ACE! ACE! Ping Pong music collection is out!
Shakunetsu no Takkyu Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 seeder
>3 completed
get it while it's hot
someone already made this torrent AND created this thread
>is the OST out?
>is the OST out?
>ACE! ACE! Ping Pong music collection is out!
>page 9
So it was just a meme afterall, whatever.
It's not exactly news.
That's a lot of music, thanks.
hoku hoku
Thanks to the user that seeded this last night. The OST did not disappoint although most of the good stuff were already available imo. Still feels nice to finally have the complete soundtrack.
Best character song
Sorry guys, wrong picture.
Sane people like everyone (except Kuma) got their copy early from Mashin
>except Kuma
Fight me.
no thanks
Ace is the past
Hoku is the future
Obviously. Hoku won, but Ace won't.
Good Jobber
Someone post the Spurdo edit.
Well that was fast.
What the fuck happens now?
We die
Someone post captain.
She's way too boring though.
fuck you
>all those "dess dess" in Bestie Storm
I love it
Our mission is complete.
I'm glad Kumami is finally defeated.
My mission starts now.
Can an Ace's work ever truly be done?
Can one truly be said to be on the top if one is not challenged constantly?
But the only time Ace was on top was when nobody was there to challenge her out of pity or sickness.
We still need S2.
Posting the 4koma specials from the volume extra pages.
Loli senpai a best.
And that's it for this week. We'll try to have the new chapter out next week.
What a cutie.
Thanks for the translations fampai
NTR!? Joking, thanks.
Holy shit, Kururi is cute.
Every thread until I win nationals.
Best most things.
Thank you, you are the one keeping this alive. I just hope for a second season.
Thanks, you're a hero.
Hoku really is magical.
Which track is she listening to?
>dominant breast
looks like she leads with the right boob
>this whole panel
Aim for the Top↑↑↑
Is Kumami the biggest ACEfag that exists?
I don't know, is ACE the biggest Kumamifag that exists?
ACE only loves ACE
>Thanks to the user that seeded this last night
Can a dog beat a bear?
>acquire cute gf
>don't take care of her and focus on pongpong
ACE is heartless. Kumami's one-sided tough love will solve that.
>hokuhoku has high body temperature
Is that why we can always see Hokuhoku's breath? Wonder why she needs a scarf then.
It can happen:
No, but a dog can cuck a bear
Ace is aiming for the top. She's got no time for love.
>She's got no time for love.
Kuma will make her an offer she can't refuse.
>implying ACE ever loved or liked her
Its Kumami who is obsessed with A-chan, not the other way around
What a qt
Theme song on helium
There are so many cute background girls.
me on the bottom row, inner right
I don't remember Zakuro being cute.
That's why she needs fixing. Once Ace learns about the power of love, she'll be a better person.
Poor hoku.
Kyaputen has the best hair.
Season 2 OST when?
BDs when?
>mfw listening to Smile@Wind right now
It's dokidoki training time