Friendly reminder that Sumire is beautiful.
Other urls found in this thread:
Sumire needs to stick around and win Boruto
>no hanabi
shit poll
Who is Sarada???
Not Boruto's future wife, and that's all that matters
Sumire a cute, Sumire a best. How can anyone be this best?
It's impossible, Sumire's been destined by Lord Hiashi's keikaku to be the best
>How can anyone be this best?
They can't
Was the mother aware of the keikaku?
I'm not sure but Sumire, Denki, and Iwabe got added to the main site and I don't remember them being there when I checked earlier in the series. Does that mean we'll keep seeing them?
(also once again Denki, Iwabe, and Metal are grouped together)
Great! More hints towards her staying. Next episode is when they form the teams right?
Her mother created her own keikaku so Sumire will go to Leaf and met Boruto instead of just hiding forever. She sacrificed her life for BoruSumi like Neji did for NaruHina.
Lowkey I want Sumire and Boruto to get together because I'm Naruhina trash
Oh tumblr, last thread was great without you, why must you come back?
Is this bait? is that you, pinkshit?
>pinkshit falseflagging
Shanoa 2.0 is the best thing to come out of Boruto.
Shame the other characters are just Naruto 2.0, Shikamaru 2.0, Rock Lee 2.0, etc.
She'll obviously hook up with Inojin.
Post cute/lewd hawawas.
I will give Boruto the benefit of the doubt. At least anime Boruto seems more talented and interesting than Naruto. So here I am hoping that he will eventually resolve his problems realistically. At least against Kawaki he seems like he won't try to argue pointlessly and will proceed to stop him by force.
>Shame the other characters are just Naruto 2.0, Shikamaru 2.0, Rock Lee 2.0, etc.
You say that but only the ones you mentioned bare resemblance to only one parent.
Sarada, ChouChou, and Inojin are perfect mixes of their parents with their own personality quirks.
Mitsuki is a literal clone of Orochimaru but he only has his snake eyes in common with him.
Not to mention the other 4 kids in the recurring cast that aren't related to anyone from Naruto.
Just watched Boruto movie damn it was corny as shit but enjoyed it.
What was Sup Forums opinion on it? Also why Inojin is so moe?
Sup Forums liked it.
Watch the anime. It's an improvement in many ways. Boruto isn't a little bitch here for starters.
Can't wait for her to inevitably become wallpaper and irrelevant since her arc's done.
NO you do not lewd the hawawa
What's a Boruto thread without my two favorite retards? Boardculturefag and you, Sakurafag
Too late.
Hi, Sarada
>tfw Sumirefags will be BTFO in 15 years time
Can't fucking wait
Post more.
Sumire is for handholding and headpats. Stop this!
Doujins when?
>mfw she is gonna die in Kawaki attack
>NaruHina fags falling for Mah parallels
You are going to make me cry user
Sakurafag, please
>implying he doesn't do the same with BoruSara
not even close baby
I didn't know Sup Forums had this much good taste
Uchihas are shit
Friendly reminder Sayonara purpleshit.
Do they look cute together?
you tell me
That's Cyanshit.
9 or 10 years old.
She´s pretty hot.
When is this little ninja going to get a tramp stamp and pussy tattooo?
>Makes the perfect Naruto design
>Never uses it again
What did Kishi mean by this?
Depends on the circumstances I guess
She is like (middleschool) right now.
Boroman at that time would allegedly lose his waifu candidate if that happened, unless some asspull was so strong that assholes will prolapse from the bullshit that would come out later.
Sage Mode was still pretty cool but was outmemed by Fox Mode for the short time it lasted.
>tfw i never fell for the Loli meme until Sumire
now we wait for more Himawari lewds. wonder howit feels inside them.
Tight, wet and warm.
>Himawari lewds
This. Sumire is the first loli I have ever actually fallen for.
She has shown me the light
Chocho is fine 2.
she's not a loli except in for the age
How is she not a loli?
Flat boom! Age Yup! Sexy 100%!
I don't think Sumire has even been mentioned in the manga has she? I'm worried they will write her out forever in the next episode or two.
Wait, until she gets slim.
>ywn taste her cute cuny butthole
Well of course they haven't mentioned her. That would have spoiled the entire arc.
didnt feel for the Loli meme till Himawari but thats was a while ago. Pic related in particular sent me into the abyss, since theres not much of Hima atm(although shes gotten some recently) Salad(mostly), pt1 Hinata and Sakura has sated me for the last 2/3 years.
Sumire however replaced her them recently.
Sumire got added to the list of characters on the official Boruto site
The true winner of the burritobowl. Hopefully, she doesn't eat him.
Well it was good while it lasted.
They showed her far too much in the new ep for that to be the case
My favorite so far:
Inojin a best and should win the burrito bowl. Purple and saladshit need to gtfo
What is this "cunny" shit?
if she is permanent cast (and that's 99.99% certain), she certainly couldn't have been shown yet without spoiling, at the very least, that she survived the Nue dimension.
>You'll never fill Chocho with your seed.
When she gets that sick ass awakening she's going to be the most attractive naruto character.
a Sup Forums meme
I want to gently hold her folds while i slowly pupp her full of my warm seed. Then cuddle with her while still inside and go to sleep.
Hima got some good lewds recently, 2 explicit
to post here even whilst cropping.
>Ino was the best looking girl of her gen and now chochou is the best looking girl of the new gen
My dick is not prepared for the inevitable qt Nara grill
It's shitty terminology that's right up there along with "____pussy" on the list of shit that pisses me off.
>Shipping her with anyone but Salad
Fuck off
Why would they introduce her when nobody knows who she is?
I don't know why people get so worked up over this when all of the characters from the first arc can be added in the story at anytime by saying they were there the whole time during the Chunin exams and you just didn't see them (that's actually Karin's backstory from the original series).
Chouchou is probably Sarada's only reasonable choice if Sumire gets the Burrito stand. What other character is Sarada close with within her age group?
Any good fanart of Sumire after the timeskip?
>Implying Mitsuki isn't going to get with Salad
Orochimaru is going to win again.
It would make sense for her and Inojin to be close but in Kishi's world girls and boys can't be friends at all.
Mitsuki isn't straight, though.
There can't be romance inside Ino-Shika-Cho. It would break the continuity.