edgelord over the inoffensive generic "nice guy" protagonist. Just giving the main character a strong motivation makes them a cut above the rest, which says much about how low the bar really is.

>Mushoku Tensei
How's the novel for that? I tried reading the manga, but it's not a big deal. Having a generic motivation like "I want to live my life to the fullest" is almost as bad as having no motivation. at all.

i'm surprised people still believe this.

Im miss reading about the cute spooder trying to survive. I dont like reading about the Hypercunt she became and her endless keikakus with people she can erase at a moments notice.

Although the sideplot with the genderbent isekai friend interests me, but we only get one of those every 200 chapters or so.

The plot for Mushoku Tensei gets underway like 14 volumes in, I was actually enjoying the comfy lifestyle and im getting sick of this whole bullshit war that is going on between Hitogami and Orsted.

This is an anime forums so obviously people here are interested in stories that contain animesque characters, plots and settings.

Most of us probably don't even know where to start looking for amateur writing that isn't just fanfiction.

watching kumo having to interact with people when she's terrible at it is many times better

Has there ever been an isekai story that actually followed its own rules?

probably yes

>I'll need 「Money」 to live!
Is it true that everything looks cooler with Japanese quotation marks?

>He asks for super heals so he can fuck hookers and not get stds
>dude doesnt want used goods
Does he think hookers are pure girls, that only fuck one guy and then retire?

Has anyone read this? Came across it recently and enjoyed it, but don't think it merits a thread by itself.

Eliza manga when goddamn it
give me total war loli edition now japan

>Eliza manga
The Light Novel only barely started publication a little while ago. So not any time soon.

If you're willing to read fanfiction An American Geek in Halkegenia does it well.

If you're not then no, it never fucking happens because Isekai readers are dumbasses who like to jerk-it to their self inserts and harem "babes".

Kuro no Maou is best Isekai.

No video game mechanics.

Faraway paladin is kino and shouldn't be wasted in bait threads user.

Let me guess, did you read only the LN?

Never seen it hold a thread by itself so figured my best bet for any discussion or opinions would be posting it in an all-purpose isekai thread.

FUCK ME, i mean WN.

I thought this post was bait because that's like saying "the best protagonists in shounen are Naruto and Luffy".

I am aware the LN has some major changes (new characters) but I didnt bother to read the it because I was busy (programmer in a medium company) and wanted to read/watch new stuff with my free time.

How do we get braindead translators to stop translating poorly drawn drivel like and translate something of superior quality? I typeset/clean/redraw for a lot of translators and generally garbage like Atelier Tanaka and Dungeon Seeker isn't even suggested because we'd laugh at them for bringing up manga that's worse than middleschoolers draw.

Well, lets hope lil' dracul and co gets enough attention to win a manga adaptation
Pity only a handful of anons know about FP, shit is legit great.

I see, so you're a man of code as well

>How do we stop?
you post the porn pages user, you post the porn pages.

>dude that was translating release that witch will drop it for no reason at all

>will drop it for no reason at all

Im fairly certain he got to the part were it shat the bed, went off the rails and spirals into a garbage dump fire.

no nigga. i've checked the MLTL chapters and shit doesn't shit the bed until like chapter 700
he's dropping at 400-450, which is mostly backstory and roland doing science

Plenty of isekai follow their own rules.
They just establish a retarded rule set that gives MC an enormous advantage.

>Get ripped, and you can solve pretty much everything by force
Faraway Paladin is great.

clearly he read ahead and stopped giving a fuck then
its not like the guys reading as he translates

Actually he's dropping it cause his little patreon scam caught up with him and now he's on the run.

/tg/ here. We usually don't discuss that manga & there are people who criticize when we do. We usually talk shit about GS' worldbuilding, internal consistency & other things it fails at but Berserk is held really well. Some think of Guts as a lost primarch.

Reminder that we will never see Skull Knight & Void's backstory.

Reminder that /tg/ isekai > Sup Forums isekai

It got fully translated. Author apparently stopped working on it because he got complaints.
The part I liked was that the MC just assumes that he needs to make a different story for the girls and raise their prominence in the narrative so that the goddess will grow bored of the MC character and let him die. He literally just makes it up and starts acting like it's true and it just so happens to turn out that way.
So he NTRs the girls and turns them into his fuckbuddies. Most of the girls are harem cutouts so they have major issues, like the book girl never talks to anyone and won't write her fucking books so MC has to steal her fanfiction and publish it to "make her character grow".
I figure it was written by an older guy looking back at how immature these harem stories are, I thought the MC was great. At the time it ended MC trained up a minor villain to being a 'hero' but MC actually planned for the villain to die all along because he's a dick like that. And he NTR'd a genius loli and the most pure christian girl possible so if that gets you angry it isn't your thing.

>for no reason at all
Qidian ruins another series

Also RtW goes to shit eventually so be thankful the english TL is still in the good part

ya'll know the name of that one manga where all the heros talk about their trials and tribulations in a 2ch board?

>shit doesn't shit the bed until like chapter 700
Nigga pls. It shits the bed right around ch628-632, when roland fights zero.

Everything after that is almost a complete clusterfuck, especially the latest ~50 chapters have been WTF tier.

Yuusha Gojo Kumiai Kouryuugata Keijiban

Thanks user

>I need money to live
>as a skeleton he will literally be fine without money