Why does he hate other vampires so much Sup Forums?

Why does he hate other vampires so much Sup Forums?

a). He doesn't hate them, he just obsessively wants to be kill by a human and they're interfering with that.
b). He's possibly the progenitor of all of those in existence.

Take your pick.

Vampires are assholes. Even to other vampires.

Typical father figure.

He seems to hate himself for what he became most of all, his preference of humans over monsters stems from that.

He doesn't really hate vampires, just phony nazi science vampires who pretend they're hot shit and then freak out when they face a real one. He also feels that the only people actually capable of killing him are humans who don't give up on being humans.

He hates all monsters including himself. He's basically in full agreement with Alexander Anderson, which is why he wants Anderson to defeat him.

He hates fags that willingly become vampires, people who are forced into it from circumstances don't have his contempt.

They Sink

How did Van Helsing do it?

The same reason Sup Forums hates other anime websites.

oldfag hating newfags

Then why does he turn Seras?

He hates their weakness and inability to become true vampires. Seras is an exception, because she's his protege and he seems to think she has potential to become the next top vamp.

It was either that or death. Not much of a choice to make.

Because Alucard is a poorly written hypocrite

>Oh Ill turn the entire country red with armies of undead minions and be generally unkillable but don't get scared and do something desperate to stop me after I drive you into a corner

Isn't he just insane? He's basically an eldritch horror that chooses to masquerade as a human until he gets his bloodlust boner going.

She was killed by him while facing down a low level mook vampire. He could have EASILY saved her without putting a whole in her lung via some combination of teleportation, hypnosis, telekensis or just generally being a good shot and blasting the head of the guy who was like a foot taller than her

What are you talking about that was his goal all along. He's a character who knows he's evil and actively seeks to be killed, but not death. It's not hypocrisy it's just a well written character that forces the reader the philosophize a bit..

Yeah, but he's a dick so he didn't.

Nigger is fucking strong

>It's not hypocrisy it's just a well written character that forces the reader the philosophize a bit..

It is when any SANE person realizes that a HUMAN can't kill a monster as "bad ass" as Alucard.

Even when Van Hellsing did it, it was against a much weaker Dracula and it didn't take then.

Humanity and pride aside there's only so much a human can actually do when faced with a terror like that so no it does not gel when Alucard screams about how strong humanity is while doing the shit he does

He's not a superhero. Saving her was pretty much a whim. Anyways, it was a pilot chapter so don't put it under the microscope so much.

Alucard wasn't so powerful back then and didn't have a city worth of blood at his disposal

nigga all you have to do is hurt his feelings to get him to break down thenstab him the right place. Rinse and repeat if he has body doubles or whatever

He doesn't. He hates vampires created by science that aren't actually vampires. Or even very strong, in comparison. Also, they're all smug as shit ala the Valentine Bros. "IM HERE TO FIGHT ALUCARD CUS IM SUCH A GOOD AWESOME VAMPIRE"

Plus if we're going by the book it was a rich Texan with an awesome knife who did the real work

He knows he can be defeated by humans and thus he tries to be. It's all tied to the fact that he was himself a human that turned himself into a monster through shear will alone. He figures "If I became this powerful, why can't these fools?".

Can we take a moment to acknowledge how bad ass Abraham, Harker, Morris, Steward and Holmwood must have been to defeat Alucard at his prime

if we go by the novels, by sheer force of will, grit and a big ass bowie knife

You say he wasn't powerful, but why would he make a point to say that he fought with his entire soul if it wasn't to demonstrate how powerful his opponents were?

That's well and good when but when anyone sees a literal army run out of his ass they're not going think "Yeah all I have to do is believe in humanity to win" they're going to think "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!"

he just disregards Harker because Harker tried to counter cuck him

Unleashing the army just makes his base form weaker though. They're all just parts that total a sum.

That's the entire point. HE turned desperate and did something horrible to win. He hates himself for it, and don't wants others to do the same thing.

Okay see I think there's a key factor you're not getting.

I KNOW THAT. YOU KNOW THAT. ALUCARD KNOWS THAT! But the people fighting Alucard? THEY DON'T KNOW THAT! They just see a literal hell eruption and then crap themselves.

Why won't Kouta Hirano finish The Dawn already? Drifters has gotten so boring.

Not Anderson and Iscariot, the crazy fucks charged at the army head on

Van Hellsing would be proud

>But the people fighting Alucard? THEY DON'T KNOW THAT!
Obviously those people aren't gonna ever be able to beat him. He doesn't care about fighting obviously weaker foes either.
>acts like a powermad villain
>thinks like a samurai looking to die

It's confusing I know, but he's lost so much of his humanity that his actions are inherently confusing. His self-preservation instincts, his thirst for blood, his inhuman conditions, all these things factor into his behavior but are detached from his core philosophy.

