What is the most American anime?
What is the most American anime?
Avatar the Last Airbender
Black Lagoon
Samurai Jack
Iowa's Bizarre Adventure part 2: Burger Tendancy
Cory in the House
Megas XLR
any of their versions of stuff like Blade or Wolverine
they all suck,btw
Not a real anime
I'd watch it though
Batman: Gotham Knight
Kekkai sensen
complete with a burger based episode
Is there a "Big Trouble In Little China" type anime where there's a big, dumb, loud, aggressive American who's the ostensibly the protagonist, but actually his quiet, polite Japanese "sidekick" does all the work and solves all the problems?
If not, there should be. That would be a lot of fun and the Japs could have a lot of good jokes.
Mad Bull
fuck off smelly brazillian
Tiger and Bunny
Eyeshield 21 might have a mostly Japanese cast of characters, but it's at least based on an American sport. And it has less Japanese cringey moments than most manga.
When I read it I just pretend they're all American anyway, since there's no way they Japanese actually care that much about football
Afro Samurai
4kids adaptations.
Little Women
a moe anime about girls during civil war, based on a light novel by May Alcott
Inferno Cop?
The art style is literally western comic book.
Panty and Stocking since it's basically an American cartoon. It's set in a generic American town, the English dub is better than the Japanese, the sense of humor is distinctly American, etc.
>AMWF couple
That's not even remotely realistic. That couple pairing with Monica drooling over Kai's cock was off-putting.
Outlaw Star
>big titty loving
>lots of drinking
>lots of eating
>lots of guns
>everything is over the top
>got people of a few different races because muh diversity
Thats not how BTILC worked at all egg shen
Man i loved that poirot and mrs marple anime.
Animation quality is too good to be American.
Only one correct answer. It even ends with the standard cliffhanger for new seasons that will never come.
l liked how in 90s animation and vidya all citys scapes looked like newyork.
Its either that , az desert landscape, or suburbia 90s in southern CA.
One of the few great dubs
Avatar The Last Airbender since it was made in America.
It has amazing writing, characters, and most of all animation that are all bettee then their Japanese counterparts
>Gunsmith Cats (Guns, Gun smuggling, Police drama, set in Chicago, driving cars)
>High School of the Dead (zombieshit)
>Kekkai Sensen (set in not!NYC)
>Pyscho Pass (Police Drama)
>Tiger and Bunny
>Desert Punk
nothing more American than meddling in Japans idol elections.
Tiger and Bunny is one of the most "American" anime i've seen.
New York setting
Superheroes are nothing but adspace controlled by oligrachs/big companies
The Boondocks
Baccano takes place entirely in the US, with the exception of a flashback sequence on a European ship (which is heading to the US anyway). Most of the characters are American as well.
garbage-tier /k/-bait != american
>gun girls can see the "tank" girl if they squint hard enough.
>no sign of 50 cal machine gun girl on that same tank.
Yugioh, the abrigated series
king of the hill
Heavy Object
Did you know there's actually a "manga" prequel to the shitty movie in the same style as the movie? Why anyone would do that is beyond me.
O Hail! Liberty bell! True freedom for all men
Armored Trooper Votoms
How many WMAF couples are there in anime? No "they're actually 1/2 Japanese" shit
Wasn't GI Joe done by Pierrot?