Wait a minute...that mask...is he...?
Wait a minute...that mask...is he...?
Other urls found in this thread:
Spell Kakashi backwards and say it out loud.
Get everyone on board. I'll call it in
If I pull that mask off, will he die?
Mongolian Beef !!
Thanks for the tip Naruto!
It would be extremely painful
Shish kebab
Shawshank Redemption
Stop ban evading, Narutard
Finally someone with some class
>implying he doesn't evade bans
Welcome back, newfag
Fuck off you ban evading newfag Narutard.
Nice meme
kill your're self and learn to use catalog AND filters you dumb weaboo neet virgin with aids
Fuck off back to newfag Narutard
hey esl lolicon crying about naruto in order to fit in, can you at least sage my thread if you want it to die so badly
Go back to your DBS thread already
Fuck off back to your reddit shithole, narutard.
Sup Forums is for 18+, underaged Narutard. Stop ban evading and handle your ban like a good boy would.
There's a reason mods banned you yesterday and deleted your shit thread.
>he's pretending the several threads that reached the bump limit don't exist
Is this a good method to get info from a war criminal?
What are they going to do with her?
Do a research about gozu tennou for scientific reasons.
What kind of tool is that?
It's exactly what you thing it is.