They just know they have to fight him not how to kill him

Fuck Alucard, he's a castlevaina tier dracula that demands that a human must kill him while being in a world in which no baseline human can dream of touching him while he fights as a literal demon from hell. Anderson should have won and let the rest of the priests put him down. He's a self-righteous faggot who wants to die but lacks the constitution for suicide or to fight in a way that could actually put him at risk.

There's no trick. You just gotta kill him millions and millions of times until it sticks. A couple atom bombs would probably wipe out all the lifeforce he has inside of him.

Van Hellsing forever ruined Alucard, he keeps looking for the high of a defeat by a mortal like the first time he was defeated by Hellsing

>lacks the constitution for suicide
Aka his character setting.
>fight in a way that could actually put him at risk.
Releasing that army made him at his most vulnerable. Usually his coffin contains all that power in case he gets fucked up in the field. Now there's no backup.

>Releasing that army made him at his most vulnerable

And nobody else knows that. He doesn't say HEY IM KILLABLE NOW he says vague shit like ONLY HUMANS CAN KILL MONSTERS so of course people are still going to act desperate. This isn't hard. His opponents don't get reader knowledge. It doesn't matter if he's vulnerable if everyone still thinks he's invincible

That's their fault for being lazy dummies. The solution is simple: just keep killing him. But everybody just /gives up/ after the first hundred times. Alucard's big thing is that /never giving up/ the only reason he's alive (undead) today. He wants to see if another human can demonstrate that same force of will in the face of hopelessness.

Wouldn't you just like. Die. After killing him a few hundred times? Humans gotta sleep and eat.

>at his prime
Alucard is not a washed up vampire, the more he eats the more powerful he becomes. If they were fighting Schrodinger Alucard they would be destroyed.

>Schrodinger Alucard
He's not even immortal anymore, but eternal. As long as he can recognize himself he'll exist. Nigga gonna outlast the sun.

So he just keeps getting stronger? so what would happen when humanity goes into space and he starts absorbing the souls across space?

the millions of souls that make him will go into the trillions

I don't think he can absorb souls without risking losing his identity.

He cant absorb more souls or he loses his identity.

I like to think its a Planescape: Torment kind of situation.
Alucard can be convinced to stop existing, and so he will eventually. It would required getting rid of everything he has left: Seras and Integra
Also some exorcism ritual able to split Schrodinger souls out of alucard or any other sort of soul manipulation power would result in him alone.

Both Walter and Anderson knew. Anderson even comments on it by staying that at that moment he was only a single Dracula. They just fucked up fighting him by becoming monsters themselves. It was an attempt to tip the scales but all it did was ensure that Alucard would not wish to die by their hand.

I'm pretty sure he was just kind of lonely. He doesn't seem to hate vampires so much as hate the type of people who are willing to go full monster for power or think they are hot shit for being one.

That won't stop him from changing people on a whim.

Dracula is actually a bro to everyone that's on his side.

>Alucard can be convinced to stop existing
I'm not sure. Maybe a few thousand years after the last person stopped existing, I could see that.
>Also some exorcism ritual able to split Schrodinger souls out of alucard or any other sort of soul manipulation power would result in him alone.
As I understand it Alucard is once again flying solo. He had to kill every single person kicking around inside him again (while in some kind of nebulous nowhere dimension).
He's a single person again. Now whether that means his power level has dropped or not, the reader isn't privy.

You just don't fuck with a guy called Van Helsing.

He had help from 3 other guys.
Just imagine 4 dudes as strong as Anderson.

>Now whether that means his power level has dropped or not, the reader isn't privy.

Honestly that's kind of a question for the entire show. Was Alucard as powerful as he was because he had millions of souls in him? Or does the have millions of souls in him because he was so powerful?

>Schrodinger Alucard

He is kind of really unfair. He could decide to be in the Andromeda galaxy if he wanted. Or inside their mind. Or inside their body. They would have lost simply because they couldn't have ever contained him and he can just come back from anything.

Was he losing his souls when he was ripped apart? Or is it just that he has so many souls in him that at this point he can just pull himself back from near nothing.

Dracula was fine until they killed his girl.

>Honestly that's kind of a question for the entire show. Was Alucard as powerful as he was because he had millions of souls in him? Or does the have millions of souls in him because he was so powerful?
Yeah, I mean drinking blood on the ground before being executed would technically give him the lifeforce of 2 people, which I think would still be btfo by a headsman's axe. Victoria was strong without taking any souls, but that was because Alucard turned her and Alucard already had millions of souls inside him.

they did not know he would throw a tantrum if they came at him as anything but human and it's still beyond the point. Anyone who fights him wouldn't take his sadness into consideration because he's not only beyond sympathy it's fucking retarded

Generally in fights people don't know what their opponents will do beforehand. That's how fighting works.

Yes and expecting people to come at a monster without some kind of trump card is fucking moronic.

Alucard likes to murder and kill and laugh maniacally as bodies rain around him by the hundred but heaven forbid someone go to extremes to stop him.

He's constantly causing the same desperation that lead to his fall in the first place but he either doesn't realize it or doesn't care, instead expecting people to be held to a different standard

>He's possibly the progenitor of all of those in existence.
The priest was had no sire, and the major wouldn't have had one either.

well aren't they mostly nobles? when have you ever seen a noble not being a dick?

>Alucard likes to murder and kill and laugh maniacally as bodies rain around him by the hundred
pretty sure thats a tfs thing.

the fuck's a TFS? He's constantly murdering fucks for shits and giggles.

He sets a high standard for himself and when other people fail to meet that standard he hates them.

But vampires are fundamentally the same creatures as Alucard, with the same life functions. Whereas Anderson and Major are a different breed of monster.

By priest I mean this guy, and the major had the opportunity to become a legitimate vampire, in parallel to Vlad, but turned it down.

have you ever played in an MMO where the top tier characters go into the lowest possible tier zones in pvp servers and just wreck everyone because they can? Alucard.

Like in any good folk tale, he tricked him.
It's the only way to beat monsters.

I didn't watch Ultimate. Hardcore manga fag. I'll take your word for it I guess.

That's what I loved about this show

We're shown time and time again that alucard absolutly cannot be defeated and only gives his enemies the impression that he's been beaten simply because he likes to fuck with them, we see him fucking up other OP guys grinning all the while

And yet the story tells us that he had been beaten once by van helsing and we never see how or why

What kind of a badass was THAT guy

Well, THAT guy and his 3 buddies who were about as strong as him. Alucard never got beaten 1v1.

well some anons have said dracula wasnt as strong as he is now mainly because when they beat and took him in they beefed him up and that's kind how he became an eldritch abomination

Yep, van Helsing gave Alucard more dark magic (which in turn also bound him to the bloodline). Hence why he has to get permission from Integra to use the different levels.

was this actually shown or said? cause I honestly don't remember, I always assumed he was their pet because of a gentleman's agreement when he lost. and if that's the case couldn't they just have buffed themselves up too? or it would have been a whole thing of impure humans? cause theres anderson

Did Kouta Hirano say that? If so damn, that kinda ruins a huge part of the story for me. I always assumed he served the Helsing family because of his profound respect for the person who was able to best him, and because he's bored with life and decided to do some master/servant roleplay for a couple generations. I thought he served Integra and the rest of his own free will, because of a line he walked between liking them and being bored. And he's also able kill a lot, legally, by working for them.

no, pretty sure theres nothing stopping him from actually leaving or whatever he still has free will, he jsut won't be able to be able to use the level ups without thier permission

I prefer this as well

>The events of Abraham's life after defeating Dracula are unknown, but it is commonly known that he began research to tame his one-time enemy. Through science and possibly some form of sorcery, Van Helsing succeeded at his task and turned the once proud Count into a servant whom his family would later re-dub Alucard.

I'm rationalizing this passage as "what history thinks" (that Alucard is a mindless killing machine that would never willingly serve a human so magic and science were the only way), and not what actually happened.

>Alucard is once again flying solo.
No, he left Schrodinger. The scan even says that he killed them all except for one.

He left one soul. Schrodinger's.
Otherwise he wouldnt have his power.

Himself. The page loses a lot of impact otherwise.

Kinda both.
There was a seal forcing him, but he seemed to enjoy the dynamic. Specially with Integra. There was a LOT more shipping of those 2 in the manga.

Its implied that she and seras are the only people really keeping him going. There was a user that did a good explanation a few months ago. Will search it in the archives, but it goes along the line:
>Vlad lost his army, his kingdom, and his faith. That was his first defeat. He took vampyrism with that.
>Dracula lost Mina, the only love he had in centuries. Thats how he lost to Van Helsing. He was demoralized. He is fatalistic and depressed. Remember that in the Anderson fight, he still had power to keep fighting, but had given up till Seras helped him up.
>Finally in the last episode Alucard "died" to the Major plan, but this time he had 2 people by his side, one even begging him not to die. This gave him the will force to push through whatever madness the Schrodinger paradox sealed him.

Found it, it wasnt that hard.

I suppose if the seal was really making him servile he'd just fuck them all up as soon as they do a full release.
There's a lot of good doujin of Alucard fucking(raping) teenage/loli Integra too. Untranslated unfortunately.

Not really, it wouldn't make sense if he has Schrodinger power when he killed his/her? soul.

How would Schrodinger be able to recognize himself if he wasn't bodysharing with Alucard? The major says Schrodinger "dissolved" into Alucard.

Same way Pip still able to recognize himself inside seras.

As long as the number of souls inside a body is small enough, each souls still able to recognize itself.

I find it hard to imagine Alucard accepting that kind of duality with such a douchey character.

He probably beats Schrodinger soul everyday and rapes it before sleep.

Just like Seras and Pip.

That's the impostor that stole the name from pic related.

Seras is a virgin! She doesn't allow penetration because then it would make daddy Alucard dislike the taste of her blood!

>Literally has a man inside her 24/7 for the last 30 years.

That priest was in the manga, too.